- 関
- brain stem neoplasm、midbrain tumor
- of or relating to the medulla of any body part
- containing or consisting of or resembling bone marrow
- of or relating to the medulla oblongata
- the inner part of an organ or structure in plant or animal
- an abnormal new mass of tissue that serves no purpose (同)tumour, neoplasm
- 〈U〉骨髄 / =medulla oblongata
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- 1. 甲状腺髄様癌:化学療法および免疫療法medullary thyroid cancer chemotherapy and immunotherapy [show details]
… Medullary thyroid cancers (MTCs) are neuroendocrine tumors of thyroid parafollicular cells that do not concentrate iodine. They occur both as sporadic tumors and as components of multiple endocrine neoplasia …
- 2. 成人の顔面紅潮に対するアプローチapproach to flushing in adults [show details]
…urinary catecholamine and fractionated metanephrine levels. Medullary thyroid carcinoma is a malignant tumor of parafollicular thyroid cells. Tumor cells produce calcitonin, as well as biogenic amines, adrenocorticotropic …
- 3. 甲状腺髄様癌:臨床症状、診断、および病期分類medullary thyroid cancer clinical manifestations diagnosis and staging [show details]
…feature of this tumor. The C cells originate from the embryonic neural crest; as a result, medullary carcinomas often have the clinical and histologic features of other neuroendocrine tumors such as carcinoid …
- 4. ウィルムス腫瘍の症状、診断、および病期分類presentation diagnosis and staging of wilms tumor [show details]
… nonchromophobe), and nonsurgical treatment as first-line therapy . Renal medullary carcinoma – Renal medullary carcinoma is a highly lethal tumor that is virtually restricted to patients with sickle cell hemoglobinopathy …
- 5. 多発性内分泌腫瘍2型の臨床症状および診断clinical manifestations and diagnosis of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 [show details]
… neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) should be suspected in any patient with medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) or pheochromocytoma, particularly when the tumors occur at a young age (<35 years), are multicentric, or when …
English Journal
- Ultrasonographic features of spontaneous breast tumor infarction.
- Oh HJ1, Kim SH2, Kang BJ1, Lee AW3, Song BJ4, Kim HS5, Cha ES6.
- Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan).Breast Cancer.2015 Nov;22(6):596-601. doi: 10.1007/s12282-014-0525-3. Epub 2014 Mar 15.
- BACKGROUND: The aim of this paper is to evaluate the ultrasonographic features of spontaneous breast tumor infarction.METHODS: The pathologic information system database of the Department of Radiology was retrospectively searched. Between 2009 and 2011, nine cases in eight patients were pathological
- PMID 24633469
- Fine needle aspiration of secondary synovial sarcoma of the thyroid gland.
- Murro D1, Slade JM1, Syed S1, Gattuso P1.
- Diagnostic cytopathology.Diagn Cytopathol.2015 Nov;43(11):928-32. doi: 10.1002/dc.23327. Epub 2015 Aug 25.
- Synovial sarcomas (SS) of the head and neck region are extremely rare and arise in only 5% of cases. We present a case of secondary SS of the thyroid originally diagnosed as medullary carcinoma on fine needle aspiration (FNA). A 41-year-old man presented with several weeks of dysphonia and a left th
- PMID 26304470
- A novel RET gene mutation in a patient with apparently sporadic pheochromocytoma.
- Scollo C1, Russo M, De Gregorio L, Terranova R, Mangione E, Castoro C, Squatrito S, Pellegriti G.
- Endocrine journal.Endocr J.2015 Oct 24. [Epub ahead of print]
- Pheochromocytoma (Pheo) is a chromaffin tumor arising from the adrenal medulla. The recent discovery of new germline mutations in RET, SDHA, SDHB, SDHC, SDHD, VHL, NF1, TMEM127, MAX genes, increased the rate of genetic disease from 10% to 28% in patients with apparently sporadic tumor. RET germline
- PMID 26497911
Japanese Journal
- Symptomatic Developmental Venous Anomaly with an Increased β2-microglobulin Level in Cerebrospinal Fluid: A Case Report
- Komasaku Soichiro,Hanaya Ryosuke,Yonenaga Masanori,Kubo Fumikatsu,Eiraku Naoto,Yamasaki Fumiyuki,Arita Kazunori,Yoshimoto Koji
- Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences 68(1), 13-18, 2019-03
- … Post-gadolinium MRI showed multiple, enhanced patchy areas in the right frontal lobe and an abnormally large vein connected to dilated medullary venules, indicating DVA. … The β2MG level in the CSF was elevated at 2,061 μg/l, and a differential diagnosis from malignant tumor was required. …
- NAID 120006653373
- 頚静脈孔神経鞘腫における神経機能温存を目指した手術
- 鰐渕 昌彦
- 脳神経外科ジャーナル 28(7), 424-430, 2019
- <p> 頚静脈孔神経鞘腫はまれであり, 発生頻度は頭蓋内神経鞘腫の2.9%に過ぎない. 腫瘍の主座により, 硬膜内, 側頭骨内, 頭蓋外, ダンベル型に大別されるが, 頚静脈孔内に腫瘍が存在していることが多いため, 手術をする際には硬膜外の解剖を熟知している必要がある. 手術を念頭に頚静脈孔周囲の解剖について解説し, アプローチの詳細と手術成績について述べる.</p>< …
- NAID 130007683738
- 根治手術困難な甲状腺髄様癌に対するバンデタニブの使用経験
- 山田 弘之,福家 智仁,福喜多 晃平,金児 真美佳,澤 允洋,上田 航毅,小林 大介
- 頭頸部癌 45(1), 71-75, 2019
- 甲状腺髄様癌の治療は手術が根幹である。一方で,根治手術が困難と判定された症例では,これまで有効な治療法がなかった。バンデタニブはRET・VEGFR・EGFRを標的とした連日投与の内服薬治療薬である。根治手術が困難と判定された甲状腺髄様癌に対してバンデタニブを使用する機会を得た。症例は50歳女性で,縦郭リンパ節の組織診・甲状腺腫瘍の吸引細胞診で髄様癌と診断された。PET-CTで多発骨転移が認められた …
- NAID 130007669479
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- In conclusion, we reported 20 cases of MM to the breast presenting as isolated tumors and simulating a broad spectrum of primary malignant breast tumors, including poorly differentiated invasive carcinoma, high-grade lymphoma, medullary carcinoma ...
- Table 1. Primary Tumor (T) a, b a Reprinted with permission from AJCC: Thyroid. In: Edge SB, Byrd DR, Compton CC, et al., eds.: AJCC Cancer Staging Manual. 7th ed. New York, NY: Springer, 2010, pp 87-96. b All categories may ...
- 関
- medullary tumor、midbrain tumor
- 関
- brain stem neoplasm、medullary tumor
- 英
- medullary tumor
- 関
- 脳幹腫瘍、中脳腫瘍
- 関
- bulbar、medulla、medulla oblongata