- (イヌなどが)(歯をむき出して)うなる、いがむ。がみがみ言う、どなる(at)
- うなり、いがみ。いがみ合い。ののしり、口論。ウーッ(イヌなどがうなる声)
- make a snarling noise or move with a snarling noise; "Bullets snarled past us"
- make more complicated or confused through entanglements (同)snarl up, embrangle
- a vicious angry growl
- an angry vicious expression
- the act of releasing from a snarled or tangled condition (同)untangling, disentanglement, extrication
- (…に)〈犬などが〉歯をむいてうなる《+『at』+『名』》 / (…に)〈人が〉どなる,がみがみ言う《+『at』+『名』》 / 〈言葉など〉‘を'どなるように言う / (犬などの)うなり / ののしり
- (髪・糸などの)もつれ《通例a ~》 / 混乱[状態],紛糾 / 〈髪・糸〉‘を'もつれさせる / 〈交通など〉‘を'混乱させる《+『up』+『名』,+『名』+『up』》 / もつれる;混乱する
- …‘の'もつれを解く(ほどく)
- 交通渋滞(混乱)
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For other uses, see Snarl (disambiguation).
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A facial expression which often accompanies a snarl
The figure on the far right has a facial expression commonly associated with snarling
A snarl is a sound, often a growl or vicious utterance,[1][2] often accompanied by a facial expression, where the upper lip is raised, and the nostrils widen, generally indicating hate, anger or pain. In addition to humans, other mammals including monkeys, rabbits and dogs snarl, often to warn others of their potential bite. In humans, snarling uses the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle. The threatening vocalizations of snarling are often accompanied by or used synonymously with threatening facial expressions.
The word "snarl" is also used as an onomatopoeia for the threatening noise to which it refers, as in the 'snarl' of a chainsaw. This usage may derive from the common expression describing a dog as "growling and snarling". One literary use of "snarl" to mean a noise is in The Lord of the Rings in the encounter with the barrow-wight: "In the dark there was a snarling noise".
- ^ "OED definition of 'snarl'". OED Online. 2014-07-28.
- ^ "Collins Dictionary definition of 'snarl'". Collins. 2014-07-28.
English Journal
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- Posttreatment variables improve outcome prediction after intra-arterial therapy for acute ischemic stroke.
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- OBJECTIVE: To compare the outcome difference between the heat-sensitive and non-sensitive moxibustion stimulation of Yifeng (TE 17) in the treatment of peripheral facial palsy.METHODS: A total of 43 patients with peripheral facial paralysis were divided into heat-sensitive moxibustion (n = 21) and n
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- The ontogeny of expression of communicative genes in coyote-beagle hybrids.
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- Although there are minimal genetic differences between the coyote (Canis latrans), the gray wolf (Canis lupus), and the domestic dog (Canis familiaris), these three species are extremely different in numerous aspects of their physiology, morphology, and behavior. In particular, the threat display of
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Japanese Journal
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- 都市部の慢性的な交通渋滞解消策の1つとして、交通流の分散をねらった経路交通情報の提供が始まっている。しかしながら、経路交通情報の提供によるドライバーの経路選択挙動、および、道路ネットワーク内の交通流の分散効果については、完全には、把握されていない。そこで、本調査研究では、車載機への経路交通情報の提供による交通流の分散効果の把握を目的とし、(1)既存研究の文献調査と(2)経路交通情報の提供効果(交通 …
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- 都市部の慢性的な交通渋滞解消策の1つとして、交通流の分散をねらった経路交通情報の提供が始まっている。しかしながら、経路交通情報の提供によるドライバーの経路選択挙動、および、道路ネットワーク内の交通流の分散効果については、完全には、把握されていない。そこで、本調査研究では、車載機への経路交通情報の提供による交通流の分散効果の把握を目的とし、(1)既存研究の文献調査と(2)経路交通情報の提供効果(交通 …
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- Some Measurements on the Twist Setting of Synthetic Spun Yarns and Cotton Yarn by Means of Toyobo-type Twist-set-meter
- 若林 精二郎,斉藤 学
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