- a short strip of material attached to or projecting from something in order to facilitate opening or identifying or handling it; "pull the tab to open the can"; "files with a red tab will be stored separately"; "the collar has a tab with a button hole"; "the filing cards were organized by cards having indexed tabs"
- wasting of the body during a chronic disease
- (開けるたれの)つまみ;(持つ・つるすための)ひもの輪;(区別するための)付け札,ラベル / (衣服につける装飾用の)ひも,輪,垂れ飾り;(靴の)舌革など / 《話》(食事などの)勘定;つけ
- ありがと
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English Journal
- The Role of Information Technology (Apps) in FPMRS.
- Gonka J1, Kim J.
- Current urology reports.Curr Urol Rep.2015 Feb;16(2):477. doi: 10.1007/s11934-014-0477-3.
- The objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive overview of the use of smartphone "apps" within the field of female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery (FPMRS) and the role they play in improving patient education. The authors conducted a keyword search using the search tab in the A
- PMID 25630917
- Changes on digestive enzymes during initial ontogeny in the three-spot cichlid Cichlasoma trimaculatum.
- Toledo-Solís FJ1, Uscanga-Martínez A, Guerrero-Zárate R, Márquez-Couturier G, Martínez-García R, Camarillo-Coop S, Perales-García N, Rodríguez-Valencia W, Gómez-Gómez MA, Álvarez-González CA.
- Fish physiology and biochemistry.Fish Physiol Biochem.2015 Feb;41(1):267-79. doi: 10.1007/s10695-014-0023-8. Epub 2014 Dec 30.
- A study was performed in order to understand the development of digestive enzymes during initial ontogeny of Cichlasoma trimaculatum, for which the activity of acidic and alkaline proteases, lipases, amylases and phosphatases was determined by means of biochemical and electrophoretic analysis. Our r
- PMID 25547606
- VirHostNet 2.0: surfing on the web of virus/host molecular interactions data.
- Guirimand T1, Delmotte S2, Navratil V3.
- Nucleic acids research.Nucleic Acids Res.2015 Jan 28;43(Database issue):D583-7. doi: 10.1093/nar/gku1121. Epub 2014 Nov 11.
- VirHostNet release 2.0 (http://virhostnet.prabi.fr) is a knowledgebase dedicated to the network-based exploration of virus-host protein-protein interactions. Since the previous VirhostNet release (2009), a second run of manual curation was performed to annotate the new torrent of high-throughput pro
- PMID 25392406
Japanese Journal
- 松屋銀座 tabモールの品揃えを百貨店の接客力で売り込む (特集 オムニチャネル元年)
- 閲覧履歴の関連性を考慮した閲覧意図の階層的分類手法
- 富士谷 康,吉田 拓磨,中村 明順,安積 卓也,望月 祐洋,西尾 信彦
- 情報処理学会論文誌 56(1), 295-305, 2015-01-15
- Web上での活動支援のためにユーザ個人の閲覧履歴を分類する研究が行われている.Web閲覧は多様な目的を満たすように行われるため,分類の際にはユーザの閲覧意図を考慮する必要がある.閲覧意図の特徴として,閲覧中の推移,階層構造,適切な粒度に対する個人差がある.既存手法では時刻やページ本文などが用いられるが,複数の閲覧意図が混在したり,本文が存在しないページの分類ができなかったりして,閲覧意図をとらえる …
- NAID 110009867112
- JR東日本におけるタブレット端末の導入について : 現場業務を支援するタブレット端末(Joi-Tab)の導入
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- 英
- tablet, tablets, tab.
- ラ
- tabellae