- 1.not combed: unkempt hair. ← 櫛を入れていない、もじゃもじゃの、ぼさぼさの
- 2.uncared-for or neglected; disheveled; messy: unkempt clothes; an unkempt lawn. ← だらしのない、きちんとしていない(服装、外見、芝生)
- 3.unpolished; rough; crude. ← 粗野な、洗練されない
- not properly maintained or cared for; "an unkempt garden"; "native vistas and unkempt rambling paths"; "an ukempt appearance"
- not neatly combed; "wild unkempt hair"
- a field of cultivated and mowed grass
- dirty and disorderly; "a mussy fussy bedroom"; "a childs messy eating habits" (同)mussy
- in disarray; extremely disorderly; "her clothing was disheveled"; "powder-smeared and frowzled"; "a rumpled unmade bed"; "a bed with tousled sheets"; "his brown hair was tousled, thick, and curly"- Al Spiers (同)dishevelled, frowzled, rumpled, tousled
- lacking a caretaker; "a neglected child"; "many casualties were lying unattended" (同)unattended
- (髪が)くしを入れてない,もどゃもどゃの / (服装・外見などが)だらしがない
- 『芝生』[『地』]
- ローン(ハンカチ・ブラウスなどに用いるごく薄地のリネンまたは木綿布)
- (場所・部屋などが)乱雑な,取り散らかした;(物が)汚れた,きたない / やっかいな,面倒な
- 無視された,顧みられない
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/10/14 18:20:54」(JST)
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Look up kempt in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Kempt may refer to:
- George Kempt (1821-1885), Ontario businessman and political figure
- James Kempt (1765-1854), British Army officer
- Kempt Lake (Matawinie), in Matawinie Regional County Municipality, Lanaudière
Nova Scotia
- Kempt, Nova Scotia, a community in the Region of Queens Municipality
- Kempt Shore, Nova Scotia, a small community, in The Municipality of the District of West Hants in Hants County
- Kempt Head, Nova Scotia, a small community in Victoria County on Boularderie Island
- Kempt Road, Nova Scotia, a small community in Richmond County on Cape Breton Island
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English Journal
- Unkempt Is Negatively Regulated by mTOR and Uncouples Neuronal Differentiation from Growth Control.
- Avet-Rochex A1, Carvajal N1, Christoforou CP1, Yeung K2, Maierbrugger KT1, Hobbs C1, Lalli G1, Cagin U1, Plachot C2, McNeill H2, Bateman JM1.
- PLoS genetics.PLoS Genet.2014 Sep 11;10(9):e1004624. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004624. eCollection 2014.
- Neuronal differentiation is exquisitely controlled both spatially and temporally during nervous system development. Defects in the spatiotemporal control of neurogenesis cause incorrect formation of neural networks and lead to neurological disorders such as epilepsy and autism. The mTOR kinase integ
- PMID 25210733
- Loss of Mpzl3 function causes various skin abnormalities and greatly reduced adipose depots.
- Leiva AG1, Chen AL1, Devarajan P2, Chen Z2, Damanpour S1, Hall JA3, Bianco AC3, Li J1, Badiavas EV4, Zaias J5, Miteva M1, Romanelli P1, Nouri K1, Cao Wikramanayake T6.
- The Journal of investigative dermatology.J Invest Dermatol.2014 Jul;134(7):1817-27. doi: 10.1038/jid.2014.94. Epub 2014 Feb 14.
- The rough coat (rc) spontaneous mutation causes sebaceous gland (SG) hypertrophy, hair loss, and extracutaneous abnormalities including growth retardation. The rc mice have a missense mutation in the predicted Ig protein Myelin Protein Zero-Like 3 (Mpzl3). In this study, we generated Mpzl3 knockout
- PMID 24531688
- Recognizing Diogenes syndrome: a case report.
- Irvine JD1, Nwachukwu K.
- BMC research notes.BMC Res Notes.2014 May 2;7:276. doi: 10.1186/1756-0500-7-276.
- BACKGROUND: Diogenes syndrome is a behavioural disorder characterized by domestic squalor, extreme self-neglect, hoarding, and lack of shame regarding one's living condition. Patients may present due to a range of reasons. Recognizing these will allow for earlier management of this high-mortality co
- PMID 24886174
- Current surgical instrument labeling techniques may increase the risk of unintentionally retained foreign objects: a hypothesis.
