- the state of being joined together (同)conjunction, conjugation, colligation
- an act of joining or adjoining things (同)adjunction
- something that joins or connects (同)conjunction
- the place where two or more things come together
- abnormal narrowing of a bodily canal or passageway (同)stricture
- 〈U〉〈C〉連結すること(された状態),『結合』,連合,合体 / 〈C〉『結合点』,連結(接合,合流)点 / 〈C〉(鉄道の)『連絡駅』,接続駅
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English Journal
- In utero oxcarbazepine and a withdrawal syndrome, anomalies, and hyponatremia.
- Rolnitsky A, Merlob P, Klinger G.SourceNeonatology Department, Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel, Petah Tikva, Israel; Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Petah Tikva, Israel.
- Pediatric neurology.Pediatr Neurol.2013 Jun;48(6):466-8. doi: 10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2013.02.012.
- Oxcarbazepine is an antiepileptic agent that has been used during pregnancy, although its safety during pregnancy has not been sufficiently established. This article presents an infant born with renal and cardiac malformations who developed a withdrawal syndrome and hyponatremia following in utero e
- PMID 23668873
- Percutaneous insertion of double-J ureteral stent in children with ureteral obstruction: our experiences.
- Ključevšek D, Ključevšek T.SourceUniversity Children's Hospital Ljubljana, Pediatric Radiology Unit, Bohoričeva 20, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. damjana.kljucevsek@siol.net
- Journal of pediatric urology.J Pediatr Urol.2013 Apr;9(2):188-92. doi: 10.1016/j.jpurol.2012.01.017. Epub 2012 Feb 23.
- OBJECTIVE: Ureteral obstruction (UO) is usually treated by surgical or endoscopic approaches. We investigated whether percutaneous anterograde treatment with insertion of double-J ureteral stent (DJ) is a feasible alternative technique for the management of UO in selected cases, where traditional ap
- PMID 22364714
- Bilateral ureteropelvic junction stenosis causing hydronephrosis and renal failure in an adult cat.
- Foster JD, Pinkerton ME.SourceUniversity of Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Madison, WI 53706, USA. jfoster3@svm.vetmed.wisc.edu
- Journal of feline medicine and surgery.J Feline Med Surg.2012 Dec;14(12):938-41. doi: 10.1177/1098612X12458102. Epub 2012 Aug 22.
- A 3.5-year-old male neutered cat was presented for investigation of renomegaly appreciated during a routine physical examination. Marked renomegaly due to bilateral hydronephrosis was detected and further testing identified International Renal Interest Society stage 2, non-hypertensive, non-proteinu
- PMID 22914571
Japanese Journal
- 炎症を伴った腎盂尿管移行部狭窄症による無機能腎に対する腹腔鏡下腎摘除術の2例
- 今尾 哲也,関 雅也,天野 俊康 [他],竹前 克朗
- 泌尿器科紀要 57(10), 569-572, 2011-10-00
- … We report two cases of infected nonfunctioning kidney due to ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) stenosis treated by laparoscopic surgery. … Asymptomatic UPJ stenosis with mild hydronephrosis was diagnosed 9 years ago at our clinic. … CT scan revealed a left severe hydronephrosis due to UPJ stenosis. … Laparoscopic nephrectomy for infected nonfunctioning kidney due to UPJ stenosis is feasible and safe. …
- NAID 40019038782
- 木俣 有美子,関矢 信康,笠原 裕司,地野 充時,平崎 能郎,小川 恵子,岡本 英輝,植田 圭吾,大野 賢二,並木 隆雄,寺澤 捷年
- Kampo Medicine 62(1), 48-52, 2011
- 左腎盂形成術および子宮筋腫手術に関連して生じた慢性疼痛に対し,漢方治療が奏効した1例を経験した。症例は55歳女性。左腎盂尿管移行部狭窄症に対する左腎盂形成術と,その後生じた子宮筋腫術後の骨盤内癒着による尿管狭窄に対する長期尿管ステント留置が為された。しかし術後の疼痛が慢性化し徐々に増強,ステントに伴う疼痛・不快感も持続し抑うつ傾向も出現,和漢治療を勧められ当科受診となった。気虚,気鬱,水滞を目標に …
- NAID 130000880554
- 腎盂尿管移行部狭窄症に合併した気腫性腎盂腎炎の1例
- 澤崎 晴武,岡所 広祐,高橋 毅 [他],瀧 洋二,竹内 秀雄
- 西日本泌尿器科 70(10), 542-545, 2008-10-20
- NAID 10026146541
Related Links
- Ureteropelvic junction stenosis Ureteropelvic junction stenosis is a partial obstruction of the point at which the ureter connects to the renal pelvis (ureteropelvic junction), where the urine produced in the kidney is collected before it is ...
- What is Ureteroplevic Junction Stenosis (UPJ Stenosis)? How is UPJ Stenosis diagnosed? How and when is UPJ Stenosis treated? What is Ureteropelvic Junction Stenosis (UPJ Stenosis)? It is one of the most common benign ...
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- 英
- ureteropelvic junction obstruction, UPJO
- 英
- ureteropelvic junction stenosis, UPJ stenosis
- 同
- (病態)腎盂尿管移行部狭窄、(疾患)腎盂尿管移行部狭窄症
- 関
- 先天性水腎症
[show details]
- 関
- junctional、junctional region、juncture
腎盂尿管移行部 UPJ