- capable of being influenced or formed; "the plastic minds of children"; "a pliant nature" (同)pliant
- generic name for certain synthetic or semisynthetic materials that can be molded or extruded into objects or films or filaments or used for making e.g. coatings and adhesives
- 〈U〉『寂ラスチック』;〈C〉プラスチック製品 / 自由な形にできる,可塑(かそ)性の / 造形の,塑像の / プラスチック製の / 《話》人工的な
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- 1. 浸潤性胃癌に対する外科的マネージメントsurgical management of invasive gastric cancer [show details]
…is extensively infiltrated by malignancy, resulting in a rigid thickened stomach, termed linitis plastica. The prevalence may be higher in younger individuals . Although most commonly due to poorly differentiated …
- 2. 胃癌の臨床的特徴、診断、および病期分類clinical features diagnosis and staging of gastric cancer [show details]
…rigid, thickened stomach, termed linitis plastica Linitis plastica has an extremely poor prognosis, and many surgeons consider the presence of linitis plastica to be a contraindication to potentially curative …
- 3. 肉芽腫性胃炎granulomatous gastritis [show details]
…obstruction. Infiltrative and hyperplastic patterns of involvement may mimic Menetrier disease or linitis plastica carcinoma . Rare noninfectious causes of granulomatous gastritis include tumors (upper GI tract…
- 4. 胃癌スクリーニングgastric cancer screening [show details]
…scenario in which a barium study may be superior to upper endoscopy is in patients with linitis plastica. The decreased distensibility of the stiff, "leather-flask" appearing stomach is more obvious on…
- 5. 胃癌の補助化学療法および術前補助化学療法adjuvant and neoadjuvant treatment of gastric cancer [show details]
…with bulky T3/T4 tumors, visible perigastric nodes by preoperative imaging studies, or a linitis plastica appearance). There are no randomized trials demonstrating better outcomes from neoadjuvant therapy …
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- YouTube music video by Aqua performing Barbie Girl.
- How to Build a Swimming Pool from Wood and Plastic. You will require a lot of 2" by 4" pieces of wood, at least 8 as long as you want a side of the pool, and a lot of other ones for the bracing, at least 20 braces will be needed ...
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- 英
- W-plasty
- ラ
- woid-plastica
- 同
- Wプラスティ
- 関
- Z形成術
- 関
- formative、plastically、plasticity、plastics、tectonic