- 関
- unicorn
- an imaginary creature represented as a white horse with a long horn growing from its forehead
- 一角獣(想像上の動物) / (紋章として使われるライオンの尾をした)一角獣
English Journal
- Laparoscopic management of hydronephrosis in a woman with rare genitourinary anomalies: unicornous uterus, contralateral agenesis of the kidney, and contralateral ectopic ovary in the groin.
- Schulte-Baukloh H1, Buchholz J, Stürzebecher B, Knispel HH.
- Journal of endourology / Endourological Society.J Endourol.2003 Nov;17(9):759-61.
- A 40-year-old woman had infected right-sided hydronephrosis and rare genitourinary anomalies-a dextroposed unicornous uterus-as the cause of the hydronephrosis, which had to be mobilized laparoscopically by dissecting the scar tissue. Furthermore, the patient had left-sided agenesis of the kidney an
- PMID 14642038
- [Developmental anomalies of the uterus in a population of 3000 women with various causes of infertility].
- Rózewicki S1, Bielewicz W, Iwanicki M, Puchalski A.
- Ginekologia polska.Ginekol Pol.1992;63(10):515-7.
- In the years from 1979 to 1991 a population of 3000 women with various causes of infertility was found to have in 13.34% developmental anomalies of uteri. As many as 9.27% consisted of saddle uteri, 2.67% bicornous, in 0.37% there was partial, and in 0.13% complete septum, in 0.57% unicornous and in
- PMID 1305559
- [Successful tubal anastomosis utilizing contralateral tubal segment in a case of unicornous uterus with a rudimentary horn].
- Sato K1, Kojima T, Takahashi K.
- Nihon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai zasshi.Nihon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai Zasshi.1990 Nov;42(11):1595-7.
- PMID 2273319
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- Looking for online definition of unicornous in the Medical Dictionary? unicornous explanation free. What is unicornous? Meaning of unicornous medical term. What does unicornous mean? Unicornous | definition of unicornous by ...
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- 関
- unicornous
- 英
- unicorn、unicornous