- mark with a scar; "The skin disease scarred his face permanently" (同)mark, pock, pit
- a mark left (usually on the skin) by the healing of injured tissue (同)cicatrix, cicatrice
- 恐ろしい,こわい / こわがりの,おくびょうな
- (皮膚の)『傷跡』;(物の表面の)傷跡 / 心の傷跡,痛手;(名誉などを傷つける)汚点 / (植物の茎などに残る)葉印,葉痕(ようこん) / …‘に'傷跡を残す / 〈傷などが〉傷跡を残す《+『over』》
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/01/15 02:16:24」(JST)
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Scary may refer to:
- Scary, West Virginia, U.S.
- Scary, in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, a village in the Shire
- "Scary", a song by Britney Spears from Femme Fatale
- Scary Spice, Mel B, English singer, member of Spice Girls
- Scary Sherri, Sherri Martel, American professional wrestler
- The Scary Guy, American motivational speaker
- Little Miss Scary, a Little Miss character
See also[edit]
- Scary Movie film series
- All pages beginning with "Scary"
- Horror
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English Journal
- Selective preservation of the beat in apperceptive music agnosia: A case study.
- Baird AD1, Walker DG2, Biggs V2, Robinson GA3.
- Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior.Cortex.2014 Apr;53:27-33. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2014.01.005. Epub 2014 Jan 22.
- INTRODUCTION: Music perception involves processing of melodic, temporal and emotional dimensions that have been found to dissociate in healthy individuals and after brain injury. Two components of the temporal dimension have been distinguished, namely rhythm and metre. We describe an 18 year old mal
- PMID 24561388
- A qualitative study of smokers' responses to messages discouraging dual tobacco product use.
- Popova L1, Kostygina G, Sheon NM, Ling PM.
- Health education research.Health Educ Res.2014 Apr;29(2):206-21. doi: 10.1093/her/cyt150. Epub 2014 Jan 17.
- Cigarette companies increasingly promote novel smokeless tobacco products to smokers, encouraging them to use smokeless tobacco in smoke-free environments. New messages may counteract this promotion. We developed 12 initial anti-smokeless message ideas and tested them in eight online focus groups wi
- PMID 24441592
- H1N1 Was Not All That Scary: Uncertainty and Stressor Appraisals Predict Anxiety Related to a Coming Viral Threat.
- Taha SA1, Matheson K, Anisman H.
- Stress and health : journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress.Stress Health.2014 Apr;30(2):149-57. doi: 10.1002/smi.2505. Epub 2013 Jul 1.
- H1N1 reached pandemic proportions in 2009, yet considerable ambivalence was apparent concerning the threat presented and the inclination to be vaccinated. The present investigation assessed several factors, notably appraisals of the threat, intolerance of uncertainty, and familiarity with the virus,
- PMID 23818424
Japanese Journal
- 脳活動の非対称性と吉田法の関連性 : 音刺激による生体反応評価
- 陳 曦,高橋 勲,沖田 義光,平田 寿,杉浦 敏文
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MBE, MEとバイオサイバネティックス 111(423), 77-82, 2012-01-20
- 音刺激(怖い音と快適な音)に対する心理反応を脳波前頭葉非対称性モデル(anterior asymmetry and emotion model, AAE model)と吉田法によって評価,検討し,両方法の信頼性と関連性を検討した.被験者は21〜25歳までの大学院生13名(22.9±1.3歳)であり,実験中はゆったりとした椅子に座って目を閉じてもらった(前安静10分,音呈示5分,後安静10分).AA …
- NAID 110009481134
- "本当に怖い"米国特許訴訟--いつ来るか分からない戦いに備えて
- 男性顔の魅力評定における「男性らしさ」と怒り認知の交絡(HCS+フォーラム顔学ジョイントセッション,顔とコミュニケーション)
- 高橋 翠
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. HCS, ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎 110(247), 11-16, 2010-10-16
- 男性顔における「男性らしさ」は魅力評定に寄与する要素であるのか、未だ決着が見られていない。しかしながら進化生物学的には、男性顔の「男性らしさ」は高い魅力評価に結びつく特徴であると仮定される。本研究は、男性顔における「男性らしさ」が高い魅力評価に結びつかない理由の一つとして、男性顔の「男性らしさ」に潜在する怒り表情の誤認知が、女性評定者の魅力評定に及ぼす負の効果を提案する。男女の評定者に男性の顔写真 …
- NAID 110008106591
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