- highest in excellence or achievement; "supreme among musicians"; "a supreme endxxeavor"; "supreme courage"
- final or last in your life or progress; "the supreme sacrifice"; "the supreme judgment"
- greatest or maximal in degree; extreme; "supreme folly"
- the highest court in most states of the United States (同)state supreme court, high_court
- to the maximum degree; "he was supremely confident"
- 『最高位(権威)の』 / (程度・質が)『最高の』,最大の / できり限りの
- 最高の,優れた
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/11/22 19:00:52」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Supreme may mean or refer to:
- Supreme (comics), a comic book superhero
- Supreme (cookery), a term used in cookery
- Supreme, Louisiana, a census-designated place in the United States
- Supreme (producer), a hip-hop producer
- Supreme (clothing), a popular skate shop and clothing brand based in New York
- Supreme Records, a record label
- Supreme (song), a song by Robbie Williams
- Supreme, a member of the rap group Representativz
- Supreme, a translation of term Svayam Bhagavan, relating to Krishna
- Supreme, a member of the rap group Looptroop Rockers
- Kenneth McGriff (Kenneth "Supreme" McGriff), convicted drug lord and leader of the defunct Supreme Team
- Any member of the singing group The Supremes
- a muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia) cultivar
See also
- The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, the court of last resort and highest appellate court in all matters under English law, Welsh law, Northern Irish law and Scottish civil law
- The Supreme Court of the United States, the highest judicial body within the United States court system
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English Journal
- The courts and public health: caught in a pincer movement.
- Parmet WE, Jacobson PD.Author information Wendy E. Parmet is with the Northeastern University School of Law, Boston, MA. Peter D. Jacobson is with the Center for Law, Ethics, and Health, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor.AbstractPublic health practitioners are familiar with the general outlines of legal authority and with judicial standards for reviewing public health regulations. What may not be as familiar are 3 emerging judicial doctrines that pose considerable risks to public health initiatives. We explain the contentious series of judicial rulings that now place health departments' broad grant of authority in jeopardy. One doctrine invokes the First Amendment to limit regulatory authority. The second involves the Supreme Court's reinterpretation of federalism to limit both federal and state public health interventions. The third redefines the standard of evidence required to support regulations. Together, these judicial trends create a pincer movement that places substantial new burdens on the ability of health departments to protect health.
- American journal of public health.Am J Public Health.2014 Mar;104(3):392-7. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301738. Epub 2014 Jan 16.
- Public health practitioners are familiar with the general outlines of legal authority and with judicial standards for reviewing public health regulations. What may not be as familiar are 3 emerging judicial doctrines that pose considerable risks to public health initiatives. We explain the contentio
- PMID 24432949
- Reference ranges for urinary levels of testosterone and epitestosterone, which may reveal gonadal function, in a Korean male population.
- Moon JY1, Kwon W2, Suh S2, Cheong JC2, In MK2, Chung BC1, Kim JY3, Choi MH4.Author information 1Future Convergence Research Division, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul 136-791, South Korea.2Forensic Science Division, Supreme Prosecutors' Office, Seoul 137-730, South Korea.3Forensic Science Division, Supreme Prosecutors' Office, Seoul 137-730, South Korea. Electronic address: paxus@spo.go.kr.4Future Convergence Research Division, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul 136-791, South Korea. Electronic address: mh_choi@kist.re.kr.AbstractCannabis, or marijuana, the most commonly used illicit drug in the world, has been shown to be responsible for suppressing the production and secretion of androgens, particularly testosterone. However, despite such findings in animals, the chronic effects of marijuana use on human endocrine systems have proved to be inconsistent. Here, we investigated the reference ranges of urinary levels of testosterone (T) and epitestosterone (E) as well as their metabolic ratio of T/E in a Korean male population (n=337), which would enable an evaluation of abnormal changes in steroid metabolism induced by habitually administered cannabis. The T/E ratio was significantly decreased in the marijuana group (n=18), while the urinary testosterone concentrations were also tended to decrease. This study is the first to provide data for the reference values of two urinary androgens and T/E values among control Korean males, and, furthermore, suggests that the T/E ratio, though not testosterone levels, might be used to understand the suppression of human male gonadal function affected by smoking marijuana.
- The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology.J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol.2014 Mar;140:100-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2013.12.001. Epub 2013 Dec 12.
- Cannabis, or marijuana, the most commonly used illicit drug in the world, has been shown to be responsible for suppressing the production and secretion of androgens, particularly testosterone. However, despite such findings in animals, the chronic effects of marijuana use on human endocrine systems
- PMID 24333796
- Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty for the Quantification of 11-Nor-Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-9-Carboxylic Acid and Its Glucuronide in Urine Using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry.
