- one of several parallel layers of material arranged one on top of another (such as a layer of tissue or cells in an organism or a layer of sedimentary rock)
- having a clear mind; "a lucid moment in his madness"
- 地層,岩層 / (社会的な)階層
- 分かりやすい,明快な(clear) / 正気の(sane) / 透き通った,透明な(transparent) / 《詩》明るい,輝いた(bright)
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English Journal
- Observations on the actual structural conditions in the stratum superficiale dermidis of porcine ear skin, with special reference to its use as model for human skin.
- Meyer W, Kacza J, Zschemisch NH, Godynicki S, Seeger J.SourceAnatomical Institute, University of Veterinary Medicine Foundation, Bischofsholer Damm 15, 30173 Hannover, Germany. wilfried.meyer@tiho-hannover.de
- Annals of anatomy = Anatomischer Anzeiger : official organ of the Anatomische Gesellschaft.Ann Anat.2007;189(2):143-56.
- The results obtained from the outer ear skin of female pigs (German Landrace) by light microscopy (LM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and cryo scanning electron microscopy (cryo SEM) methods, in particular relying on careful and artefact-free tissue processing, exhibited that the stratum s
- PMID 17419547
- Unilateral basement membrane zone alteration of the regenerated laminar region in equine chronic laminitis.
- Kuwano A, Ueno T, Katayama Y, Nishiyama T, Arai K.SourceClinical Science & Pathobiology Division, Equine Research Institute, Japan Racing Association, Tochigi.
- The Journal of veterinary medical science / the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science.J Vet Med Sci.2005 Jul;67(7):685-91.
- Between the laminar epidermis and the laminar dermis of laminar region (LR) in equine foot, it can be observed the basement membrane zone (BMZ), which is composed of a basement membrane and its accompaniments like the hemidesmosome and anchoring fibril. Alteration in the BMZ in equine laminitis is p
- PMID 16082116
Japanese Journal
- Morphological Characterization of a Reconstructed, Cultured Human Epidermal Model (LabCyte EPI-MODEL) As an Alternative to in Vivo Models
- Katoh Masakazu,Kubo Kentaro,Hamajima Fumiyasu,Ogasawara Takahiro,Hata Ken-ichiro
- Alternatives to Animal Testing and Experimentation 14(2), 873-878, 2009
- … Histological examination showed a completely stratified epidermis containing all major epidermal layers, including a stratum basal (SB), stratum spinosum (SS), stratum granulosum (SG), and stratum corneum (SC). … Ultrastructurally, it was possible to observe a fully developed basement membrane zone, consisting of a highly developed lamina densa, lamina lucida, and anchoring filaments. …
- NAID 130004556188
- 馬の慢性蹄葉炎罹患蹄の再生性葉状層における基底膜領域に見られた片側性構築異常(病理学)
- 桑野 睦敏,上野 孝範,片山 芳也 [他],西山 敏夫,新井 克彦
- The journal of veterinary medical science 67(7), 685-691, 2005-07-25
- 蹄の葉状層にある表皮葉と真皮葉の間には, 基底膜およびその付属物であるヘミデスモゾームや係留線維によって構成される基底膜領域が認められる.馬の蹄葉炎では, この基底膜領域の異常が本症の発生のみならず予後や再発とも深く関わっていると考えられるが, 蹄葉炎の治癒過程における基底膜領域の形成については知見が乏しい.そこで, 蹄葉炎を発症後2週間, 4週間および3ヵ月間経過した馬蹄の葉状層を病理学的, 電 …
- NAID 110003963792
- 春名 領
- 日本歯周病学会会誌 33(3), 618-631, 1991-09-28
- … すなわち,1.主としてlamina lucidaに存在するものとしてIBLの部位,2.おもにlamina densaの領域全体に存在するものとしてEBL,口腔上皮及び歯肉溝上皮の基底膜,血管内皮細胞の基底膜の部位,3.lamina densaの両側に存在するものとしてEBLの一部,4.lamina densaのexternal sideに存在するものとして血管周皮細胞及び神経線維の基底膜があった。 …
- NAID 110004725804
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- 英
- stratum lucida
- 関
- [[]]
- 英
- hyaline layer
- 関
- 明瞭層
- 関
- laminar, layer, strata, tier