- an encapsulated neural structure consisting of a collection of cell bodies or neurons
- 神経節・ガングリオン,結節腫 《主に手首にできる良性の嚢腫(のうしゆ)》・〔知的・産業的活動の〕中心,中枢 〔of〕
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Nerve: Stellate ganglion |
Plan of right sympathetic cord and splanchnic nerves. (Stellate ganglion not visible, but region is shown.) |
Latin |
ganglion cervicothoracicum, ganglion stellatum |
From |
inferior cervical ganglion, first thoracic ganglia |
MeSH |
Stellate+ganglion |
The stellate ganglion (or cervicothoracic ganglion) is a sympathetic ganglion formed by the fusion of the inferior cervical ganglion and the first thoracic ganglion this exist in 80% of cases. Stellate ganglion is located at the level of C7 (7th cervical vertebrae), anterior to the transverse process of C7, superior to the neck of the first rib, and just below the subclavian artery.
- 1 Clinical significance
- 2 Anatomy
- 3 References
- 4 External links
Clinical significance[edit]
The clinical significance of these ganglia is that they may be cut in order to decrease the symptoms exhibited by Raynaud's phenomenon and hyperhydrosis (extreme sweating) of the hands. Injection of local anesthetics near the stellate ganglion can sometimes mitigate the symptoms of sympathetically mediated pain such as complex regional pain syndrome type I (reflex sympathetic dystrophy).
Stellate-ganglion block also shows great potential as a means of reducing the number of hot flashes and night awakenings suffered by breast cancer survivors and women experiencing extreme menopause.[1]
Complications associated with a stellate ganglion block include Horner's syndrome, intra-arterial or intravenous injection, difficulty swallowing, vocal cord paralysis, epidural spread of local anaesthetic and pneumothorax.
Blunt needling of the stellate ganglion with an acupuncture needle is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to decrease sympathetically mediated symptoms as well.
Block of the stellate ganglion has also been explored in coronary artery bypass surgery.[2]
The stellate ganglion lies in front of the neck of the first rib. The vertebral artery lies anterior to the ganglion as it has just originated from the subclavian artery. After passing over the ganglion, it enters the vertebral foramen and lies posterior to the anterior tubercle of C6. [3]
- ^ Lancet, 2008
- ^ Yildirim V, Akay HT, Bingol H, et al. (2007). "Pre-emptive stellate ganglion block increases the patency of radial artery grafts in coronary artery bypass surgery". Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 51 (4): 434–40. doi:10.1111/j.1399-6576.2006.01260.x. PMID 17378781.
- ^ Raj, Practical Management of Pain, 3rd ed, pp656-657
External links[edit]
- cervicothoracic+ganglion at eMedicine Dictionary
- 1738145852 at GPnotebook
Nerves – autonomic nervous system (sympathetic nervous system/ganglion/trunks and parasympathetic nervous system/ganglion) (TA A14.3, GA 9.968)
cranial |
- Ciliary ganglion: roots
- Short ciliary
- Ciliary ganglion: roots
- Short ciliary
- Pterygopalatine ganglion: deep petrosal
- nerve of pterygoid canal
- branches of distribution: greater palatine
- inferior posterior nasal branches
- lesser palatine
- nasopalatine
- medial superior posterior nasal branches
- pharyngeal
cervical |
- paravertebral ganglia: Cervical ganglia
- Stellate ganglion
- prevertebral plexus: Cavernous plexus
- Internal carotid
thorax |
- paravertebral ganglia: Thoracic ganglia
- prevertebral plexus: Cardiac plexus
- Esophageal plexus
- Pulmonary plexus
- Thoracic aortic plexus
- splanchnic nerves: cardiopulmonary
- thoracic
- cardiac nerves: Superior
- Middle
- Inferior
Lumbar |
- paravertebral ganglia: Lumbar ganglia
- prevertebral ganglia:
- Celiac ganglia
- Aorticorenal
- Superior mesenteric ganglion
- Inferior mesenteric ganglion
- prevertebral plexus:
- Celiac plexus
- Hepatic
- Splenic
- Pancreatic
- aorticorenal
- Abdominal aortic plexus
- Renal/Suprarenal
- Superior mesenteric
- Inferior mesenteric
- Superior hypogastric
- hypogastric nerve
- Superior rectal
- Inferior hypogastric
- Vesical
- Prostatic / Cavernous nerves of penis
- Uterovaginal
- Middle rectal
- splanchnic nerves: Lumbar splanchnic nerves
- Meissner's plexus
- Auerbach's plexus
sacral |
- paravertebral ganglia: Sacral ganglia
- Ganglion impar
- splanchnic nerves: Sacral splanchnic nerves
- splanchnic nerves: Pelvic splanchnic nerves
anat (h/r/t/c/b/l/s/a)/phys (r)/devp/prot/nttr/nttm/ntrp
noco/auto/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
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- stellate ganglion n. See cervicothoracic ganglion. stellate ganglion Etymology: L, stella, star; Gk, gagglion, knot a large irregular ganglion on the lowest part of the cervical sympathetic trunk fused with the first thoracic ganglion. Its ...
- Horner's syndrome has many possible aetiologies that can involve a lesion anywhere in the course of the sympathetic tract from hypothalamus to brainstem and upper thoracic cord, sympathetic trunk, stellate ganglion, carotid artery ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- cervicothoracic ganglion (N)
- ラ
- ganglion cervicothoracicum
- 同
- 星状神経節 stellate ganglion ganglion stellatum、頸胸神経節
- 関
- asteroid、astral