- the act of performing; of doing something successfully; using knowledge as distinguished from merely possessing it; "they criticised his performance as mayor"; "experience generally improves performance" (同)execution, carrying out, carrying into action
- any recognized accomplishment; "they admired his performance under stress"; "when Roger Maris powered four home runs in one game his performance merits awe"
- the act of presenting a play or a piece of music or other entertainment; "we congratulated him on his performance at the rehearsal"; "an inspired performance of Mozarts C minor concerto"
- a dramatic or musical entertainment; "they listened to ten different performances"; "the play ran for 100 performances"; "the frequent performances of the symphony testify to its popularity" (同)public presentation
- the relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society; "he had the status of a minor"; "the novel attained the status of a classic"; "atheists do not enjoy a favorable position in American life" (同)position
- 〈U〉(…の)『遂行』,実行,履行《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(劇・音楽などの)『公演』,上演,演奏《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉〈U〉(人の)腕前;(機械の)性能 / 〈C〉(…の)(すぐれた)成果,業績《+『of』+『名』》
- 〈C〉〈U〉『地位』,身分;資格 / 〈U〉高い地位, / 〈C〉『状態』,事態
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In medicine (oncology and other fields), performance status is an attempt to quantify cancer patients' general well-being and activities of daily life. This measure is used to determine whether they can receive chemotherapy, whether dose adjustment is necessary, and as a measure for the required intensity of palliative care. It is also used in oncological randomized controlled trials as a measure of quality of life.
- 1 Scoring systems
- 1.1 Karnofsky scoring
- 1.2 ECOG/WHO/Zubrod score
- 1.3 Lansky score
- 2 Comparison
- 3 References
- 4 External links
Scoring systems
There are various scoring systems. The most generally used are the Karnofsky score and the Zubrod score, the latter being used in publications by the WHO. For children, the Lansky score is used. Another common system is the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) system.
Parallel scoring systems include the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) score, which has been incorporated as the fifth axis of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of psychiatry.
Karnofsky scoring
The Karnofsky score runs from 100 to 0, where 100 is "perfect" health and 0 is death. Practitioners occasionally assign performance scores in between standard intervals of 10. This scoring system is named after Dr. David A. Karnofsky, who described the scale with Dr. Joseph H. Burchenal in 1949. [1] The primary purpose of its development was to allow physicians to evaluate a patient's ability to survive chemotherapy for cancer.
- 100 - Normal; no complaints; no evidence of disease.
- 90 - Able to carry on normal activity; minor signs or symptoms of disease.
- 80 - Normal activity with effort; some signs or symptoms of disease.
- 70 - Cares for self; unable to carry on normal activity or to do active work.
- 60 - Requires occasional assistance, but is able to care for most of his personal needs.
- 50 - Requires considerable assistance and frequent medical care.
- 40 - Disabled; requires special care and assistance.
- 30 - Severely disabled; hospital admission is indicated although death not imminent.
- 20 - Very sick; hospital admission necessary; active supportive treatment necessary.
- 10 - Moribund; fatal processes progressing rapidly.
- 0 - Dead
ECOG/WHO/Zubrod score
The Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) score (published by Oken et al. in 1982), also called the WHO or Zubrod score (after C. Gordon Zubrod), runs from 0 to 5, with 0 denoting perfect health and 5 death:[2] Its advantage over the Karnofsky scale lies in its simplicity.
