- including all components without exception; being one unit or constituting the full amount or extent or duration; complete; "gave his whole attention"; "a whole wardrobe for the tropics"; "the whole hog"; "a whole week"; "the baby cried the whole trip home"; "a whole loaf of bread"
- an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity; "how big is that part compared to the whole?"; "the team is a unit" (同)unit
- all of something including all its component elements or parts; "Europe considered as a whole"; "the whole of American literature"
- (of siblings) having the same parents; "whole brothers and sisters"
- smear with blood, as in a hunting initiation rite, where the face of a person is smeared with the blood of the kill
- temperament or disposition; "a person of hot blood"
- people viewed as members of a group; "we need more young blood in this organization"
- the fluid (red in vertebrates) that is pumped through the body by the heart and contains plasma, blood cells, and platelets; "blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and carries away waste products"; "the ancients believed that blood was the sea
- 《the ~,one's ~ の形で名詞の前に用いて》『全体の』,全部の,全… / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(時間・距離などが)『まる』…,満… / (物が)完全な,欠けていない;《名詞の後に置いて》丸ごとで,ひとかたまりに / 《冠詞をつけずに複数名詞の前に用いて》ひじょうに多くの / 《古》(人が)無傷の,(肉体的に)健康な / 整数の,分数を含まない / 〈U〉《the ~》(…の)『全部』,全体,全量《+of+名》 / 〈C〉完全なもの,統一体
- 『血』,『血』液 / 流血(bloodshed);殺人 / 気質,気性,血気,血潮 / 『血統』,血縁(kinship);生まれ,家柄;《the~》王家の血統 / (人種・出身国の)系 / 〈人〉‘に'初めての経験をさせる / 〈猟犬〉‘に'初めて獲物を血を味わわせる
- 《疑問代名詞》『だれが』,どんな人が / 《関係代名詞》(先行詞は「人」) / 《制限用法》(…する,…した)『ところの』 / 《非制限用法》『そしてその人は(を)』,それは…する(した)人だが / 《古》《先行詞を含んで》…する人[はだれでも]
- 純血の,純種の / 《複合語を作って》「…の血(性質)を持った」の意を表す
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/10/17 17:17:53」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Whole blood is a term used in transfusion medicine for human blood from a standard blood donation. The blood is typically combined with an anticoagulant during the collection process, but is generally otherwise unprocessed. In the US, the capitalized "Whole Blood" means a specific standardized product for transfusion or further processing, where "whole blood" is any unmodified collected blood.
- 1 Processing
- 2 Transfusion
- 3 Storage
- 4 References
- 5 External links
Historically, blood was transfused as whole blood without further processing. Most blood banks now split the whole blood into two or more components,[1] typically red blood cells and a plasma component such as fresh frozen plasma. Platelets for transfusion can also be prepared from a unit of whole blood. Some blood banks have replaced this with platelets collected by plateletpheresis because whole blood platelets, sometimes called "random" platelets, must be pooled from multiple donors to get enough for a therapeutic dose.
A Red Cross whole blood donation before any separation.
The collected blood is generally separated into components by one of three methods. A centrifuge can be used in a "hard spin" which separates whole blood into plasma and red cells or for a "soft spin" which separates it into plasma, buffy coat (used to make platelets), and red blood cells. The third method is sedimentation: the blood simply sits overnight and the red cells and plasma are separated by gravitational interactions.
Whole blood has similar risks to a transfusion of red blood cells and must be cross-matched to avoid hemolytic transfusion reactions. Most of the indications for use are identical to those for RBCs, and whole blood is not used because the extra plasma can contribute to transfusion associated circulatory overload (TACO), a potentially dangerous complication.
Whole blood is sometimes "recreated" from stored red blood cells and fresh frozen plasma (FFP) for neonatal transfusions. This is done to provide a final product with a very specific hematocrit (percentage of red cells) with type O red cells and type AB plasma to minimize the chance of complications.
Whole blood is typically stored under the same conditions as red blood cells and can be kept up to 35 days if collected with CPDA-1 storage solution or 21 days with other common storage solutions such as CPD.
If the blood will be used to make platelets, it is kept at room temperature until the process is complete. This must be done quickly to minimize the warm storage of RBCs in the unit.
- ^ Christopher D. Hillyer; Beth H. Shaz; James C. Zimring; Thomas C. Abshire (17 June 2009). Transfusion Medicine and Hemostasis: Clinical and Laboratory Aspects. Elsevier. pp. 45–. ISBN 978-0-12-374432-6. Retrieved 16 November 2010.
