- covered with or consisting of rust; "a rusty machine"; "rusty deposits"
- brusque and surly and forbidding; "crusty remarks"; "a crusty old man"; "his curmudgeonly temper"; "gruff manner"; "a gruff reply" (同)curmudgeonly, gruff, ill-humored, ill-humoured
- a convict who is considered trustworthy and granted special privileges
- a common rock-inhabiting fern of northern temperate regions having rusty-brown stipes and lanceolate pinnate fronds (同)fragrant woodsia, oblong woodsia, Woodsia ilvensis
- North American blackbird whose bluish-black plumage is rusty-edged in the fall (同)rusty grackle, Euphagus carilonus
- of something having the brown color of rust
- of the brown color of rust (同)rusty, rust-brown
- any of various fungi causing rust disease in plants (同)rust fungus
- the formation of reddish-brown ferric oxides on iron by low-temperature oxidation in the presence of water (同)rusting
- a plant disease that produces a reddish-brown discoloration of leaves and stems; caused by various rust fungi
- a red or brown oxide coating on iron or steel caused by the action of oxygen and moisture
- become coated with oxide
- さびた / さび色の / (使用しないために)だめになった
- (物が)外皮のある;外皮のような,堅い / (人・態度などが)こちこちの
- (人が)信頼できる,頼りになる
- 信頼できる人 / (特典の与えられる)模範囚
- (金属の)『さび』 / さび病;さび菌 / さび色 / さびる / 〈能力などが〉(使わずに)鈍る / 〈植物が〉さび病にかかる / 〈金属〉‘を'さびさせる / さび色の
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Rusty may refer to something covered with rust or with a rust (color). Rusty is also a nickname for people who have red hair, have a rust-hued skin tone, or have the given name Russell.
Rusty may refer to:
- Rusty Anderson (born 1959), American guitarist
- Rusty Bryant (1929–1991), American saxophonist
- Rusty Cooley (born 1970), American guitarist
- Rusty Cundieff (born 1960), American director
- Rusty Day (1945–1982), American musician
- Rusty Draper (1923–2003), American singer
- Rusty Edwards (born 1955), American hymn writer and minister
- Rusty Egan (born 1957), British drummer
- Rusty Fein (born 1982), American figure skater
- Rusty Fricke (born 1964), American former Arena Football League player
- Rusty Goffe (born 1948), British dwarf entertainer
- Rusty Greer (born 1969), American former Major League Baseball player
- Rusty Hamer (1947–1990), American actor
- Rusty Humphries (born 1965), American radio host
- Rusty Jacobs (born 1967), American actor
- Rusty Joiner (born 1972), American model
- Rusty Jones (disambiguation), multiple people
- Rusty Kuntz (born 1955), American baseball player
- Rusty Magee (1955–2003), American composer
- Rusty Robertson (1927–1989), New Zealand rowing coach
- Rusty Russell (disambiguation), multiple people
- Rusty Schweickart (born 1935), American astronaut, engineer, scientist and business executive
- Rusty Schwimmer (born 1962), American actress and singer
- Rusty Smith (disambiguation), multiple people
- Rusty Staub (1944–2018), American baseball player
- Rusty Theron (born 1985), South African cricketer
- Rusty Torres (born 1948), Puerto Rican baseball player
- Rusty Troy (born 1966), American soccer player
- Rusty Wallace (born 1956), American race car driver
- Rusty Warren (born 1930), American comedian and singer
- Rusty Young (disambiguation), multiple people
Arts and entertainment
Fictional characters
- Rusty, a sidekick of Big Guy from The Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot, a 1995 comic book
- "Rusty", the Good Dalek, in the Doctor Who episode "Into the Dalek"
- Rusty the Diesel, in the television show Thomas the Tank Engine
- Rusty the Steam Engine, in the musical Starlight Express
- Russell "Rusty" Beck, in the American television series Major Crimes
- the protagonist of Rusty Brown, an American comic strip by Chris Ware
- Rusty Collins, a Marvel Comics character
- Finbarr "Rusty" Galloway, Cole Phelps' partner at the homicide desk in the video game L.A. Noire
- Russell "Rusty" Griswold, in the National Lampoon's Vacation films
- Rusty-James, main character of the novel Rumble Fish by S. E. Hinton
- Rusty Riley, protagonist of the eponymous American newspaper comic strip
- Rusty Rivets, protagonist of the eponymous Canadian television series
- Rusty Rodriguez, in the 1984 film Footloose
- Rusty Ryan (character), in the film Ocean's Eleven (2001) and its sequels
- Rusty Shackleford, the often-used alias of Dale Gribble from the television series King of the Hill
- Doctor Thaddeus Venture, nicknamed "Rusty", in the television series The Venture Bros.
