- 関
- oversight、supervision
- a mistake resulting from inattention (同)lapse
- an unintentional omission resulting from failure to notice something (同)inadvertence
- management by overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group (同)supervising, superintendence, oversight
- not supervised or under constant observation; "the school maintains unsupervised study halls during free periods"; "reliable workers are generally unsupervised"
- under observation or under the direction of a superintendent or overseer; "supervised play"
- 〈労働者・仕事など〉‘を'監督する,管理する / 監督(管理)する
- 過失,見落とし
- (…の)監督,管理,指揮《+of+名》
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English Journal
- Cell-programmed death induced by walnut husk washing waters in three horticultural crops.
- Petriccione M1, Papa S, Ciniglia C.Author information 1Fruit Trees Research Unit, Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura, Via Torrino 3, 81100, Caserta, Italy.AbstractWalnut husk washing waters (WHWW), a by-product of walnut production, are indiscriminately used for irrigation without preliminary risk assessment. Basing on previous in vitro results on the toxicity of this by-product, we have followed the morphophysiological development of Zea mays, Lactuca sativa cv. Gentilina and L. sativa cv. Canasta under diluted and undiluted WHWW irrigation. Significant development alterations have been observed in root and shoot elongations for all crops as well as in total biomass and chlorophyll content. The genotoxic potential of WHWW has been concurrently verified; acridine orange/ethidium bromide staining evidenced chromatin modifications and DNA degradation and also was confirmed by DNA laddering. The DNA instability was also assessed through RAPD, thus suggesting the danger of the by-product of walnut processing and focusing the attention on the necessity of an efficient treatment of WHWWs. The findings obtained by PCA of agronomic and physiological traits suggested that establishing guidelines for the administration of WHWW for irrigation is of great importance, and it is necessary to supervise their use in agricultural soils.
- Environmental science and pollution research international.Environ Sci Pollut Res Int.2014 Mar;21(5):3491-502. doi: 10.1007/s11356-013-2205-9. Epub 2013 Nov 19.
- Walnut husk washing waters (WHWW), a by-product of walnut production, are indiscriminately used for irrigation without preliminary risk assessment. Basing on previous in vitro results on the toxicity of this by-product, we have followed the morphophysiological development of Zea mays, Lactuca sativa
- PMID 24249681
- IN.PACT Amphirion paclitaxel eluting balloon versus standard percutaneous transluminal angioplasty for infrapopliteal revascularization of critical limb ischemia: rationale and protocol for an ongoing randomized controlled trial.
- Zeller T1, Baumgartner I, Scheinert D, Brodmann M, Bosiers M, Micari A, Peeters P, Vermassen F, Landini M; IN.PACT DEEP Trial Investigators.Author information 1Department of Angiology, Universitäts Herzzentrum Freiburg Bad Krozingen, Bad Krozingen, Germany. Thomas.Zeller@universitaets-herzzentrum.de.AbstractBACKGROUND: The effectiveness and durability of endovascular revascularization therapies for chronic critical limb ischemia (CLI) are challenged by the extensive burden of infrapopliteal arterial disease and lesion-related characteristics (e.g., severe calcification, chronic total occlusions), which frequently result in poor clinical outcomes. While infrapopliteal vessel patency directly affects pain relief and wound healing, sustained patency and extravascular care both contribute to the ultimate "patient-centric" outcomes of functional limb preservation, mobility and quality of life (QoL).
- Trials.Trials.2014 Feb 19;15(1):63. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-15-63.
- BACKGROUND: The effectiveness and durability of endovascular revascularization therapies for chronic critical limb ischemia (CLI) are challenged by the extensive burden of infrapopliteal arterial disease and lesion-related characteristics (e.g., severe calcification, chronic total occlusions), which
- PMID 24552184
- Jarrett C.Author information Cygnet Hospital Kewstoke, Weston-super-Mare.AbstractAs clinical team leader on an acute inpatient mental health ward at Cygnet Health Care's Kewstoke Hospital, my role is to supervise and support my team and to work with the ward's 15 patients.
- Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987).Nurs Stand.2014 Feb 5;28(23):63. doi: 10.7748/ns2014.
- As clinical team leader on an acute inpatient mental health ward at Cygnet Health Care's Kewstoke Hospital, my role is to supervise and support my team and to work with the ward's 15 patients.
- PMID 24494918
Japanese Journal
- 台湾の子育て支援施策の新動向 : 低年齢児保育対策を中心に
- 宮本 義信
- 同志社女子大学生活科学 46, 36-45, 2013-02-00
- … This paper concludes by arguing that the enhancement of contact and assessment systems among relating agencies is a critically important or characteristic component in order to promote, develop, coordinate and supervise the family childcare program. …
- NAID 120005269052
- Cプログラミング演習のためのeラーニングシステムの試作(主体的学習支援環境/一般)
- 篠原 義和,宮武 明義
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. ET, 教育工学 111(473), 13-18, 2012-03-03
- 我々は,Web上でCプログラミング演習をサポートするeラーニングシステムを開発している.実際の演習授業では,学生によって演習の進行速度に個人差がある.そのため,進行の遅れている学生にとって授業時間以外でも演習を行うことのできる環境が必要となる.また教員は,演習中に多くの学生の進行状況を短時間で観察・管理しなければならないが,それは教員にとって大きな負担となる.本システムでは授業時間外での学生の演習 …
- NAID 110009546108
- 齋藤 敦
- 徳島文理大学研究紀要 83, 39-49, 2012-03-00
- … That is, workers have to heighten their technical capabilities and have to turn into mature voters who can supervise politics and administration. …
- NAID 110008921542
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- 関
- guard、monitoring、scrutiny、supervise、supervision、surveillance
- 英
- supervision、oversight、supervise
- 関
- 監視、管理
- 関
- administration、oversight、supervise