External links
- Circular of Information for Blood Products from U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Transfusion medicine
General concepts |
- Apheresis (plasmapheresis, plateletpheresis, leukapheresis)
- Blood transfusion
- Coombs test (direct and indirect)
- Cross-matching
- Exchange transfusion
- International Society of Blood Transfusion
- Intraoperative blood salvage
- ISBT 128
- Transfusion reactions
Blood group systems /
blood types |
- Chido-Rodgers
- Colton
- Cromer
- Diego
- Dombrock
- Duffy
- Er
- Gerbich
- Hh
- Ii
- Indian
- JR
- Kell (Xk)
- Kidd
- Knops
- Lan
- Lewis
- Lutheran
- LW
- OK
- P
- Raph
- Rh and RHAG
- Scianna
- T-Tn
- Vel
- Xg
- Yt
- Other
Blood products /
blood donation |
- Whole blood
- Platelets
- Red blood cells
- Plasma / Fresh frozen plasma / PF24 (Cryoprecipitate + Cryosupernatant)
- Blood substitutes
Index of cells from bone marrow
Description |
- Immune system
- Cells
- Physiology
- coagulation
- proteins
- granule contents
- colony-stimulating
- heme and porphyrin
Disease |
- Red blood cell
- Monocyte and granulocyte
- Neoplasms and cancer
- Histiocytosis
- Symptoms and signs
- Blood tests
Treatment |
- Transfusion
- Drugs
- thrombosis
- bleeding
- other
Intravenous therapy
Infused substances |
Blood-based product
- Whole blood
- PF24/Fresh frozen plasma (Cryosupernatant + Cryoprecipitate)
Blood substitute
Volume expander
- Lactated Ringer's
- Normal saline
- Sugar
- Lactated Ringer's, Sodium bicarbonate
- Intravenous immunoglobulin
Parenteral nutrition
Access points |
- Peripheral venous catheter
- Peripherally inserted central catheter (Seldinger technique)
- Central venous catheter
Other equipment |
- Infusion pump
- Vascular snare
Specific risks |
- Air embolism
- Extravasation
Index of the urinary system
Description |
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Development
- Cells
Disease |
- Electrolyte and acid-base
- Congenital
- Neoplasms and cancer
- Other
- Symptoms and signs
- Urine tests
- Blood tests
Treatment |
- Procedures
- Drugs
- Intravenous fluids
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English Journal
- Glutamine and glutathione at ICU admission in relation to outcome.
- Rodas PC, Rooyackers O, Hebert C, Norberg A, Wernerman J.SourceDepartment of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine at Karolinska University Hospital Huddinge, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Clinical science (London, England : 1979).Clin Sci (Lond).2012 Jun 1;122(12):591-7.
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Japanese Journal
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- 堀 就英,山本 貴光,石黑 靖尚,飯田 隆雄,梶原 淳睦,平田 輝昭,内 博史,古江 増隆,Hori Tsuguhide,Yamamoto Takamitsu,Ishiguro Yasuhisa,Iida Takao,Kajiwara Jumboku,Hirata Teruaki,Uchi Hiroshi,Furue Masutaka,石黒 靖尚,ホリ ツグヒデ,ヤマモト タカミツ,イシグロ ヤスヒサ,イイダ タカオ,カジワラ ジュンボク,ヒラタ テルアキ,ウチ ヒロシ,フルエ マスタカ
- 福岡医学雑誌 104(4), 152-160, 2013-04-25
- … We compared concentrations of PCB congeners between conventional 80℃ alkali digestion method and 30℃ alkali digestion method using 22 individual blood samples collected during 2009 annual Yusho examinations. … It was considered that the 30℃ alkali digestion method was available for blood PCB congener specific analysis in Yusho diagnosis. …
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- 帝京平成大学紀要 24(2), 439-444, 2013-03-00
- … Mast cells were also found around the blood vessels in the subintimal layer. … In the whole mounted specimens of the synovial membrane network-like CGRP nerve fibers, which are the peripheral terminals of nociceptive afferent neurons, were present around the cluster of mast cells. … The distribution of mast cells closely associated to blood vessels and nociceptive afferent neurons indicates that mast cells may act as a cellular sensor in inflammation and immunity. …
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Related Links
- Whole blood is a term used in transfusion medicine for human blood from a standard blood donation. The blood is typically combined with an anticoagulant during the collection process, but is generally otherwise unprocessed. In the US, the ...
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- 関
- exsanguination
- 関
- whom
- who whom whose
- which wihich whose
- 関
- World Health Organization
- 関
- altogether、entire、entirety、gross、overall、total