- containing nothing; "the earth was without form, and void"
- an empty area or space; "the huge desert voids"; "the emptiness of outer space"; "without their support hell be ruling in a vacuum" (同)vacancy, emptiness, vacuum
- clear (a room, house, place) of occupants or empty or clear (a place or receptacle) of something; "The chemist voided the glass bottle"; "The concert hall was voided of the audience"
- deliberately avoiding; keeping away from or preventing from happening (同)turning away, shunning, dodging
- (法的に)『無効な』 / 《文》『空虚な』,からっぽの / 《補語にのみ用いて》《be void of+名》(…が)『ない』,欠けた / 〈U〉《the ~》(地球の回りの)『空間』,空所,虚空 / 〈C〉《単数形で》(地面・壁などの)すきま,割れ目 / 〈C〉《単数形で》『空虚感』,物足りなさ / (法的に)…‘を'無効にする / …‘を'からにする;…‘を'排泄(はいせつ)する
- (…を)避けること,(…の)回避《+『of』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- 避けられない,避けがたい
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/04/21 00:26:47」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 物体に含まれる微小な空洞。気孔を参照。
- 宇宙の大規模構造において、銀河がほとんど存在しない領域のこと。超空洞を参照。
- void (コンピュータ) - 「何もない」ことを意味する識別子。
- 原子炉の炉心において発生する冷却材の蒸気の泡(気泡)をボイドと称する。気泡の発生は冷却材の密度を低下させるため、ボイドの多寡によって原子炉の反応度が変化する。これをボイド効果(Void Effect)と呼ぶ。
- 三浦建太郎の漫画『ベルセルク』に登場する守護天使ゴッドハンドの一人。「天使長」とも呼ばれる。
- 建築的都市において、意識的に創りだされた構造物の存在しない空間のこと。
- イギリスBBCで放映されているSFテレビドラマシリーズドクター・フーにおける、世界と世界の間にある無の空間のこと。
- 日本フジテレビジョンで放映されている『ギルティクラウン』における、人間の中にある力のこと。
- 同人サークルイオシスのメンバーの名前。
- 右寺修の楽曲。アーティスト名義はDes-ROW feat. Kevin Vicchione。アルバム『D.』収録版のタイトルは「VOIDDDD」(アーティスト名義は「Des-ROW+2」)。
- 人工生命シミュレーションプログラム。ボイド (人工生命)を参照。
- ディンプス開発・サミー発売の格闘ゲーム『ザ・ランブルフィッシュ』シリーズの登場人物。
- 原作:七月鏡一、作画:李成圭による、日本の漫画作品。VOIDを参照。
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[Wiki en表示]
Void may refer to:
- 1 In science and engineering
- 2 In fiction
- 3 In music
- 4 In art
- 5 Other uses
- 6 See also
In science and engineering
- Void (astronomy), the empty spaces between galaxy filaments
- Lack of matter, or vacuum
- Void, in boiling heat transfer, formed where there is a departure from nucleate boiling, causing a critical heat flux
- Void, in mechanical engineering, is a bubble or pocket of vapor which forms near a propeller or pump, causing cavitation
- Void, in casting or injection molding, describes a defect where there are empty spaces (air pockets) in a completed part
- Void coefficient, in nuclear engineering, is a measure of how spaces devoid of either moderator or coolant affect the reactivity of a nuclear reactor
- Void ratio, of voids to solids in a mixture, in material sciences
- Void safety, an issue raised in programming by a reference that is not attached to an object, also known as null reference
- Void type, keyword indicating the absence of type information in many programming languages
- VoiD (Vocabulary of Interlinked Dataset), the vocabulary to describe linked open datasets in order for users to discover, interlink and evaluate the quality of these datasets on the Web
- Vacancy defect, in crystallography, is a type of point defect in a crystal in from which an atom is missing from one of the lattice sites, making a void
In fiction
- Void (comics), character from WildC.A.T.S.
- Void (fanzine), a major science fiction fanzine
- Void Trilogy, science fiction series by British SF writer Peter F. Hamilton
- A Void (novel), translation into English of La Disparition
- The Void (video game) (also known as Tension), a 2008 adventure video game by Ice-Pick Lodge
- Enter the Void, a movie by Gaspar Noé 2009
- Violet Void, a power in the game Sonic Colors that sucks up anything in its path
In music
- Void (band), a Washington, D.C.-based hardcore punk band
- Void (album), the debut full-length studio album by the American post-metal band Intronaut
- VOID (Video Overview in Deceleration), by the Flaming Lips
- "Void Malign", a song by the band Grendel
- ØØ Void, the second album by Sunn O)))
- "Into the Void" (Black Sabbath song), from the album Master of Reality
- "Into the Void" (Nine Inch Nails song), from the album The Fragile
- Throne of Void, an album by Isole
- We Are the Void, a 2010 studio album by Dark Tranquillity
- "Love in a Void", the B-side to Siouxsie And The Banshees' "Mittageisen" single
- Destroyer of the Void, a 2010 album by the band Blitzen Trapper
- The Magnificent Void, a 1996 album by ambient musician Steve Roach
- Touching the Void, a 1989 book about a near-fatal attempt to climb Siula Grande
- Touching the Void (film), a 2003 film based on the book
- Void (Sonic Shuffle), a character in the video game Sonic Shuffle
- Void Indigo, a comic book series written by Steve Gerber and drawn by Val Mayerik
- Voids, the villains in the Zbots action-figures franchise
- VOID (NaNa album), a 1999 album by Japanese pop/rock musical duo NaNa
In art
- Modern sculpture, void is a sculptural concept
Other uses
- Void, in Accounting, of a transaction, canceled or reversed as if it never happened
- Void (law), something that has no legal effect
- Void (cards), to have no cards of a particular suit in one's hand during a card game
- Void, a verb used in a medical context to denote excretion
- Void, in housing, accommodation without occupancy agreement, without income
- Void, in Ultimate frisbee, the name of the University of Pennsylvania men's ultimate frisbee team
- Void, or Shunyata, Buddhist philosophical concept
- Kū, one of the Five elements (Japanese philosophy), is sometimes translated "void" in English
- Nothing, is the absence of everything or a void.
See also
- The Void (disambiguation)
- Avoid (disambiguation)
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