- a patch of skin that is discolored but not usually elevated; caused by various diseases (同)macula
- markings vary but usually harmonize with background; of southwestern Arizona and Baja California (同)Crotalus mitchellii
- common shrub of Canada and northeastern United States having shoots scattered with rust-colored down (同)Alnus rugosa
- having brown speckles (同)brownish-speckled
- mark with small spots; "speckle the wall with tiny yellow spots" (同)bespeckle
- まだらの
- (特に,花・葉が)不規則な色の斑点がある,まだら模様の
- (皮膚・毛皮などの)斑点,しみ,ぽつ・…‘に'斑点(はんてん)をつける
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/07/15 21:21:05」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
A speckle is a small spot or speck on the skin, plumage or foliage.
Speckle, speckles or speckled may also refer to:
Science and technology
- Speckle imaging;
- Speckle masking;
- Speckle noise;
- Speckle pattern;
- Speckle tracking echocardiography.
- Speckles, a leopard toy character;
- Speckle Frew, a fictional island in The Books of Abarat;
- Speckles the Tarbosaurus, a 2012 Korean dinosaurs CGI film (titled The Dino King in the United States).
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English Journal
- Reconstructing a 3-dimensional image of the results of antinuclear antibody testing by indirect immunofluorescence.
- Murai R, Yamada K, Tanaka M, Kuribayashi K, Kobayashi D, Tsuji N, Watanabe N.SourceDepartment of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine, Japan; Division of Laboratory Medicine, Sapporo Medical University Hospital, Japan.
- Journal of immunological methods.J Immunol Methods.2013 Jan 31;387(1-2):312-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jim.2012.10.004. Epub 2012 Oct 13.
- Indirect immunofluorescence anti-nuclear antibody testing (IIF-ANAT) is an essential screening tool in the diagnosis of various autoimmune disorders. ANA titer quantification and interpretation of immunofluorescence patterns are determined subjectively, which is problematic. First, we determined the
- PMID 23073364
- The β-richness of two detritivore caddisflies affects fine organic matter export.
- Patrick CJ, Fernandez DH.SourceSmithsonian Environmental Research Center, 647 Contees Wharf Road, PO Box 28, Edgewater, MD, 21037, USA, patrickc@si.edu.
- Oecologia.Oecologia.2012 Dec 18. [Epub ahead of print]
- We used stream networks as a model system to test whether the ecosystem function, upstream production, and export of fine organic particles, an important subsidy to downstream habitats, would vary between two stream networks with identical detritivore species but different spatial distributions (i.e
- PMID 23247687
- Standard metabolic rate is associated with gestation duration, but not clutch size, in speckled cockroaches Nauphoeta cinerea.
- Schimpf NG, Matthews PG, White CR.SourceSchool of Biological Sciences, The University of Queensland , St Lucia 4072 , Australia.
- Biology open.Biol Open.2012 Dec 15;1(12):1185-91. doi: 10.1242/bio.20122683. Epub 2012 Sep 24.
- Metabolic rate varies significantly between individuals, and these differences persist even when the wide range of biotic and abiotic factors that influence metabolism are accounted for. It is important to understand the life history implications of variation in metabolic rate, but they remain poorl
- PMID 23259052
Japanese Journal
- Isolation and characterization of mutants defective in the localization of LCIB, an essential factor for the carbon-concentrating mechanism in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
- Yamano Takashi,Asada Atsuko,Sato Emi,Fukuzawa Hideya
- Photosynthesis research, 2014-01-03
- … abl-1 and abl-3 with dispersed and speckled localization of LCIB in the chloroplast showed significant decreases in Ci affinity, Ci accumulation, and CO2 fixation. …
- NAID 120005385880
- 機能的イメージングを応用した治療の個別化 : ナノテクノロジーによる乳がんの診断と治療 (特集 乳がんにおける多様性と個別化)
- Anthocyanin Pigmentation Controlled by speckled and c-1 Mutations of Japanese Morning Glory
- Saito Norio,Tatsuzawa Fumi,Hoshino Atsushi [他],阿部 幸穎,市村 美千代,横井 政人,土岐 健次郎,森田 裕将,飯田 滋,本多 利雄
- Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 80(4), 452-460, 2011-10
- … Anthocyanin pigments and their related compounds were examined in the flowers of F1 and F2 plants generated by crosses between two acyanic lines, 54Y having a speckled mutation for pale yellow flowers and 78WWc-1 carrying the c-1 mutation conferring white flowers, in Japanese morning glory. … The mutable speckled allele generates speckled flowers when a dominant genetic element, speckled-activator, is present in its genome. …
- NAID 40019035956
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- 色とりどりの、多彩な、斑入りの。変化に富む、波乱に富む。ムラのある(性質など)
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- macula, maculae, macular, macule, plaque, speckled, variegation
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- macula、macula lutea、maculae、maculate、macule、plaque、speckled、variegated、yellow spot
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- macula、maculae、macular、plaque、speckled、variegated
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- macula、macular、macule、plaque、speckled、variegated