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- 1. 急性持続性視力喪失が認められた成人に対するアプローチapproach to the adult with acute persistent visual loss [show details]
… with acute visual loss include: Anticholinergics – Loss of accommodation, angle-closure glaucoma; Bisphosphonates – Uveitis; Digoxin – Yellow vision; Rifabutin – Uveitis; Sildenafil – Blue vision, ischemic …
- 2. 小児の急性視力障害への診断アプローチdiagnostic approach to acute vision loss in children [show details]
… consciousness who awakens blind, but whose blindness resolves completely within hours of the event. If neurologic symptoms persist, a full evaluation for brain injury must ensue. Permanent vision loss can result from …
- 3. 非眼科手術のための麻酔後の視力低下postoperative visual loss after anesthesia for nonocular surgery [show details]
…cerebral visual loss, central retinal artery occlusion, acute angle-closure glaucoma, retrobulbar hematoma), as complete and permanent vision loss may ensue within a few hours. Complaints of visual loss should …
- 4. 幻視患者へのアプローチapproach to the patient with visual hallucinations [show details]
… become permanent if not evaluated and treated promptly (eg, retinal detachment). In addition to vision loss, the symptoms of retinal injury include seeing shadows or having distorted, warped, or blurred … can produce simple hallucinations of black spots, dots of light, "television static," or a tint of yellow or green to the entire visual field . When these visual hallucinations occur with digoxin use, level …
- 5. 一過性黒内障(一過性単眼または両眼視力低下)amaurosis fugax transient monocular or binocular visual loss [show details]
… suggest posterior circulation ischemia. Visual loss in the latter setting is binocular, but patients may misreport a transient hemianopia as monocular vision loss. Older age, a medical history of diabetes …
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- 2つ以上の視物質に変異を生じた人は、すべての色の区別が困難なため「全色盲」と呼ば れています。 「青黄色異常」も「全色盲」も稀なケースです。 色覚異常とは、大きく分けてこの4種類の状態を言います。
- いくつかのものを例に、色覚に障がいを持つ人の見え方が、疑似体験いただけます。. (画像は、特定の理論と計算式に基づいてシミュレーションしたものです。. すべての色覚障がいの人が、このように見えているわけではありませんので、ご理解の上閲覧 ...
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- 英
- tritanopia
- 同
- 青黄色盲
- 関
- 色盲、色弱
- 英
- achromatopsia、color blindness
- 関
- 色覚異常、赤緑色盲、全色盲、第2色覚異常、緑色盲、二色覚、一色覚、1色覚
- 英
- blindness、blind
- 関
- 失明、盲目、盲検法
- 英
- yellow、xanthic、xantho