- express in speech; "She talks a lot of nonsense"; "This depressed patient does not verbalize" (同)speak, utter, mouth, verbalize, verbalise
- the act of giving a talk to an audience; "I attended an interesting talk on local history"
- idle gossip or rumor; "there has been talk about you lately" (同)talk of the town
- an exchange of ideas via conversation; "lets have more work and less talk around here" (同)talking
- discussion; (`talk about is a less formal alternative for `discussion of'
- exchange thoughts; talk with; "We often talk business"; "Actions talk louder than words" (同)speak
- pleasing to the senses; "the sweet song of the lark"; "the sweet face of a child"
- a food rich in sugar (同)confection
- the taste experience when sugar dissolves in the mouth (同)sweetness, sugariness
- (used of wines) having a high residual sugar content; "sweet dessert wines"
- having or denoting the characteristic taste of sugar
- English phonetician; one of the founders of modern phonetics (1845-1912) (同)Henry Sweet
- おせじを言う,おだてる / 〈人〉‘を'おだてる,〈人〉‘に'おせじを言う
- 『話す』,しゃべる,物を言う,口を利く / (考えなどを伝えるために)(…と…について)『語る』,話す,話し合う,論ずる《+to(with)+名+about(of, on)+名(doing, wh-節・句)》 / うわさ話をする;秘密をもらす / (言語以外の方法で)話す,合図する / …‘を'ことを話す,‘を'論ずる / 〈言語・方言〉‘を'話す,使う / 〈人〉‘に'話す / 〈C〉『話』,談話,おしゃべり;《複数形で》(正式な)『話し合い』,協議 / 〈C〉(…についての)(形式ばらない)『演説』,講演《+on(about)+名》 / 〈U〉うわさ,風説;《the~》うわさの種 / 〈U〉空論,むだ話 / 〈U〉話しぶり,口調
- (砂糖のように)『甘い』;砂糖の入った / 心地よい,香りのよい,美しい,おいしい / 新鮮な,腐っていない / (性質などが)『人好きのする』,気だてのよい,優しい,親切な / (酒が)甘口の / 〈C〉《英》甘い料理,(特に)デザート / 《複数形で》《英》(ケーキ・キャンデーなどの)『砂糖菓子』(《米》candy) / 〈U〉《呼びかけで》あなた,おまえ / 《複数形で》《the ~》《文》(…の)喜び,楽しみ《+of+名》
- ありがと
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English Journal
- Synaptic Sweet Talk: How Do Perineuronal Nets Contribute to Epileptogenesis and Neuroplasticity?
- Naegele JR.
- Epilepsy currents / American Epilepsy Society.Epilepsy Curr.2016 Jan-Feb;16(1):29-30. doi: 10.5698/1535-7597-16.1.29.
- PMID 26900374
- Nègènègèn: Sweet talk, disrespect, and abuse among rural auxiliary midwives in Mali.
- Warren N1, Beebe M2, Chase RP3, Doumbia S4, Winch PJ5.
- Midwifery.Midwifery.2015 Nov;31(11):1073-80. doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2015.07.007. Epub 2015 Jul 30.
- OBJECTIVE: the purpose of this study was to explore disrespect and abuse toward women in labor from the perspective of auxiliary midwives.DESIGN: this study uses a cross-sectional, descriptive mixed-methods design using surveys and interviews.SETTING: Koutiala, Mali.PARTICIPANTS: 67 mostly rural aux
- PMID 26299369
- Sweet Talk: Protein Glycosylation in Bacterial Interaction With the Host.
- Lu Q1, Li S2, Shao F3.
- Trends in microbiology.Trends Microbiol.2015 Oct;23(10):630-41. doi: 10.1016/j.tim.2015.07.003.
- Pathogenic bacteria encode virulent glycosyltransferases that conjugate various glycans onto substrate proteins via the N- or O-linkage. The HMW system in nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae and the Pgl system in Campylobacter jejuni glycosylate bacterial surface or periplasmic proteins at the eukary
- PMID 26433695
Japanese Journal
- "Sweet talk" : closing in on C type lectin signaling
- Gemmaを描いた4つの作品について--Stephanie Vaughnによる短篇集Sweet Talkから
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- 関
- speak、tell