- changing suddenly in direction and degree; "the road twists sharply after the light"; "turn sharp left here"; "the visor was acutely peaked"; "her shoes had acutely pointed toes" (同)sharp, acutely
- in a well delineated manner; "the new style of Minoan pottery was sharply defined" (同)crisply
- very sudden and in great amount or degree; "a sharp drop in the stock market"
- a long thin sewing needle with a sharp point
- a musical notation indicating one half step higher than the note named
- harsh; "sharp criticism"; "a sharp-worded exchange"; "a tart remark" (同)sharp-worded, tart
- (of a musical note) raised in pitch by one chromatic semitone; "C sharp"
- having or made by a thin edge or sharp point; suitable for cutting or piercing; "a sharp knife"; "a pencil with a sharp point"
- keenly and painfully felt; as if caused by a sharp edge or point; "a sharp pain"; "sharp winds"
- quick and forceful; "a sharp blow"
- 『鋭く』;急に;激しく;明碓に;敏感に;抜け目なく
- (刃・先端が)『鋭い』,よく切れる,よく突きささる / (頂上などが)先がとがっている / (道路などが)『急な』,急カーブの,急こう配の / (言葉などが)『厳しい』,辛らつな / (痛みが)『鋭い』,激しい;(寒さなどが)激しい,身を切るような / (食物が)ぴりっとする,辛い / (音が)鋭い,高い / (輪郭などが)はっきりした,くっきりした / (感覚・頭が)鋭い / 抜け目のない,すばしこい / 油断のない,用心深い / (動作が)速い,機敏な,きびきびした / (身なりの)いきな,スマートな / 《名詞の後にのみ用いて》(音が)シャープの,嬰(えい)音の;調[記]号がシャープ(#)の / 《名詞の後にのみ用いて》(時間を)きっかり,正碓に / 鋭く;急に;油断なく / (音楽で)半音高く / シャープ,嬰音 / シャープ記号(#)
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English Journal
- Lead bioaccessibility in 12 contaminated soils from China: Correlation to lead relative bioavailability and lead in different fractions.
- Li J1, Li K1, Cave M2, Li HB1, Ma LQ3.
- Journal of hazardous materials.J Hazard Mater.2015 Sep 15;295:55-62. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2015.03.061. Epub 2015 Mar 30.
- This study investigated the relationship between Pb relative bioavailability (RBA) and bioaccessibility, and their relationships with Pb in different pools in soils. Twelve Pb-contaminated soils representing different contamination sources from China were analyzed for Pb bioaccessibility using four
- PMID 25911623
- Parental trophic exposure to three aromatic fractions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the zebrafish: Consequences for the offspring.
- Perrichon P1, Akcha F2, Le Menach K3, Goubeau M2, Budzinski H3, Cousin X4, Bustamante P5.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2015 Aug 15;524-525:52-62. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.04.018. Epub 2015 Apr 15.
- In recent decades, PAH emissions due to extensive anthropogenic activities have risen sharply causing considerable pollution of aquatic ecosystems. This pollution represents a threat for organisms, among them are fish. Consequently, prenatal stress can have important repercussions, and may impact su
- PMID 25889544
- Based on time and spatial-resolved SERS mapping strategies for detection of pesticides.
- Ma B1, Li P1, Yang L2, Liu J3.
- Talanta.Talanta.2015 Aug 15;141:1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2015.03.053. Epub 2015 Apr 1.
- For the sensitive and convenient detection of pesticides, several sensing methods and materials have been widely explored. However, it is still a challenge to obtain sensitive, simple detection techniques for pesticides. Here, the simple and sensitive Time-resolved SERS mapping (T-SERS) and Spatial-
- PMID 25966372
- On the scattered light by dilute aqueous dispersions of nanogel particles.
- Callejas-Fernández J1, Ramos J2, Forcada J3, Moncho-Jordá A4.
- Journal of colloid and interface science.J Colloid Interface Sci.2015 Jul 15;450:310-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2015.03.031. Epub 2015 Mar 20.
- This work deals with the scattered light by nanoparticles formed by a temperature sensitive polymer networks, namely nanogel particles. The scattered light is measured as a function of the scattering angle at temperatures below and above the volume phase transition temperature (VPTT) of nanogel part
- PMID 25837408
Japanese Journal
- The hysteresis properties analysis of Fe-4 wt% Si prepared by high purity metallurgy
- 1.2 第2講座 野草、野菜屑などの未利用資源の飼料化(石川県の農業資源と産業への活用,平成26年度石川県立大学公開講座)
- Protective role of ALDH2 against acetaldehyde-derived DNA damage in oesophageal squamous epithelium.
- Legal Entitlement and Bargaining Power of Marriage Immigrants in Korea
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- sharplyとは。意味や和訳。[副詞]1 鋭くThe knife went sharply into his heart.ナイフは彼の心臓にぐさりと突き刺さった.2 急に,不意に,出し抜けに,突然Prices are rising sharply.物価が急激に上がっているThey turned sharply to the left ...
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- acute、quick