- assessed price; "the valuation of this property is much too high"
- too low a value or price assigned to something
- 〈U〉(金銭的な)評価,見積り / 〈C〉評価額,査定額 / 〈C〉(人の能力・性格に対する)評価,意見
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/05/01 19:39:52」(JST)
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Valuation may refer to:
- Valuation (finance), the determination of the economic value of an asset or liability
- Real estate appraisal, sometimes called property valuation (especially in British English), the appraisal of land or buildings
- A distinction between real prices and ideal prices in Marxist theory.
- The term valuation function is often used as a synonym to utility function.
- The sociology of valuation also takes economic valuation practices as an object of study.
- Valuation (algebra)
- Valuation (logic)
- Valuation (measure theory)
- p-adic valuation
Other uses
- Valuation (ethics), the determination of the ethic or philosophic value of an object
- For personal valuation, see dignity
English Journal
- Data of a willingness to pay survey for national climate change mitigation policies in Germany.
- Uehleke R1.
- Data in brief.Data Brief.2016 Mar 9;7:760-2. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2016.03.013. eCollection 2016.
- The dataset includes responses from a contingent valuation study about the national climate change mitigation policies in Germany. The online survey was carried out in the spring of 2014. It assesses the willingness to pay for an increase of the national CO2 reduction target by 10 percentage points,
- PMID 27054192
- Willingness to pay for suicide prevention in Japan.
- Sueki H1.
- Death studies.Death Stud.2016 May 27;40(5):283-9. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2015.1129371. Epub 2015 Dec 17.
- The present study aimed to establish willingness to pay for suicide prevention among taxpayers in Japan. We conducted an internet-based questionnaire survey using a double-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation, and analyzed data for 956 participants. The median willingness to pay to reduce
- PMID 26677754
- Environmental impact assessment and monetary ecosystem service valuation of an ecosystem under different future environmental change and management scenarios; a case study of a Scots pine forest.
- Schaubroeck T1, Deckmyn G2, Giot O3, Campioli M2, Vanpoucke C4, Verheyen K5, Rugani B6, Achten W7, Verbeeck H8, Dewulf J9, Muys B10.
- Journal of environmental management.J Environ Manage.2016 May 15;173:79-94. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.03.005. Epub 2016 Mar 12.
- For a sustainable future, we must sustainably manage not only the human/industrial system but also ecosystems. To achieve the latter goal, we need to predict the responses of ecosystems and their provided services to management practices under changing environmental conditions via ecosystem models a
- PMID 26974241
Japanese Journal
- 石油業における在庫評価の会計行動 : 国際会計基準統合による後入先出法廃止との関連から
- 我が国における税効果会計の特殊性-日米における評価性引当額・評価性引当金設定プロセスの比較を通じ て-
- 2014年財政検証について考える : 国民年金45年加入オプションを中心に (特集 公的年金改革について)
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- 名古屋を拠点として日本国内の様々な不動産の鑑定評価、デューデリジェンスなどを行っています。 2013.09.02 日本人は信心深い国民であーる 2013.08.22 大家さんから大家業へ 2013.08.09 9月14日 相続対策セミナーのご案内
- valuationとは。意味や和訳。[名]1 [U](物の金銭的)評価, 査定, 見積もり;[C](…の)評価[査定]額((of, on ...))put [set] a high valuation on ...…を高く見積もる.2 [C]価値判断, 判断した価値, 評価accept [take] a person at hi ...
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