- of or relating to or having vessels that conduct and circulate fluids; "vascular constriction"; "a vascular bundle"
- a natural or surgical joining of parts or branches of tubular structures so as to make or become continuous (同)inosculation
- (血液・樹液などを運ぶ)管の,導管の,血管の
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English Journal
- Robot-assisted laparoscopic management of cardia carcinoma according to Siewert recommendations.
- Patriti A, Ceccarelli G, Ceribelli C, Bartoli A, Spaziani A, Cisano C, Cigliano S, Casciola L.SourceASL3 Umbria, Department of Surgery, Division of General, Vascular, Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery, Hospital San Matteo degli Infermi, Spoleto, Italy. albertopatriti@gmail.com.
- The international journal of medical robotics + computer assisted surgery : MRCAS.2011 Jun;7(2):170-7. doi: 10.1002/rcs.385. Epub 2011 Mar 17.
- PMID 21413112
- Towards sutureless non-occlusive cerebral revascularization.
- De Boer B, Van Doormaal TP, Van Der Zwan A, Tulleken CA, Regli L.SourceDepartment of Neurosurgery, Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience, University Medical Center of Utrech, Utrecht, The Netherlands - b.deboer-3@umcutrecht.nl.
- Journal of neurosurgical sciences.2011 Jun;55(2):117-25.
- Sutureless vascular anastomoses have been the subject of extensive research for decades. In neurosurgery the need for a safe and fast technique is high, because temporary occlusion of cerebral arteries may rapidly lead to brain ischemia. Conventional sutured anastomoses have always been the golden s
- PMID 21623324
Japanese Journal
- 2. 脱細胞化技術を用いた新しい再生療法(<特集>外科領域における再生医療の応用)
- 血管の準備 (特集 イチから始めるマイクロサージャリー) -- (血管のマイクロサージャリー)
- Supermicrosurgery (特集 私はこうしている : 微小血管吻合法)
Related Links
- Most vascular procedures, including all arterial bypass operations (e.g. coronary artery bypass), aneurysmectomy of any type, and all solid organ transplants require vascular anastomoses. An anastomosis connecting an artery to a vein is ...
- 英
- vascular anastomosis
- 関
- 血管吻合術
- 英
- vascular anastomosis
- 関
- 血管吻合
- 関
- angio、blood vessel、fibrovascular bundle、vascular bundle、vasculogenic、vein、vessel
- (n.)anastomosis,(pl.)anastomoses
- 関
- (adj.)anastomotic, (vt.,vi.)anatomose