- a piece of chain mail covering a place unprotected by armor plate (同)gusset
- containing nothing; "the earth was without form, and void"
- an empty area or space; "the huge desert voids"; "the emptiness of outer space"; "without their support hell be ruling in a vacuum" (同)vacancy, emptiness, vacuum
- clear (a room, house, place) of occupants or empty or clear (a place or receptacle) of something; "The chemist voided the glass bottle"; "The concert hall was voided of the audience"
- (法的に)『無効な』 / 《文》『空虚な』,からっぽの / 《補語にのみ用いて》《be void of+名》(…が)『ない』,欠けた / 〈U〉《the ~》(地球の回りの)『空間』,空所,虚空 / 〈C〉《単数形で》(地面・壁などの)すきま,割れ目 / 〈C〉《単数形で》『空虚感』,物足りなさ / (法的に)…‘を'無効にする / …‘を'からにする;…‘を'排泄(はいせつ)する
English Journal
- Differential effects of bone structural and material properties on bone competence in C57BL/6 and C3H/He inbred strains of mice.
- Voide R1, van Lenthe GH, Müller R.
- Calcified tissue international.Calcif Tissue Int.2008 Jul;83(1):61-9. doi: 10.1007/s00223-008-9120-y. Epub 2008 Jun 11.
- The femoral neck is a relevant and sensitive site for studying the degree of osteopenia. Engineering principles predict that bone structural parameters, like cross-sectional geometry, are important determinants of bone mechanical parameters. Mechanical parameters are also directly affected by the ma
- PMID 18545865
- Vesicoureteral reflux in the child with lazy bladder syndrome: the infrequent voider.
- Grasso M1, Torelli F, Blanco S, Fortuna F, Baruffi M.
- Advances in urology.Adv Urol.2008:432576. doi: 10.1155/2008/432576.
- The Infrequent Voider Syndrome or Lazy Bladder Syndrome in children is characterized by a large capacity bladder, frequently associated with a significant volume of residual urine. Usually these patients arrive at medical examination with a history of recurrent urinary infections but without anomali
- PMID 18615185
- Lazy bladder syndrome (the infrequent voider) causing a vesicoureteral reflux in the child.
- Grasso M1, Torelli F, Blanco S, Fortuna F, Baruffi M.
- Archivio italiano di urologia, andrologia : organo ufficiale [di] Società italiana di ecografia urologica e nefrologica / Associazione ricerche in urologia.Arch Ital Urol Androl.2007 Mar;79(1):30-2.
- The Infrequent Voider Syndrome or Lazy Bladder Syndrome in children is characterized by a large capacity bladder, frequently associated with a significant volume of residual urine. Usually these patients arrive at medical examination with a history of recurrent urinary infections but without anomali
- PMID 17484402
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- voiderとは。意味や和訳。[名]取り除く人[物],取り消す人. - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和辞書です。
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