- the lower part of the female reproductive tract; a moist canal in female mammals extending from the labia minora to the uterus; "the vagina receives the penis during coitus"; "the vagina is elastic enough to allow the passage of a fetus"
- of or relating to the vagina; "vaginal suppository"
- an abnormal condition in which a normal opening or tube in the body (as the urethra) is closed or absent
- 膣
- 膣の(に関する)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/04/04 11:18:17」(JST)
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Vaginal atresia is a condition in which the vagina is abnormally closed or absent. The main causes are:
- Complete vaginal hypoplasia.
- A vaginal obstruction, often caused by an imperforate hymen or, less commonly, a transverse vaginal septum.
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- 1. 先天性膣奇形の診断およびマネージメント diagnosis and management of congenital anomalies of the vagina
- 2. 腟式子宮摘出術 vaginal hysterectomy
- 3. 手術的経膣分娩 operative vaginal delivery
- 4. 子宮摘出後の膣断端離開 vaginal cuff dehiscence after hysterectomy
- 5. 膣癌 vaginal cancer
English Journal
- p16/Ki-67 dual staining in cervico-vaginal cytology: Correlation with histology, Human Papillomavirus detection and genotyping in women undergoing colposcopy.
- Donà MG, Vocaturo A, Giuliani M, Ronchetti L, Rollo F, Pescarmona E, Carosi M, Vocaturo G, Benevolo M.SourceSTI Unit, San Gallicano Dermatological Institute, via Elio Chianesi 53, 00144, Rome, Italy.
- Gynecologic oncology.Gynecol Oncol.2012 Aug;126(2):198-202. Epub 2012 May 12.
- OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the CINtec® PLUS assay (mtm laboratories), a new immunocytochemical method for the simultaneous detection of p16(INK4a) and Ki-67, in liquid-based cervico-vaginal cytology, investigating the association of the dual staining with HPV infection and genotyping as well as cytolo
- PMID 22588180
- Intrapartum fever at term: clinical characteristics and placental pathology.
- Kovo M, Schreiber L, Ben-Haroush A, Shor S, Golan A, Bar J.SourceDepartment of Obstetrics & Gynecology and, The Edith Wolfson Medical Centerand , Holon , Israel.
- The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians.J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med.2012 Aug;25(8):1273-7. Epub 2011 Nov 4.
- Objectives: To investigate the association between clinical characteristics and placental histopathology in women with intrapartum fever (IPF) at term. Methods: Maternal characteristics, intrapartum parameters, neonatal outcome and placental pathology were compared between 120 patients with IPF (≥
- PMID 21992451
Japanese Journal
- 症例報告 腟閉鎖症術後に子宮頸管狭窄による月経モリミナを繰り返した1例
- 症例報告 腟中隔切除術を施行後,患側子宮に自然妊娠したOHVIRA症候群の1例
- Congenital malformation of the vaginal orifice, imperforate vagina, in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)
Related Links
- vaginal atresia n. Imperforation or occlusion of the vagina. Also called colpatresia. vag·i·nal a·tre·si·a congenital or acquired imperforation or occlusion of the vagina, or adhesion of the walls of the vagina. Synonym(s): colpatresia vag·i ...
- Each examination of a newborn should include an inspection of the genitalia, as absence of the vagina or atresia could be detected during this simple evaluation. Vagina atresia and agenesis are congenital anomalies of the female genitourinary tract and may occur as an isolated developmental defect or as ...
- 英
- vaginal atresia
- 関
- 腟閉鎖症
- 英
- vaginal atresia
- 関
- 腟閉鎖
- (ギリシャ語 trēsis(perforation))
- 関
- vagina、vaginalis