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- glycolytic
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- 1. 歯性感染症の疫学、病因、および臨床症状 epidemiology pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of odontogenic infections
- 2. 成人における肝性脳症:治療 hepatic encephalopathy in adults treatment
English Journal
- Second meal effect on appetite and fermentation of wholegrain rye foods.
- Ibrügger S1, Vigsnæs LK2, Blennow A3, Skuflić D1, Raben A1, Lauritzen L1, Kristensen M4.
- Appetite.Appetite.2014 Sep;80:248-56. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2014.05.026. Epub 2014 May 27.
- Background: Wholegrain rye has been associated with decreased hunger sensations. This may be partly mediated by colonic fermentation. Sustained consumption of fermentable components is known to change the gut microflora and may increase numbers of saccharolytic bacteria. Objective: To investigate th
- PMID 24874564
- The fermentation of polydextrose in the large intestine and its beneficial effects.
- Röytiö H1, Ouwehand AC2.
- Beneficial microbes.Benef Microbes.2014 Sep;5(3):305-13. doi: 10.3920/BM2013.0065.
- Polydextrose is a randomly bonded glucose polymer with a highly branched and complex structure. It resists digestion in the upper gastrointestinal tract and is partially fermented in the large intestine by the colonic microbes. Due to its complex structure, a plethora of microbes is required for the
- PMID 24736314
- Do rumen bacteroidetes utilize an alternative mechanism for cellulose degradation?
- Naas AE1, Mackenzie AK1, Mravec J2, Schückel J2, Willats WG2, Eijsink VG1, Pope PB3.
- mBio.MBio.2014 Aug 5;5(4). pii: e01401-14. doi: 10.1128/mBio.01401-14.
- Uncultured and therefore uncharacterized Bacteroidetes lineages are ubiquitous in many natural ecosystems which specialize in lignocellulose degradation. However, their metabolic contribution remains mysterious, as well-studied cultured Bacteroidetes have been shown to degrade only soluble polysacch
- PMID 25096880
Japanese Journal
- 口腔生態系から見た口臭 : 生化学的、生態学的アプローチ
- Pa-222 ミスカンサスの高効率酵素糖化法の検討(2.技術,ポスターセッション1)
- 秀野 晃大,川嶋 文人,ANZOUA Kossonou Guillaume,山田 敏彦
- バイオマス科学会議発表論文集 (8), 122-123, 2012-12-25
- … The alkaline peroxide pretreatment (AP) and saccharolytic enzymes preparation were investigated. …
- NAID 110009560621
- グァバ葉抽出茶の糖類分解酵素活性阻害ならびに消化管輸送およびグルコース吸収抑制による血糖値上昇抑制作用
- 山内 有信,稲井 玲子,東元 稔
- 榮養學雑誌 = THE JAPANESE JOURNAL OF NUTRITION AND DIETETICS 66(1), 25-29, 2008-02-01
- NAID 10021177835
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- sac·cha·ro·lyt·ic / ˌsæk ə roʊˈlɪt ɪk / Show Spelled [sak-uh-roh-lit-ik] Show IPA adjective Chemistry. of or causing the hydrolysis of sugars. Origin: 1905–10; saccharo-+ -lytic Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House ...
- newhydrotechさん 「asaccharolytic」の和訳を教えてください。「a-」が付いた「saccharolytic」と思うのですが、この「a-」が ... kwqcc66さん 糖分解を起こしている状態。 aは動詞について形容詞、の状態 例 asleep awake
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- glycolysis、saccharolytic
- 英
- glycolytic、saccharolytic
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- 解糖