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- 3,4-threo-dihydroxyphenylserine、3,4-threo-DOPS、droxidopa
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English Journal
- Ascending monoaminergic systems alterations in Alzheimer's disease. Translating basic science into clinical care.
- Trillo L, Das D, Hsieh W, Medina B, Moghadam S, Lin B, Dang V, Sanchez MM, De Miguel Z, Ashford JW, Salehi A.SourceDepartment of Physiology, School of Medicine, National University of San Agustin, Arequipa, Peru.
- Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews.Neurosci Biobehav Rev.2013 May 24;37(8):1363-1379. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2013.05.008. [Epub ahead of print]
- Extensive neuropathological studies have established a compelling link between abnormalities in structure and function of subcortical monoaminergic (MA-ergic) systems and the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The main cell populations of these systems including the locus coeruleus, the ra
- PMID 23707776
- Hemodynamic Effects of l-Threo-3,4-Dihydroxyphenylserine (Droxidopa) in Hypotensive Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury.
- Wecht JM, Rosado-Rivera D, Weir JP, Ivan A, Yen C, Bauman WA.SourceCenter of Excellence, James J. Peters VAMC, Bronx, NY; Medical Service, James J. Peters Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Bronx, NY; Department of Medicine, The Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY; Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, The Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY. Electronic address: JM.Wecht@va.gov.
- Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation.Arch Phys Med Rehabil.2013 Apr 18. pii: S0003-9993(13)00305-5. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2013.03.028. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVES: To determine the effect of an escalating dose of droxidopa (100, 200, and 400mg) compared with placebo on seated blood pressure (BP) in hypotensive individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI). Secondarily, we aimed to determine the effect of droxidopa on (1) supine BP and heart rate, (2) t
- PMID 23602882
- Emerging drugs for autonomic dysfunction in Parkinson's disease.
- Perez-Lloret S, Rey MV, Pavy-Le Traon A, Rascol O.SourceUniversity of Toulouse III, University Hospital, Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Neuroscience, Toulouse, France. splloret@fleni.org.ar
- Expert opinion on emerging drugs.Expert Opin Emerg Drugs.2013 Mar;18(1):39-53. doi: 10.1517/14728214.2013.766168. Epub 2013 Feb 1.
- INTRODUCTION: Autonomic dysfunction, including orthostatic hypotension (OH), sialorrhea, sexual dysfunction, urinary dysfunction and constipation is a common feature of Parkinson's disease (PD). Even though its treatment has been recognized as a major unmet need in PD, there is a paucity of clinical
- PMID 23373820
Japanese Journal
- 虚血誘発ラット前庭神経内側核ニューロン活動抑制の L-threo-DOPS による回復作用
- 笹 征史,厳 海燉,石原 熊寿,天野 託,関 貴弘
- 日本神経精神薬理学雑誌 = Japanese journal of psychopharmacology 22(6), 287, 2002-12-25
- NAID 10012589867
- パーキンソン病の起立性低血圧に対する L-threo-DOPS の効果
- 透析患者の起立性低血圧症状に対する L-threo-DOPS の臨床効果-多施設共同二重盲検比較法による第3相試験-
- 越川 昭三,秋澤 忠男,飯田 喜俊,丸茂 文昭,川口 良人,白井 大禄,今田 聰雄,山崎 親雄,鈴木 正司,椿原 美治,秋葉 隆,中島 光好
- 日本透析医学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy 30(7), 941-959, 1997-07-28
- NAID 10006358401
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- The case of a 64-year-old man with severe Shy-Drager syndrome is reported here. He was bedridden because of marked akinesia, rigidity, ataxia and postural hypotension. After the administration of L-DOPA (300mg/day) and L-threo ...
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- ドロキシドパ、3,4-スレオ-DOPS
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- 3,4-threo-DOPS、threo-DOPS
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- 3,4-threo-DOPS、threo-DOPS
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- 3,4-threo-dihydroxyphenylserine、droxidopa、threo-DOPS