- 関
- unlimited
- not subject to restraint; "unrestrained laughter"
- having no limits in range or scope; "to start with a theory of unlimited freedom is to end up with unlimited despotism"- Philip Rahv; "the limitless reaches of outer space" (同)limitless
- in an unrestrained manner
- 抑制されない,遠慮のない / 任意の
- (空間的に)限りない,果てしない(boundless) / 無制限の,無条件の / 過度の,非常な(excessive)
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English Journal
- The in vivo respiratory phenotype of the adenosine A1 receptor knockout mouse.
- Heitzmann D1, Buehler P2, Schweda F3, Georgieff M4, Warth R3, Thomas J5.
- Respiratory physiology & neurobiology.Respir Physiol Neurobiol.2016 Feb 1;222:16-28. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2015.11.005. Epub 2015 Nov 28.
- The nucleoside adenosine has been implicated in the regulation of respiration, especially during hypoxia in the newborn. In this study the role of adenosine A1 receptors for the control of respiration was investigated in vivo. To this end, respiration of unrestrained adult and neonatal adenosine A1
- PMID 26593641
- The Impact of Child Safety Restraint Status and Age in Motor Vehicle Collisions in Predicting Type and Severity of Bone Fractures and Traumatic Injuries.
- Loftis CM1, Sawyer JR, Eubanks JW 3rd, Kelly DM.
- Journal of pediatric orthopedics.J Pediatr Orthop.2016 Jan 11. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Although morbidity and mortality in children increases in motor vehicle collisions (MVC) if child restraints are not used, no data exist correlating specific injuries with proper or improper use of safety restraints or age. The purpose of this study was to evaluate correlations between c
- PMID 26756986
- Haematopoietic ESL-1 enables stem cell proliferation in the bone marrow by limiting TGFβ availability.
- Leiva M1, Quintana JA1, Ligos JM2, Hidalgo A1,3.
- Nature communications.Nat Commun.2016 Jan 8;7:10222. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10222.
- The life-long maintenance of haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) critically relies on environmental signals produced by cells that constitute the haematopoietic niche. Here we report a cell-intrinsic mechanism whereby haematopoietic cells limit proliferation within the bone marrow, and
- PMID 26742601
Japanese Journal
- 604 睡眠時生体情報モニタリング用の圧電型センサーの開発(機械力学・計測制御IV)
- Prediction of Drying Shrinkage Cracking of Eco-efficient Steel Chip Reinforced Cementitious Composite Considering Tensile Creep
- Hong Sunhee,Sato Yuichi,Kaneko Yoshio,Kimura Shinya
- Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 13(8), 393-402, 2015
- … The drying shrinkage strains were measured by the contact gauge method and compared with unrestrained small specimens. …
- NAID 130005094240
- スチールチップ補強セメント系複合材料の引張クリープを考慮した乾燥収縮ひび割れの予測
- 木村 真也,洪 善煕,田中 大貴 [他],佐藤 裕一,金子 佳生
- 材料 64(8), 628-633, 2015
- … The drying shrinkage strains are measured by contact gauge method and compared with unrestrained small specimens. …
- NAID 130005093761
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- un·re·strained (ŭn′rĭ-strānd′) adj. 1. Not controlled or held in check; immoderate: unrestrained exploitation of natural resources. 2. Uninhibited or unreserved: an unrestrained personality. un′re·strain′ed·ly (-strā′nĭd-lē) adv. un′re·strain′ed ...
- unrestrained 【形】 抑制のない 【類】free ; wild ; unchecked ; uncurbed ; ... - アルクがお届けする進化するオンライン英和・和英辞書データベース。一般的な単語や連語から、イディオム、専門用語、スラングまで幅広く収録。
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- 英
- unlimited、unrestrained
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- 無拘束
- 関
- unrestrained
- 英
- unrestrained
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- 無制限