- 関
- myometrial、myometrium
- the smooth muscle forming the wall of the uterus
- make ones way by force; "He muscled his way into the office"
- animal tissue consisting predominantly of contractile cells (同)muscular_tissue
- one of the contractile organs of the body (同)musculus
- authority or power or force (especially when used in a coercive way); "the senators used their muscle to get the party leader to resign"
- of or involving the uterus; "uterine cancer"
- 〈U〉(動物体の組織としての)『筋肉』,筋(きん);〈C〉(体の各部を動かす)筋肉 / 〈U〉力,(特に)筋力,腕力 / 《俗に》(…に)強引に割り込む《+『in on』(『into, through』)+『名』》
- 子宮の / 同母異父の
- 筋肉の,筋力のある / 力ずくの
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English Journal
- Infertility and reproductive disorders: impact of hormonal and inflammatory mechanisms on pregnancy outcome.
- Vannuccini S1, Clifton VL2, Fraser IS3, Taylor HS4, Critchley H5, Giudice LC6, Petraglia F1.
- Human reproduction update.Hum Reprod Update.2016 Jan;22(1):104-15. doi: 10.1093/humupd/dmv044. Epub 2015 Sep 22.
- BACKGROUND: Reproductive disorders and infertility are associated with the risk of obstetric complications and have a negative impact on pregnancy outcome. Affected patients often require assisted reproductive technologies (ART) to conceive, and advanced maternal age is a further confounding factor.
- PMID 26395640
- EMMPRIN (CD147) Expression in Smooth Muscle Tumors of the Uterus.
- Kefeli M1, Yildiz L, Gun S, Ozen FZ, Karagoz F.
- International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists.Int J Gynecol Pathol.2016 Jan;35(1):1-7. doi: 10.1097/PGP.0000000000000216.
- Smooth muscle tumors of the uterus are the most common mesenchymal tumors of the gynecologic tract. The vast majority of these are benign leiomyomas that present no diagnostic difficulty. Because some benign smooth muscle tumors may degenerate and uncommon variants exist, the diagnosis can be challe
- PMID 26352545
- Uterine Leiomyoma With Osteoclast-like Giant Cells.
- Guilbert MC1, Samouëlian V, Rahimi K.
- International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists.Int J Gynecol Pathol.2016 Jan;35(1):30-2. doi: 10.1097/PGP.0000000000000204.
- Numerous histologic variants of uterine leiomyomas have been described. The main interest in recognizing these variants is differentiating them from leiomyosarcoma. Osteoclast-like giant cells (OLGC) have been described in association with leiomyosarcoma but to our knowledge, never with leiomyoma. W
- PMID 26166717
Japanese Journal
- P1-9-6 Uterine smooth muscle tumor of uncertain malignant potential(STUMP)7例の臨床病理学的検討(Group 9 子宮体部腫瘍・症例2,一般演題,公益社団法人日本産科婦人科学会第66回学術講演会)
- 平松 敦,恒遠 啓示,徳重 悠,宮本 瞬輔,芦原 敬允,前田 和也,中村 路彦,藤原 聡枝,田中 良道,金村 昌徳,寺井 義人,大道 正英
- 日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 66(2), 495, 2014-02-01
- NAID 110009811706
- 子宮筋腫の経過観察中に筋腫内に子宮肉腫を発症した1例
- 川島 直逸,河原 俊介,安堂 有希子,羽田野 悠子,三瀬 有香,芦原 隆仁,吉岡 信也,若狭 朋子
- 産婦人科の進歩 66(3), 290-295, 2014
- 子宮肉腫は全子宮悪性腫瘍の約5%とまれな腫瘍で,その画像所見が多彩であることなどから術前診断は一般的に困難とされ,子宮筋腫との鑑別診断には苦慮することが多い.今回,子宮筋腫の経過観察中に子宮平滑筋肉腫を発症した1例を経験したため報告する.症例は51歳,1経妊1経産.健診にて子宮筋腫を指摘されたため,当科紹介受診となる.経腟超音波検査・MRIにて子宮体部筋層内に径6cm大の腫瘤を認め,子宮筋腫と診断 …
- NAID 130004693976
- 同時性放射線誘発悪性腫瘍と思われる結腸多発癌と腸骨部多形性肉腫の1例
- 木村 英世,真鍋 達也,阿部 篤,山田 大輔,植木 隆,田中 雅夫
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 75(1), 144-149, 2014
- 患者は71歳の女性で,29年前に子宮癌に対して子宮摘出術および放射線治療を受けた.左臀部痛・左下肢痛を主訴に当院を受診し,精査で左腸骨部の放射線誘発多形性肉腫と診断された.同時に盲腸・S状結腸に1型進行癌が判明したため当科紹介となり,それぞれ結腸部分切除術を行った.病理組織学的検査所見では,結腸非癌部の動脈壁に放射線性腸炎の組織像と思われる泡沫細胞や硝子化と非癌部粘膜に異型上皮を認め,結腸癌は共に …
- NAID 130004679177
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- 関
- myometrium、uterine muscle
- 英
- uterine muscle
- 関
- 子宮
- 関
- uteri、uterus、womb
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