- 関
- steady
- at a steady rate or pace; "his interest eroded steadily"
- in a steady manner; "he could still walk steadily" (同)steady
- securely in position; not shaky; "held the ladder steady"
- make steady; "steady yourself" (同)calm, becalm
- not easily excited or upset; "steady nerves"
- not subject to change or variation especially in behavior; "a steady beat"; "a steady job"; "a steady breeze"; "a steady increase"; "a good steady ballplayer"
- in an unsteady manner; "he walked unsteadily toward the exit"; "The wounded soldier was swinging unsteadily on his legs" (同)falteringly, uncertainly
- 『着実に』,堅実に,たゆまずに
- (速度・動作などが)『むらのない』,規則的な / 『ぐらつかない』,しっかりした,安定した / 『変わらない』,定まった / まじめな,着実な / 動揺しない,落ち着いた / …‘を'安定させる,落ち着かせる / 安定する,落ち着く / (婚約までは進んでいないが)決まった異性の交際相手(恋人)
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English Journal
- Addressing the use of PDIF-CN2 molecules in the development of n-type organic field-effect transistors for biosensing applications.
- Barra M, Viggiano D, Ambrosino P, Bloisi F, Di Girolamo FV, Soldovieri MV, Taglialatela M, Cassinese A.SourceCNR-SPIN and Department of Physics Science, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy. Electronic address: mario.barra@spin.cnr.it.
- Biochimica et biophysica acta.Biochim Biophys Acta.2013 Sep;1830(9):4365-73. doi: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2012.11.025. Epub 2012 Dec 6.
- BACKGROUND: There is no doubt that future discoveries in the field of biochemistry will depend on the implementation of novel biosensing techniques, able to record biophysiological events with minimal biological interference. In this respect, organic electronics may represent an important new tool f
- PMID 23220699
- Curcumin inhibits invasion and metastasis in K1 papillary thyroid cancer cells.
- Zhang CY, Zhang L, Yu HX, Bao JD, Sun Z, Lu RR.SourceKey Laboratory of Nuclear Medicine, Ministry of Health, Jiangsu Institute of Nuclear Medicine, 20 Qian Rong Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214063, China.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2013 Aug 15;139(1-4):1021-8. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.02.016. Epub 2013 Feb 16.
- Curcumin, the active constituent of dietary spice turmeric, possesses a strong potential for cancer prevention and treatment. However, there is no study to address the effects of curcumin on invasion and metastasis of thyroid cancers. Thyroid cancer is the most common malignancy of endocrine organs,
- PMID 23561205
- Characterization of tinnitus in Nigeria.
- Sogebi OA.SourceDepartment of Surgery, College of Health Sciences, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Sagamu, Nigeria. ayosogebi2000@yahoo.com
- Auris, nasus, larynx.Auris Nasus Larynx.2013 Aug;40(4):356-60. doi: 10.1016/j.anl.2012.11.003. Epub 2012 Dec 11.
- OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to characterize tinnitus in middle aged and elderly out-patients attending a specialized clinic in a developing country.METHODS: A cross sectional study of patients attending the ear, nose and throat (ENT) clinic of Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital, OOUTH Sag
- PMID 23238177
- Sample size guidelines for fitting a lognormal probability distribution to censored most probable number data with a Markov chain Monte Carlo method.
- Williams MS, Cao Y, Ebel ED.SourceRisk Assessment Division, Office of Public Health Science, Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA, 2150 Centre Avenue, Building D, Fort Collins, CO 80526, United States. Electronic address: mike.williams@fsis.usda.gov.
- International journal of food microbiology.Int J Food Microbiol.2013 Jul 15;165(2):89-96. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2013.04.026. Epub 2013 May 4.
- Levels of pathogenic organisms in food and water have steadily declined in many parts of the world. A consequence of this reduction is that the proportion of samples that test positive for the most contaminated product-pathogen pairings has fallen to less than 0.1. While this is unequivocally benefi
- PMID 23727652
Japanese Journal
- 子どもを遺棄した母親が子育てに向かうまで / 児童虐待裁判の傍聴をとおして
- 泉 正幸
- 鈴鹿短期大学紀要 35, 63-73, 2015-03-10
- 児童虐待件数が増加し、減少への歯止めがかからない。児童相談所や警察といった公的機関や地域関係者はネットワーク体制が取られるようになってきた。しかしそれは虐待事例が生じてからのことが多く、未然防止というところまでは至っていないのが現状である。ここで取り上げた事例でも、新生児を捨てた若い母親が、家族には妊娠を疑われながらも、家族から叱責されたくないため自分の判断で、誰にも相談できずに新生児を休耕田に置 …
- NAID 110009884783
- マイクロ水力発電の利用による農村コミュニティビジネスの可能性 : 霧島市溝辺町竹子地区農産物販売所「きらく館」に於ける事例研究
- 岩川 直浩,イワカワ ナオヒロ,IWAKAWA Naohiro
- 地域政策科学研究 (12), 1-14, 2015-03
- … Ageing has led to a sharp decrease of the farming population and areas of abandoned fields are steadily increasing in rural districts. …
- NAID 120005600945
- 酒井 理
- キャリアデザイン学部紀要 (12), 117-132, 2015-03
- … In the future, these markets are expected to continue growing steadily. …
- NAID 120005575676
- 電子書籍における漫画の動向-電子書籍販売の市場動向についての調査報告-
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- 研究報告デジタルコンテンツクリエーション(DCC) 2015-DCC-9(49), 1-8, 2015-01-19
- … E-book readers for this purpose have appeared one after another and users are steadily increasing. …
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