- Rusty (band), a Canadian alternative rock band in the 1990s
- Rusty (Rodan album), a 1994 indie rock album by Rodan
- Rusty (Slick Shoes album), a 1997 pop punk album by Slick Shoes
- "Rusty", a song from the album Wolf by Tyler, the Creator
Other arts and entertainment
- Rusty (film series), 1940s children's film series featuring a German Shepherd dog named Rusty
- Rusty (video game), 1993 action video game
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- 1. 高山病:小児特有の懸念事項high altitude disease unique pediatric considerations [show details]
…breathlessness out of proportion to work, breathlessness at rest, and production of frothy, often rusty, sputum. Physical findings at this time include rapid breathing, cyanosis, tachycardia, and diffuse …
- 2. 女性の性器切除(環状切除)female genital cutting circumcision [show details]
…genital cutting. Anesthesia and antibiotics are rarely administered. The instruments used may be old, rusty knives, razors, scissors, or heated pebbles, which are rarely washed between procedures. Hemostasis…
- 3. 滑液検査synovial fluid analysis [show details]
…contribute to the yellow or yellow-green appearance of inflammatory or septic fluids. Bright red, rusty, or chocolate-brown fluids are indicative of fresh or old blood. Viscosity – As joint fluid is expelled…
- 4. 手掌および足底の色素性病変のダーモスコピーdermoscopy of pigmented lesions of the palms and soles [show details]
…show a parallel ridge pattern . However, the symmetric location on the index or middle fingers, the rusty/reddish hue of the color, and a history of prolonged video gaming are clues to the correct diagnosis…
- 5. 関節血症の概要overview of hemarthrosis [show details]
…joint fluid that is overtly and uniformly sanguineous, although with chronicity, the fluid can become rusty or brown in color. Centrifugation discloses xanthochromia (yellow-tinged discoloration) of the supernatant…
English Journal
- The effect of dyad rounding on collaboration and patient experience.
- Christensen A, Miller K, Neff J, Moore RA, Hirschi S, Collette-Merrill K.
- Nursing management. 2020 Jan;51(1)16-25.
- PMID 31880616
- Pleasure and HIV biomedical discourse: The structuring of sexual and drug-related risks for gay and bisexual men who Party-n-Play.
- Souleymanov R, Brennan DJ, Logie C, Allman D, Craig SL, Halkitis PN.
- The International journal on drug policy. 2019 12;74()181-190.
- Party-n-Play (PNP) is a social practice that refers to sex that occurs under the influence of drugs. This study critically examined the risk and pleasure discourses of gay and bisexual men who PNP to explore how epistemic shifts associated with advancements in HIV biomedical sciences influence gay a
- PMID 31627160
- Purification and Characterization of a Novel Antifungal Flagellin Protein from Endophyte NJ13 Against .
- Jiang Y, Ran C, Chen L, Yin W, Liu Y, Chen C, Gao J.
- Microorganisms. 2019 Nov;7(12).
- Endophyte NJ13 was isolated from . Its sterile fermentation liquid showed a significant inhibitory effect against , causing the rusty root rot of and . The antifungal protein was obtained after precipitation by 20% saturated ammonium sulfate, desalted by Sephadex G-25, weak anion exchange chromato
- PMID 31766760
Japanese Journal
- Oda Jiro,Fuse Shizuka,Yamashita Jun,Tamura Minoru N.
- Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 70(2), 69-85, 2019
- … We propose a new subsection, <i>Fultae</i>, for subclade B, which is characterized by distinctly veined perigynia that lack rusty dots. …
- NAID 130007678153
- Assessment of different minute zooplankton in the larval rearing of rusty angelfish centropyge ferrugata
- Wullur Stenly,Kumagai Shigeru,Sakakura Yoshitaka,Hagiwara Atsushi
- AACL Bioflux 11(5), 1495-1501, 2018-10-30
- … Recognizing this demand, we assess the acceptability of four minute zooplankton including rotifers Proales similis, Keratella sinensis, Brachionus rotundiformis (SS-type), and nauplii of copepod Paracyclopina nana as feed for rusty angelfish Centropyge ferrugata larvae. …
- NAID 120006547347
- P-27 金合金の大気中鋳造への六方晶窒化ホウ素の応用(金属材料,一般講演(ポスター発表),第65回日本歯科理工学会学術講演会)
- 金谷 貢,大川 成剛,泉 健次,木村 勇雄
- 日本歯科理工学会誌 34(2), 98, 2015-03-25
- … The color of the cast surface by using hBN was rusty red. …
- NAID 110009923890
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