- abnormally high acidity (excess hydrogen-ion concentration) of the blood and other body tissues
- 酸性症,酸中毒(血液中のアルカリ濃度が異常に低い状態)
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English Journal
- Atypical glomerulopathy associated with the cblE inborn error of vitamin B₁₂ metabolism.
- Paul EA, Guttenberg M, Kaplan P, Watkins D, Rosenblatt DS, Treat JR, Kaplan BS.SourceDepartment of Pediatrics, Columbia Medical Center, 630 W 168th St, New York, NY 10032, USA.
- Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, Germany).Pediatr Nephrol.2013 Jul;28(7):1135-9. doi: 10.1007/s00467-013-2443-6. Epub 2013 Mar 19.
- BACKGROUND: The cblE disorder is an inherited disorder of vitamin B12 metabolism that results in elevated levels of homocysteine and decreased methionine in body fluids. Renal complications have been reported in patients with cblC disease, but not in those with cblE disease. The renal complications
- PMID 23503767
- Competing-risk analysis of death and dialysis initiation among elderly (≥80 years) newly referred to nephrologists: a French prospective study.
- Faller B, Beuscart JB, Frimat L; Association des néphrologues de l’Est.SourceDepartment of Nephrology, Hôpital Louis Pasteur, Colmar, France.
- BMC nephrology.BMC Nephrol.2013 May 7;14:103. doi: 10.1186/1471-2369-14-103.
- BACKGROUND: Reasons underlying dialysis decision-making in Octogenarians and Nonagenarians have not been further explored in prospective studies.METHODS: This regional, multicentre, non-interventional and prospective study was aimed to describe characteristics and quality of life (QoL) of elderly (�
- PMID 23659341
Japanese Journal
- 萩原 周一,金子 稔,村田 将人,青木 誠,神戸 将彦,荒川 直哉,中村 卓郎,大山 良雄,田村 遵一,大嶋 清宏,Hagiwara Shuichi,Kaneko Minoru,Murata Masato,Aoki Makoto,Kanbe Masahiko,Arakawa Naoya,Nakamura Takuro,Ohyama Yoshio,Tamura Jun'ichi,Kiyohiro Oshima
- The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学 64(2), 149-152, 2014-05-01
- … Edema was observed in her whole body and arterial blood gas analysis showed metabolic acidosis(pH 7.247,base excess-12.3mmol/L).White blood cell counts and c-reactive protein were also increased. … It was supposed that the cause of this course was uremic pleuritis because her pleural effusion was exudative and her condition was improved by repeated RRT. …
- NAID 120005429867
- 萩原 周一,金子 稔,村田 将人,青木 誠,神戸 将彦,荒川 直哉,中村 卓郎,大山 良雄,田村 遵一,大嶋 清宏
- 北関東医学 64(2), 149-152, 2014
- 症例は63歳女性. 腎細胞癌に対して腎摘出後, 糖尿病・糖尿病性腎症のため前医に通院中だった. 初診2週間程前から感冒様症状があった. 初診4日前から排尿が無くなった. 初診前日深夜, 全身倦怠感・呼吸困難感が増強し前医に救急搬送された. 低酸素血症と腎機能の悪化およびアシドーシスを認めたが対応困難のため, 初診日未明に当院へ転院搬送された. 来院時, 両側胸部に湿性ラ音酸素聴取し, 全身の浮腫を …
- NAID 130004775548
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- acidosis [as″ĭ-do´sis] 1. the accumulation of acid and hydrogen ions or depletion of the alkaline reserve (bicarbonate content) in the blood and body tissues, resulting in a decrease in pH. 2. a pathologic condition resulting from this ...
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- uraemia、uraemic、uremia