- Ipaktchi K1, Kolnik A, Messina M, Banegas R, Livermore M, Price C.
- Patient safety in surgery.Patient Saf Surg.2013 Sep 30;7(1):31. doi: 10.1186/1754-9493-7-31.
- BACKGROUND: Marking of surgical instruments is essential to ensure their proper identification after sterile processing. The National Quality Forum defines unintentionally retained foreign objects in a surgical patient as a serious reportable event also called "never event."PRESENTATION OF THE HYPOT
- PMID 24079615
Japanese Journal
- 斑鳩らしい景観の継承性に与える景観構成要素の変化特性に関する研究
- 下村 泰彦,山崎 寛朗,加我 宏之 [他],増田 昇
- ランドスケープ研究 74(5), 629-632, 2011
- … In the group of traditional landscapes that increased the sense of Ikaruga Town, earthen tracks from the mid-Showa era had been changed to stone pavement, and unkempt hedges had been changed to earthen walls. …
- NAID 130001906566
- 新規頻尿・尿失禁治療剤 (±)-4-diethylamino-1,1-dimethylbut-2-yn-1-yl 2-cyclohexyl-2-hydtoxy-2-phenylacetate monohydrochloride monohydrate (NS-21) の活性代謝物 (RCC-36, NS-21のモノ脱エチル体) のラットにおける単回ならびに13週間反復経口投与毒性試験
- 古川 茂典,神山 八郎,菊森 幹人 [他],谷口 雄三,西森 司雄,石橋 成太良,岩倉 啓子,鷲見 信好
- Journal of toxicological sciences 22(Supplement I), 93-124, 1997-04-25
- NS-21の活性代謝物であるRCC-36について, 0, 400, 600, 900, 1350および2030mg/kgの投与用量でのラット単回経口投与毒性試験ならびに0,3, 30および300mg/kgの投与用量でのラット13週間反復経口投与毒性試験および5週間回復試験を実施して, 以下の成績を得た。単回経口投与毒性試験 1. 死亡は600mg/kg以上の投与群の雌雄でみられ、LD_<50 …
- NAID 110001803668
- 新規頻尿・尿失禁治療剤 (±)-4-diethylamino-1,1-dimethylbut-2-yn-1-yl 2-cyclohexyl-2-hydtoxy-2-phenylacetate monohydrochloride monohydrate (NS-21) のラットにおける13週間反復経口投与毒性試験ならびに5週間回復試験
- 西口 保幸,安達 孝浩,中沢 素邦 [他],俵谷 武治,内本 啓史,吉田 勝,石橋 成太良,北山 英太,岩倉 啓子,鷲見 信好
- Journal of toxicological sciences 22(Supplement I), 27-57, 1997-04-25
- NS-21を0, 6, 30, 150および750mg/kgの投与用量でラットに13週間反復経口投与し, さらに0, 30, 150および750mg/k9投与群については5週間の回復試験を実施して, 以下の成績を得た。1. 一般臨床検査では, 死亡が750mg/kg投与群の雄7例, 雌2例で認められ, これらの死亡動物では, 循環不全による死亡を示唆する肺のうつ血お上び水腫が共通してみられた。一般 …
- NAID 110001803666
- 新規頻尿・尿失禁治療剤 (±)-4-diethylamino-1,1-dimethylbut-2-yn-1-yl2-cyclohexyl -2-hydroxy-2-phenylacetate monohydrochloride monohydrate (NS-21) の活性代謝物, 光学異性体, 加水分解物, 副生成物のマウスにおける腹腔内投与による単回投与毒性試験
- 西村 信雄,小林 淳一,茂呂 光男 [他],勝亦 倶慶,西口 保幸,岩倉 啓子,鷲見 信好
- Journal of toxicological sciences 22(Supplement I), 15-25, 1997-04-25
- NS-21の光学異性体である(S)NS-21, (R)NS-21, 活性代謝物である (R/S)RCC-36およびその光学異性体である (S)RCC-36, (R)RCC-36, 加水分解物であるRCC-32, RCC-38ならびに副生成物であるRCC-66について, マウスを用いた腹腔内投与による単回投与毒性試験を実施し, 以下の成績を得た。LD_<50>値は, (S)NS-21の雄 …
- NAID 110001803665
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