- Kim JY, Kwon W, Kim HS, Suh S, In MK.Author information Forensic Chemistry Laboratory, Forensic Science Division, Supreme Prosecutors' Office, 157 Banpodaero, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-730, Republic of Korea.AbstractRecently, the estimation of the measurement uncertainty has become a significant issue in the quality control of forensic drug testing. In the present study, the uncertainty of the measurement was calculated for the quantification of 11-nor-delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid (THC-COOH) and its glucuronide conjugate (THC-COOH-glu) in urine using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The procedure was based on liquid-liquid extraction of a volume of urine (800 µL) with ethyl acetate. The sources of uncertainty were identified and classified into four major categories as follows: standard preparation, calibration curve, method precision and bias. The overall contribution of combined standard uncertainty on THC-COOH increased in the order of standard preparation (0.9%), method precision (10.4%), calibration curve (30.3%) and bias (58.4%) and, while calibration curve (53.0%) and bias (40.4%) gave the bigger contributions to the combined standard uncertainty for THC-COOH-glu than method precision and standard preparation, which accounted for 6.3 and 0.3%, respectively. The reliability of a measurement was expressed by stating the expanded uncertainty of the measurement result at 95% confidence level. The concentrations of THC-COOH and THC-COOH-glu in the urine sample with their expanded uncertainties were 10.20 ± 1.14 ng/mL and 25.42 ± 5.01 ng/mL, respectively.
- Journal of analytical toxicology.J Anal Toxicol.2014 Feb 10. [Epub ahead of print]
- Recently, the estimation of the measurement uncertainty has become a significant issue in the quality control of forensic drug testing. In the present study, the uncertainty of the measurement was calculated for the quantification of 11-nor-delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid (THC-COOH) a
- PMID 24519562
- Mired in Miranda Misconceptions: A Study of Legally Involved Juveniles at Different Levels of Psychosocial Maturity.
- Rogers R, Steadham JA, Fiduccia CE, Drogin EY, Robinson EV.Author information University of North Texas, Denton, TX.AbstractThe Supreme Court of the United States has long recognized that the vulnerabilities of juvenile offenders merit special protections due to deficits in experience and maturity. Appellate courts assume that Miranda warnings will inform juvenile suspects of their Miranda rights, and allow them to render knowing and intelligent waivers. This study examines Miranda misconceptions of legally involved juveniles (i.e., juvenile detainees and youth mandated to juvenile justice alternative education) at different levels of psychosocial maturity. These juveniles manifested an unexpectedly large frequency of erroneous Miranda beliefs; each group (low, middle, and high maturity) averaged a dozen or more misconceptions, thus overshadowing substantive differences between maturity groups. However, maturity played an important role in the immediate recall of a Miranda advisement. Alarmingly, both low- and middle-maturity groups displayed less than one-third immediate recall. The high-maturity group performed better, but still failed to recall almost half of the Miranda concepts. The overall findings are discussed with respect to juvenile Miranda comprehension and reasoning. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
- Behavioral sciences & the law.Behav Sci Law.2014 Feb 9. doi: 10.1002/bsl.2099. [Epub ahead of print]
- The Supreme Court of the United States has long recognized that the vulnerabilities of juvenile offenders merit special protections due to deficits in experience and maturity. Appellate courts assume that Miranda warnings will inform juvenile suspects of their Miranda rights, and allow them to rende
- PMID 24510839
Japanese Journal
- 公認会計士への法的助言秘匿特権(Legal Advice Privilege)の適用拡大の可否 : プルデンシャル租税事件についてのイギリス最高裁判所の判断を素材として
- 不動産の譲渡担保-判例の立場をどのように説明すべきか
- 金子 敬明,カネコ ヨシアキ,Yoshiaki Kaneko
- 千葉大学法学論集 28(1-2), 185-246, 2013-09-00
- 『千葉大学法学論集』第28巻第1・2号 半田吉信先生・鈴木庸夫先生 退職記念号HOGAKU RONSHU(CHIBA JOURNAL OF LAW AND POLITICS) Vol.28 Nos.1・2 Essays in Honor of Professors Yoshinobu Handa and Tsuneo Suzuki at their Retirement from Chiba Un …
- NAID 120005343822
- 普通預金債権に対する差押命令申立における差押債権の特定 : 最決平成24年7月24日判時2170号30頁
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- Supreme. The official website of Supreme. EST 1994. NYC.
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