- 0 – Asymptomatic (Fully active, able to carry on all predisease activities without restriction)
- 1 – Symptomatic but completely ambulatory (Restricted in physically strenuous activity but ambulatory and able to carry out work of a light or sedentary nature. For example, light housework, office work)
- 2 – Symptomatic, <50% in bed during the day (Ambulatory and capable of all self care but unable to carry out any work activities. Up and about more than 50% of waking hours)
- 3 – Symptomatic, >50% in bed, but not bedbound (Capable of only limited self-care, confined to bed or chair 50% or more of waking hours)
- 4 – Bedbound (Completely disabled. Cannot carry on any self-care. Totally confined to bed or chair)
- 5 – Death
Lansky score
Children, who might have more trouble expressing their experienced quality of life, require a somewhat more observational scoring system suggested and validated by Lansky et al. in 1987:[3]
- 100 – fully active, normal
- 90 – minor restrictions in strenuous physical activity
- 80 – active, but gets tired more quickly
- 70 – greater restriction of play and less time spent in play activity
- 60 – up and around, but active play minimal; keeps busy by being involved in quieter activities
- 50 – lying around much of the day, but gets dressed; no active playing participates in all quiet play and activities
- 40 – mainly in bed; participates in quiet activities
- 30 – bedbound; needing assistance even for quiet play
- 20 – sleeping often; play entirely limited to very passive activities
- 10 – doesn't play; does not get out of bed
- 0 – unresponsive
A translation between the Zubrod and Karnofsky scales that works especially well for healthy patients has been validated in a large sample of lung cancer patients:[4]
- Zubrod 0-1 equals Karnofsky 80-100
- Zubrod 2 equals Karnofsky 60-70
- Zubrod 3-4 equals Karnofsky 10-50
- ^ Karnofsky DA Burchenal JH. (1949). "The Clinical Evaluation of Chemotherapeutic Agents in Cancer." In: MacLeod CM (Ed), Evaluation of Chemotherapeutic Agents. Columbia Univ Press. Page 196.
- ^ Oken MM, Creech RH, Tormey DC et al. (1982). "Toxicity and response criteria of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group". Am. J. Clin. Oncol. 5 (6): 649–55. doi:10.1097/00000421-198212000-00014. PMID 7165009.
- ^ Lansky SB, List MA, Lansky LL, Ritter-Sterr C, Miller DR (1987). "The measurement of performance in childhood cancer patients". Cancer 60 (7): 1651–6. doi:10.1002/1097-0142(19871001)60:7<1651::AID-CNCR2820600738>3.0.CO;2-J. PMID 3621134.
- ^ Buccheri G, Ferrigno D, Tamburini M. Karnofsky and ECOG performance status scoring in lung cancer: a prospective, longitudinal study of 536 patients from a single institution. Eur J Cancer. 1996 Jun;32A(7):1135-41.
External links
- A table with the Karnofsky Performance Status.
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- 英
- hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC, hepatocarcinoma, liver cell carcinoma
- 同
- ヘパトーム hepatoma
- 関
- 肝腫瘍、肝癌
- 外科的治癒切除を行っても、5年以内の再発率は約70%以上 ← 他の癌より高い。3年で50-60%とも
- リンパ節転移は少なく、肝内転移が多い ← 経門脈
- 多中心発癌が多い
- 肝細胞癌の約70-80%に肝硬変、10%前後に慢性肝炎を合併
- 原発性肝癌のうち肝細胞癌は95%を占める
- 男女比は3-4:1
- 死因では男性では3位、女性では4位である。
- 原発性肝癌の90%以上が肝炎ウイルス陽性である。
- 原発性肝癌の解検例の84%に肝硬変を合併している。
- 肝細胞癌の70-80%に肝硬変が認められ、10%前後に慢性肝炎の合併が見られる。
- 肝硬変から肝癌が発生する年間発生率はB型肝炎で3%、C型肝炎で7%である。
- 病因の90%が肝炎ウイルスである。
- HCV(+) 75%、HBV(+) 15%、HBV(+)&HCV(+) 3%、TTV(+) 1-3%、アルコール性 3-4% (YN)
- その他
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- 多発性、多中心性
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[show details]
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- SRA.479
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- 腺腫様過形成(adenomatous hyperplasia AH)は肝癌とは異なる結節病変を形成するものである。
- 多段階発癌次の順に肝細胞癌に至るという;異型腺腫様過形成 → 肝細胞癌を内包する異型腺腫様過形成 → 高分化肝癌 → 中~低分化肝細胞癌(古典的肝癌)
- 多段階発癌の初期には門脈血の支配が多いが次第に肝動脈からの新生血管により支配されるようになる。
- すなわち、中~低分化肝細胞癌は肝動脈で支配される多血性肝細胞癌であり、高分化肝細胞癌は肝動脈の支配が比較的少ない。
- 造影CTにおいてもこれを反映し、高分化細胞癌では動脈相では造影効果が弱い(文献によっては乏血性で濃染しないとも)が、中~低分化細胞癌では高い造影効果が認められることになる。
- T1:等信号 低~高信号(YN.B-50)
- T2:高信号 ⇔ 肝血管腫のような著しい高信号は呈しない?
