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- 1. 脊髄、末梢神経、筋肉に影響を与える腫瘍随伴性症候群paraneoplastic syndromes affecting spinal cord peripheral nerve and muscle [show details]
… fluid (CSF). Paraneoplastic syndromes affecting the spinal cord, dorsal root ganglia, peripheral nerve, neuromuscular junction, and muscle will be reviewed here. An overview of the diagnosis of neurologic …
- 2. 筋系に生じるスタチン系薬剤の副作用statin muscle related adverse events [show details]
… which plays an important role in muscle cell energy production. It has been speculated that a reduction in ubiquinone in skeletal muscle may contribute to statin-induced muscle injury. Some studies have found …
- 3. 進行性骨化性線維異形成症fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva [show details]
… dorsal to ventral, axial to appendicular, and proximal to distal . The diaphragm, tongue, extraocular muscles, cardiac muscles, and smooth muscles are spared.… across joints, resulting in progressive and irreversible immobility, weight loss (secondary to ankylosis of the jaw), and thoracic insufficiency syndrome Patients are dependent upon diaphragmatic breathing …
- 4. 糖尿病性筋梗塞diabetic muscle infarction [show details]
…pathologic findings in muscle biopsies from affected patients are muscle necrosis and edema; occlusion of arterioles and capillaries by fibrin may also be seen . Spontaneous infarction of muscle is a rare condition; …
- 5. 筋肉におけるエネルギー代謝energy metabolism in muscle [show details]
…sources of energy in muscle. The main types of "fuel" used by muscle for energy metabolism are glycogen, glucose, and free fatty acids . The particular energy sources used by working muscle for aerobic metabolism …
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- 先天性筋強直ジストロフィーは、逆V字型上口唇のをもつ呼吸障害、哺乳障害を示すfloppy infantを診たとき本症を疑い、母親を診察する。筋強直性ジストロフィーであれば診断はほぼ確定する。患者本人はミオトニンプロテインキナーゼ遺伝子
- 英
- paramyotonia
- 同
- 背理性筋強直
- 関
- オイレンブルク症候群、筋強直症、筋緊張症。ミオトニー