- surgical removal of part or all of the sigmoid colon (usually to remove a malignant tumor)
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English Journal
- Comparison of laparoscopic sigmoidectomy with and without preservation of the superior rectal artery: A single-institution retrospective study.
- Wakahara T1, Toyokawa A, Ashitani H, Tsuchida S, Hasegawa Y.
- Asian journal of endoscopic surgery.Asian J Endosc Surg.2015 Feb;8(1):29-33. doi: 10.1111/ases.12142. Epub 2014 Nov 5.
- INTRODUCTION: The inferior mesenteric artery is usually divided during the resection of sigmoid colon cancers. However, this sometimes results in an insufficient blood supply to the anastomosis, leading to anastomotic leakage. We conducted a retrospective analysis to determine the feasibility and po
- PMID 25371097
- Antibiotics alone instead of percutaneous drainage as initial treatment of large diverticular abscess.
- Elagili F1, Stocchi L, Ozuner G, Kiran RP.
- Techniques in coloproctology.Tech Coloproctol.2015 Feb;19(2):97-103. doi: 10.1007/s10151-014-1250-9. Epub 2014 Nov 23.
- BACKGROUND: There are limited data assessing the effectiveness of antibiotics as sole initial therapy in patients with large diverticular abscess. The aim of our study was to compare outcomes of selected patients treated with initial antibiotics alone versus percutaneous drainage.METHODS: All patien
- PMID 25417122
- Application of failure mode and effect analysis in laparoscopic colon surgery training.
- Alba Mesa F1, Sanchez Hurtado MA, Sanchez Margallo FM, Gomez Cabeza de Vaca V, Komorowski AL.
- World journal of surgery.World J Surg.2015 Feb;39(2):536-42. doi: 10.1007/s00268-014-2827-1.
- AIM: To evaluate if application of failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) to laparoscopy training can help surgeons acquire laparoscopy skills.METHODS: After preparing a FMEA matrix of laparoscopic sigmoidectomy, we have introduced it during three laparoscopy courses. Forty-eight surgeons, divided
- PMID 25326422
Japanese Journal
- 腹腔鏡内視鏡合同手術(Laparoscopy and Endoscopy Cooperative Surgery;LECS) を施行したS状結腸膀胱瘻の1例
- ICU・CCU : あんな症例,こんな症例(第39回)回腸導管造設・S状結腸切除術後に生じた小腸廔孔に対して局所陰圧閉鎖療法を施行し奏効した1例
- ICUとCCU = Japanese journal of intensive care medicine : 集中治療医学 39(6), 386-388, 2015-06
- NAID 40020538511
- 症例報告 卵巣転移によるMeigs症候群を来すも無再発を維持しているS状結腸癌の1例 : 大腸癌卵巣転移によるMeigs症候群本邦報告34例の集計
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- sigmoidectomy
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- S状結腸切除術
- 英
- sigmoidectomy
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- S状結腸切除