- deeply affected by a strong feeling; "sat completely still, sick with envy"; "she was sick with longing"
- people who are sick; "they devote their lives to caring for the sick"
- 病弱な(unhealthy);病気の;青白い(pale) / 健康に悪い,病気の多い / 吐き気を催す / 弱い,ほのかな(faint)
- (人が)『病気の』;(部屋などが)病人の[ための];(顔色などが)病気を示す(思わせる) / 《名詞的に》《the ~;複数扱い》病人 / 《補語にのみ用いて》《おもに英》(…で)むかついて,吐き気を催して,気分が悪い《+『at(『with』,『from』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 《補語にのみ用いて》(…に)『うんざりして』,あきあきして,いや気がさして;(…に)しゃくにさわって,腹が立って《+『of』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 《補語にのみ用いて》(…に)『がっかりして』,落胆して《+『at』(『about』)+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 《補語にのみ用いて》(…を)熱望して,こがれて《+『for』+『名』》 / 病的な,異常心理の;気味の悪い
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English Journal
- [Pharmacological prophylaxis and treatment of recidivating respiratory disorders in children].
- Romantsov MG, Lysenko IM, Mel'nikova IIu.
- Eksperimental'naia i klinicheskaia farmakologiia.Eksp Klin Farmakol.2014;77(1):38-42.
- Interferon is the most important mediator of natural immunity, which suggests the use of interferon inducers as therapeutic and preventive agents in the treatment of acute respiratory diseases (ARDs) in children classified into a group of sickly and repeated-ARD patients. The article describes cyclo
- PMID 24649601
- Decline in muscle strength and running endurance in klotho deficient C57BL/6 mice.
- Phelps M1, Pettan-Brewer C, Ladiges W, Yablonka-Reuveni Z.
- Biogerontology.Biogerontology.2013 Dec;14(6):729-39. doi: 10.1007/s10522-013-9447-2. Epub 2013 Sep 13.
- Alpha klotho (known as klotho) is a multifunctional protein that may be linked to age-associated decline in tissue homeostasis. The original klotho hypomorphic (klotho (hm) ) mouse, produced on a mixed C57BL/6 and C3H background, is short lived and exhibits extensive aging-like deterioration of seve
- PMID 24030242
- Personal barriers to antiretroviral therapy adherence: case studies from a rural Uganda prospective clinical cohort.
- Mayanja BN1, Kabunga E, Masiira B, Lubega R, Kaleebu P, Seeley J.
- African health sciences.Afr Health Sci.2013 Jun;13(2):311-9. doi: 10.4314/ahs.v13i2.16.
- BACKGROUND: Although good adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is essential for successful treatment outcomes, some patients may have specific personal barriers to ART adherence.OBJECTIVES: To study specific personal barriers to ART adherence.METHODS: Quantitative data on patients' health statu
- PMID 24235929
Japanese Journal
- 障がい児対応に関する一考察--沖縄県の病弱・身体虚弱・訪問教育の変遷から
- 病院併設型乳児院の入所乳幼児の状態像と提供されたケア実態に関する研究--急性期入院医療における「重症度・看護必要度」指標による患者分類を用いて
- 東野 定律,筒井 孝子
- 経営と情報 : 静岡県立大学・経営情報学部/学報 23(2), 1-12, 2011-03
- 日本には、 障害児や病虚弱児を積極的に受け入れ、 24時間体制で高度な医療機能を提供できる病院併設型施設 (以下、 病院併設型乳児院と呼ぶ。) は少なく、 現在、 これらの乳児院において、 どのような状態像の乳幼児が入所し、 どのようなケアが行われているかを示す詳細な資料は、 ほとんど存在していない。 そこで本研究では、 これらの病院併設型乳児院に入所している乳幼児の状態像を明らかにし、 また、 …
- NAID 110009461517
- Formulation of School Hygiene and Health System and Education for Physically Weak and Sickly Children in Modern Japan (1)
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- Sickly is an all-new communications service, designed and built specifically for the needs of schools and parents. It safeguards children, increases parental engagement and saves money by eliminating SMS, email and postage ...
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- ail、ailment、disease、ill、illness、sickness