- cause to feel better; "the medicine soothes the pain of the inflammation"
- coat with soot
- affording physical relief; "a soothing ointment for her sunburn"
- truth or reality; "in sooth"
- 〈人・神経など〉‘を'なだめる,静める / 〈痛みなど〉‘を'和らげる
- なだめる人
- すす / …‘を'すすで汚す(覆う)
- 慰める,なだめる,和らげる
- 真実,事実(truth)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/10/09 14:11:58」(JST)
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This article is about an album by Bjørn Lynne. For the song by the Smashing Pumpkins, see Pisces Iscariot.
Soothe |
Studio album by Bjørn Lynne |
Released |
July 2003 |
Genre |
Electronic dance |
Producer |
Bjørn Lynne |
Bjørn Lynne chronology |
(2004) |
(2004) |
Soothe is a Bjørn Lynne dance album released in 2004.
External links[edit]
- Bjorn Lynne's web site page for Soothe. Includes lo-fi (40 kbit/s/22 kHz) full-length previews of all songs.
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English Journal
- Further evidence of self-medication: personality factors influencing drug choice in substance use disorders.
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- Psychodynamic psychiatry.Psychodyn Psychiatry.2015 Summer;43(2):243-75. doi: 10.1521/pdps.2015.43.2.243.
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- Ochs E1.
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Japanese Journal
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- Tanaka Kenji
- 摂大人文科学 (22), 123-139, 2015-01
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