- PIVKA-II:≦2cmの陽性率は25-30%
- AFP:≦2cmの陽性率は30%。肝細胞癌、卵黄嚢腫瘍、肝芽腫の腫瘍マーカー、炎症性肝疾患における肝再生の指標
- 病歴、身体所見、血液検査所見(肝炎ウイルスマーカー、腫瘍マーカー、肝機能検査)、画像検査に基づいて判断する。
- 画像で確定診断される場合は組織診断を行わないように勧められている。 → 針生検に伴う重篤な合併症として,針穿刺経路播種(needle tract seeding)と出血がある。前者の発生頻度は1.6~3.4%とされている(ガイドライン1)
- 肝癌診療ガイドライン 2017年版
- http://www.jsh.or.jp/medical/guidelines/jsh_guidlines/examination_jp_2017
- 肝機能A,Bであって、腫瘍の数が1,2個の場合は腫瘍切除が適応となる。
- 再発肝癌であっても肝切除が標準治療となる(ガイドライン1 CQ19 再発肝細胞癌に対する有効な治療は?)
- ガイドライン1
- TA(C)EはOkuda分類I、II、Child A、Bの進行肝細胞癌(手術不能で、かつ経皮的凝固療法の対象とならないもの)に対する治療として推奨される。
- 化学塞栓される非癌部肝容積の非癌部全肝容積に占める割合と残肝予備能を考慮したTACEが推奨される。
- 高ビリルビン血症のない肝細胞癌破裂症例の治療には救急TA(C)Eは有効な治療法である。
- ガイドライン1
- 肝癌は抗癌剤に対する抵抗性が高い。肝癌患者は肝機能の低下が存在するため十分量の抗癌剤治療はできない。このようなこともあり、肝癌に有効な抗がん薬は少ない。
- ガイドライン1
- 肝硬変に肝細胞癌を合併する場合は、多発最大径3cm・3個まで、単発5cmまで、遠隔転移・リンパ節転移・脈管侵襲なし
- ミラノ基準によれば、他の両性疾患と同程度の移植成績
- 肝機能不良でミラノ基準を満たすものは肝移植を考慮。
- http://minds.jcqhc.or.jp/stc/0018/0018_ContentsTop.html
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- primary hepatocellular carcinoma
- 関
- [[]]
- 英
- performance status, PS
- 同
- 活動指数
- 関
- [[]]
- 化学療法を施行したときの有害作用を判定するために身体の活動度を指標化したもの。
performance status
- 同
- 関
- 肝細胞癌
- ガイドライン1
- TA(C)EはOkuda分類I、II、Child A、Bの進行肝細胞癌(手術不能で、かつ経皮的凝固療法の対象とならないもの)に対する治療として推奨される。
- 化学塞栓される非癌部肝容積の非癌部全肝容積に占める割合と残肝予備能を考慮したTACEが推奨される。
- 高ビリルビン血症のない肝細胞癌破裂症例の治療には救急TA(C)Eは有効な治療法である。
- ガイドライン1
- http://minds.jcqhc.or.jp/stc/0018/0018_ContentsTop.html
- 関
- Karnofsky scale
- 関
- ability、capability、carry out、execute、execution、implement、implementation、outcome、perform、practice、result、run
- 関
- condition、position、situation、state