- put into a bank account; "She deposits her paycheck every month" (同)bank
- money deposited in a bank or some similar institution (同)bank deposit
- the phenomenon of sediment or gravel accumulating (同)sedimentation, alluviation
- money given as security for an article acquired for temporary use; "his deposit was refunded when he returned the car"
- the act of putting something somewhere (同)deposition
- a payment given as a guarantee that an obligation will be met
- 〈貴重品など〉‘を'『預ける』,〈金〉‘を'預金する / (注意深く,確実に)…‘を'置く,おろす / (自然の作用によって)〈泥・土など〉‘を'沈殿させる / (銀行への)『預金』,預け入れ / 『担保』,手付け金 / (自然の作用による)『堆積物』,沈殿物 / (特に石油・鉱石の)鉱床,埋蔵物
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English Journal
- Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis: pathogenetic heterogeneity and proposal for a new classification.
- Sethi S, Fervenza FC.SourceDepartment of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.
- Seminars in nephrology.Semin Nephrol.2011 Jul;31(4):341-8.
- Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) is a pattern of injury that results from subendothelial and mesangial deposition of Igs caused by persistent antigenemia and/or circulating immune complexes. The common causes of Ig-mediated MPGN include chronic infections, autoimmune diseases, and mon
- PMID 21839367
- Experimental models of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, including dense deposit disease.
- Vernon KA, Pickering MC, Cook T.SourceCentre for Complement and Inflammation Research, Department of Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK.
- Contributions to nephrology.Contrib Nephrol.2011;169:198-210. Epub 2011 Jan 20.
- Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) is characterised by mesangial expansion and hypercellularity and capillary wall thickening with capillary wall and mesangial deposits of immunoglobulin and/or complement. Two main forms are described in humans: MPGN type I with subendothelial and mesan
- PMID 21252520
Japanese Journal
- 巣状糸球体硬化症様の上皮細胞の増生, 腫大がみられたIgA腎症の1例
- 牛嶌 克実,上村 治,金原 有里
- 日本小児腎臓病学会雑誌 17(2), 131-135, 2004
- … 蛍光抗体ではIgAがperipheral patternで優位に陽性であり, 電顕ではパラメサンギウムから内皮下にelectron dense depositの沈着を認めたため, IgA腎症と診断した。 …
- NAID 130000077503
- Selective Increase in Decorin Core mRNA Level in Cultured Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells after Exposure to Advanced Glycation Endproducts
- Kaji Toshiyuki,Miyajima Sawako,Yamamoto Chika,Fujiwara Yasuyuki,Sakurai Shigeru,Yamagishi Sho-ichi,Sueishi Katsuo,Yamamoto Hiroshi
- Journal of health science 46(3), 223-227, 2000-06-01
- … In early and late atherosclerosis, excess proteoglycans (PGs) derived from vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells deposit in the subendothelial extracellular matrix of the vascular wall. …
- NAID 110003641627
Related Links
- Type I the most common by far, is caused by immune complexes depositing in the kidney. It is characterised by subendothelial and mesangial immune deposits. It is believed to be associated with the classical complement pathway.
- Second most common plasma cell related disorder; Nephrotic syndrome or heavy proteinuria; MPGN type pattern of glomerular injury; Monoclonal deposision – kappa light chains; Finely granular, ribbon-like subendothelial deposits in GBM ...
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- 英
- wire loop lesion
- 同
- 内皮下沈着物 subendothelial deposit
- 関
- accumulate、accumulation、bank、deposition、reservoir