- put into a recess; "recess lights"
- a small concavity (同)recession, niche, corner
- an enclosure that is set back or indented (同)niche
- make a recess in; "recess the piece of wood"
- resembling an alcove
- 〈C〉〈U〉(通常の活動の一時的な)『休み』,休憩 / 〈U〉《米》(学校の)休み時間,休暇 / 〈C〉(本棚・戸棚などをはめ込むための)(部屋の)引っ込み / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》《文》奥まった所,隠れた所 / 〈部屋〉‘に'引っ込みを作る;〈戸棚など〉‘を'引っ込みにはめ込む / 休憩する,休会する
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- 1. 膝部の運動器超音波musculoskeletal ultrasound of the knee [show details]
…the quadriceps tendon and prefemoral fat pad lies the potential space of the suprapatellar recess This recess should be assessed for an effusion medially and laterally in the sagittal plane and then cranially …
- 2. 股関節の筋骨格超音波検査musculoskeletal ultrasound of the hip [show details]
…anterior hip quadrant include: the hip joint , including femoral head, neck, capsule, anterior synovial recess, and anterior labrum; femoral nerve ; femoral artery and vein; iliopsoas muscle, tendon, and bursa …
- 3. 肘関節の筋骨格超音波検査musculoskeletal ultrasound of the elbow [show details]
…olecranon fossa and olecranon recess. By having the patient slowly move their elbow from flexion into extension while scanning (dynamic imaging), any fluid filling this posterior recess can be identified. More…
- 4. 肩の運動器超音波musculoskeletal ultrasound of the shoulder [show details]
…US in the posterior joint recess and bicipital tendon sheath . Other glenohumeral joint recesses are not as readily assessed with US (eg, axillary recess, subscapular recess). The fluid of glenohumeral …
- 5. 内視鏡の洗浄消毒endoscope disinfection [show details]
…be collected from the elevator recess, the instrument channel, and the elevator wire channel (if unsealed). The sample is collected in the following manner: Elevator recess – The seam between the distal …
English Journal
- The Relationship Between the Width of the Frontal Recess and the Frontal Recess Cells in Japanese Patients.
- Makihara S, Kariya S, Okano M, Naito T, Uraguchi K, Matsumoto J, Noda Y, Nishizaki K.
- Clinical medicine insights. Ear, nose and throat. 2019 ;12()1179550619884946.
- The agger nasi cell (ANC) is an easily identifiable landmark when approaching the frontal sinus. The success of endoscopic frontal sinus surgery may be influenced by the width of the frontal recess (FR). The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the FR width and the ANC size in Ja
- PMID 31700254
- A computed tomographic analysis of frontal recess cells in association with the development of frontal sinusitis.
- Johari HH, Mohamad I, Sachlin IS, Aziz ME, Mey TY, Ramli RR.
- Auris, nasus, larynx. 2018 Dec;45(6)1183-1190.
- This study was done to determine frontal recess anatomy cell variations and its association with frontal sinusitis. The incidence of frontal recess cells in the population, the presence of frontal recess cell variations in chronic rhinosinusitis and non-chronic rhinosinusitis and the association of
- PMID 29880289
- Impact of residual frontal recess cells on frontal sinusitis after endoscopic sinus surgery.
- Nakayama T, Asaka D, Kuboki A, Okushi T, Kojima H.
- European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. 2018 Jul;275(7)1795-1801.
- Endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) is a well-established treatment for chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). However, ESS for frontal sinusitis remains complicated and challenging. The aim of this study was to identify the relationship between residual frontal recess cells and primary ESS failure in the frontal
- PMID 29777294
Japanese Journal
- 田中 秀峰,村下 秀和,米納 昌恵,大原 浩達,田渕 経司,原 晃
- 日本鼻科学会会誌 50(2), 120-126, 2011
- … <br>我々は日本人を対象として, 前篩骨動脈の走行部位とfrontal recess (前頭陥凹) との詳細な位置関係について検討を行った。 … 術前に0.6mmスライスCTから多断面再構成像を作成し, 前篩骨動脈の走行を(1)前頭洞の直後を走行, (2)frontal bulla cellやsuprabullar cellの直後を走行, (3)篩骨胞の中から第3基板までを走行するものの3つに分類した。 …
- NAID 130004546096
Related Links
- Request PDF on ResearchGate | Analysis of the Suprabullar and Retrobullar Recesses for Endoscopic Sinus Surgery | Presently, the basic structures and spaces of the paranasal sinuses are more clearly understood by ...
- The suprabullar recess is a potential opening (cleft) between the bulla lamella and skull base located along the posterior margin of the frontal recess with which it may communicate directly. It is present when the bulla lamella is ...
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- 英
- suprabullar recess
- ラ
- recessus suprabullaris
- 関
- 篩骨蜂巣
- 休み、休憩。休会。休廷。休暇。休み時間
- 穏退地]]。奥まったところ、奥底、隅。(山脈・海岸線などの)引っ込んだところ
- (解)陥凹、窩
- 後退