- 関
- technical expert、technician
- someone known for high skill in some intellectual or artistic technique
- someone whose occupation involves training in a specific technical process
- 科学技術者,工業技術者
- (科学・職業上の)専門家,専門技術者 / (音楽・美術などの)技巧派
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The present disambiguation page holds the title of a primary topic, and an article needs to be written about it. It is believed to qualify as a broad-concept article. It may be written directly at this page, or drafted elsewhere then moved over here. Related titles should be described in Technologist, while unrelated titles should be moved to Technologist (disambiguation). |
Look up technologist in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Technologist may refer to:
- Applied Science Technologist, a Canadian professional title in engineering and applied science technology
- Architectural technologist, a specialist in the technology of building design and construction
- Cardiovascular technologist, a health specialist who uses imaging technology to help diagnose cardiac and vascular ailments
- Chemical technologist, a worker who provides technical support or services in chemical-related fields
- Civic technologist, a specialist capable of satisfying societal needs by exploiting technologies
- Educational technologist, a specialist in tools to enhance learning
- Electrical technologist, a person whose knowledge lies between that of an electrical engineer and an electrical tradesperson
- Engineering technologist, a specialist who implements technology within a field of engineering
- Industrial technologist, a specialist in the management, operation, and maintenance of complex operation systems
- Information technologist
- Medical technologist, a healthcare professional who performs diagnostic analysis on a variety of body fluids
- Polysomnographic technologist, a health specialist who administers overnight polysomnograms
- Professional technologist, a Canadian professional title in engineering and technology related fields
- Radiologic technologist, a medical professional who applies doses of radiation for imaging and treatment
- Surgical technologist, a health specialist who facilitates the conduct of invasive surgical procedures
- Technologist, a European science magazine
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English Journal
- A Proposed Simple Model for Estimating Occupational Radiation Dose to Staff from Veterinary 18F-FDG Pet Procedures.
- Martinez NE1, Kraft SL, Johnson TE.Author information 1*Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80526.AbstractSeveral studies have been conducted concerning the radiation dose to hospital personnel from positron emission tomography (PET) radiopharmaceuticals, but to date only one parallel study has been conducted for veterinary staff. Veterinary patients present challenges not encountered with human patients, as they require anesthesia and therefore more intensive monitoring than human patients. This paper presents a simple model for estimating the effective radiation dose to veterinary staff using occupational dose data from PET studies at Colorado State University's (CSU) James L. Voss Veterinary Teaching Hospital. The model consists of three point sources within a soft tissue cylinder, and sample calculations are provided for estimating dose to nuclear medicine technologists and an anesthesia technologist based on four different sized dogs. The estimated doses are within the range of actual occupational doses published previously. There are different protocols for the sequence of events in veterinary PET, specifically the order of anesthesia induction and radiopharmaceutical injection. When F-FDG injection is performed prior to anesthesia induction, the estimated dose is between 1.5 and 3.6 times higher than the doses received if injection is done after anesthesia induction, although expected doses for both protocols are below occupational dose limits based on a case load of 100 veterinary patients per year. The model is based on the techniques used at CSU, but it can be modified for different hospitals as well as differently sized animals.
- Health physics.Health Phys.2014 May;106(5):583-91. doi: 10.1097/HP.0000000000000037.
- Several studies have been conducted concerning the radiation dose to hospital personnel from positron emission tomography (PET) radiopharmaceuticals, but to date only one parallel study has been conducted for veterinary staff. Veterinary patients present challenges not encountered with human patient
- PMID 24670907
- Missing perspective in the discussion of safety culture.
- Young K.
- AORN journal.AORN J.2014 Apr;99(4):455. doi: 10.1016/j.aorn.2014.01.021.
- PMID 24674789
- Quality assurance of spirometry in a population-based study -predictors of good outcome in spirometry testing.
- Tan WC1, Bourbeau J, O'Donnell D, Aaron S, Maltais F, Marciniuk D, Hernandez P, Cowie R, Chapman K, Sonia Buist A, Sin D, Mark Fitzgerald J; *CanCOLD Collaborative Research Group.Author information 11UBC James Hogg Research Laboratories, Providence Heart + Lung Institute, St. Paul's Hospital, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.AbstractAbstract Background: The assurance of high-quality spirometry testing remains a challenge. Methods: Spirometry training consisted of standardized coaching followed by certification for 35 spirometry-naïve and 9 spirometry-experienced research assistants. Spirometry was performed before and after bronchodilator (BD) in random population samples of 5176 people aged 40 years and older from 9 sites in Canada. using the hand-held EasyOne spirometer (ndd Medical Technologies Inc., Andover, MA, USA). Pulmonary function quality assurance with over reading was conducted centrally in Vancouver: spirograms were reviewed and graded according to ATS/ERS standards with prompt feedback to the technician at each site. Descriptive statistics were calculated for manoeuvre acceptability and repeatability variables. A logistic regression model was constructed for the predictors of spirometry quality success. Results: 95% of test sessions achieved pre-determined quality standards for back extrapolated volume (BEV), time to peak flow (PEFT) and end of test volume (EOTV). The mean forced expiratory time (FET) was 11.2 seconds. Then, 90% and 95% of all manoeuvres had FEV1 and FVC that were repeatable within 150 ml and 200 ml respectively. Test quality was slightly better for post-BD test sessions compared with pre-BD for both groups of research assistants. Independent predictors of acceptable test quality included participant characteristics: female sex, younger age, greater BD responsiveness; but not study site or prior experience in completing spirometry by the technologist. Conclusions: Good quality spirometry tests are attainable in large multicenter epidemiological studies by trained research assistants, irrespective of their prior experience in spirometry.
- COPD.COPD.2014 Apr;11(2):143-51. doi: 10.3109/15412555.2013.822857.
- Abstract Background: The assurance of high-quality spirometry testing remains a challenge. Methods: Spirometry training consisted of standardized coaching followed by certification for 35 spirometry-naïve and 9 spirometry-experienced research assistants. Spirometry was performed before and after br
- PMID 24666210
Japanese Journal
- Role sharing of radiological technologist on advanced digital angiography —to ensure image quality of angiography and the optimality of reduction for radiation exposure—
- 市田 隆雄,高尾 由範,文屋 季代,佐々木 将平,横山 貢治,小川 隆由,坂本 肇,江口 陽一
- Journal of the Japanese Coronary Association, 2013
- Recently, the tasks of the radiological technologists have the difference between hospitals. Angiographic equipments have been improved performance, as results, they are enhanced convenience and their …
- NAID 130002585933
- 社会人大学院の現状と課題 : 修士課程を修了した臨床検査技師の立場から (第35回東北支部例会) -- (シンポジウム 臨床検査技師のキャリア設計)
- 単元学習を可能にした医用工学Web-Learningの学習効果 (教育フロンティア研究会 教育一般)
- 本間 達,若松 秀俊,栗原 由利子 [他]
- 電気学会研究会資料. FIE 2012(19-24・26-34), 55-58, 2012-09-10
- NAID 40019455007
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- technical expert、technologist
- 英
- technician、technologist、technical expert
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- radiological technologist
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- radiologic technologist
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