- a crowd especially of ordinary or undistinguished persons or things; "his brilliance raised him above the ruck"; "the children resembled a fairy herd" (同)herd
- truck whose contents can be emptied without handling; the front end of the platform can be pneumatically raised so that the load is discharged by gravity (同)dumper, tipper truck, tipper lorry, tip truck, tipper
- a fee charged for transporting goods by truckage
- city in southwestern Austria; known as a summer and winter resort
- a farm where vegetables are grown for market (同)truck garden
- trucks coming and going
- (布についた)しわ
- 〈C〉《the~》並みの生活 / 《a~》多数(の…)《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(ラグビーで)ポールを奪い合う
- トラックによる運走(運搬)料
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/02/01 02:48:57」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Ruck may refer to;
- Ruck (rugby union), a contesting for the ball in Rugby Union from a grounded player
- Ruckman (Australian rules football), an aerial contest in Australian rules football between rival ruckmen]
- Ruck (rugby league), the area surrounding a tackled player in rugby league football
- Rucking, the weight-carrying / hiking sport
- short for Rucksack
It may also refer to certain people:
- Sean Price, American rapper who went by the name Ruck as a member of Heltah Skeltah
- Alan Ruck (born 1956), American actor
- Berta Ruck (1878–1978), British writer of short stories and romance novels
- Calvin Ruck (1925–2004), Canadian Senator and author
- Carl A. P. Ruck (born 1935), American professor of Classical Studies
- Carl Ruck (field hockey) (1912–1980), German field hockey player
- Oliver Ruck (1856–1934), Royal Engineer who played in 1878 FA Cup Final
- Richard Ruck (1851–1935), Royal Engineer who played on the winning side in 1875 FA Cup Final
- Sian Ruck (born 1953), New Zealand international cricketer
- Ulrich Rück (1882–1962 in Nuremberg), German collector of musical instruments and dealer in pianofortes
- Wolfgang Ruck (born 1946), Canadian sprint canoeist
See also
- Ruck family tree: showing the relationships between some of the above
English Journal
- Selective Hydrogen Atom Abstraction through Induced Bond Polarization: Direct α-Arylation of Alcohols through Photoredox, HAT, and Nickel Catalysis.
- Twilton J1, Christensen M2, DiRocco DA2, Ruck RT2, Davies IW2, MacMillan DWC1.
- Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English).Angew Chem Int Ed Engl.2018 May 4;57(19):5369-5373. doi: 10.1002/anie.201800749. Epub 2018 Apr 6.
- PMID 29490112
- Skeletal muscle cells actively shape (auto)immune responses.
- Afzali AM1, Müntefering T2, Wiendl H2, Meuth SG2, Ruck T3.
- Autoimmunity reviews.Autoimmun Rev.2018 May;17(5):518-529. doi: 10.1016/j.autrev.2017.12.005. Epub 2018 Mar 9.
- PMID 29526638
- Alemtuzumab as rescue therapy in a cohort of 50 relapsing-remitting MS patients with breakthrough disease on fingolimod: a multi-center observational study.
- Huhn K1, Bayas A2, Doerck S3, Frank B4, Gerbershagen K5, Hellwig K6, Kallmann B7, Kleinschnitz C3,4, Kleiter I6,8, Lee DH9, Limmroth V5, Mäurer M10,11, Meuth S12, Rieckmann P7,13, Ruck T12, Gold R6, Linker RA9.
- Journal of neurology.J Neurol.2018 Apr 25. doi: 10.1007/s00415-018-8871-2. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 29696498
- The Discovery of MK-6169, A Potent Pan-genotype Hepatitis C Virus NS5A Inhibitor with Optimized Activity Against Common Resistance-Associated Substitutions.
- Yu W, Tong L, Selyutin O, Chen L, Hu B, Zhong B, Hao J, Ji T, Zan S, Yin J, Ruck RT, Curry S, McMonagle P, Agrawal S, Rokosz L, Carr D, Ingravallo P, Bystol K, Lahser F, Liu R, Chen S, Feng KI, Cartwright M, Asante-Appiah E, Kozlowski JA.
- Journal of medicinal chemistry.J Med Chem.2018 Apr 21. doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.7b01927. [Epub ahead of print]
- We describe the discovery of MK-6169, a potent and pan-genotype HCV NS5A inhibitor with optimized activity against common resistance-associated substitutions. SAR studies around the combination of changes to both the valine and aminal carbon region of elbasvir lead to the discovery of a series of co
- PMID 29681153
Japanese Journal
- 筑波大学ラグビー部におけるラック様相の推移 : 2012年を2010年と2011年と比較して
- 嶋崎 達也,古川 拓生,千葉 剛 [他],鷲谷 浩輔,小柳 竜太,中川 昭
- 筑波大学体育系紀要 = The bulletin of Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences 37, 85-92, 2014
- NAID 120005425960
- 局所的降下方向と差分変異個体の混合によるDifferential Evolutionの改良(情報・システム基礎,<特集>学生論文)
- 芦田 高志,ターウォンマット ラック
- 電子情報通信学会論文誌. D, 情報・システム J96-D(3), 432-440, 2013-03-01
- Differential Evolution(DE)は1995年にStornとPriceにより提案された実数値最適化問題を対象とした探索手法である.探索効率,頑健性の高さから多くの分野で利用されているが,変数間依存性が強いといった特徴をもつ問題に対しては更なる性能向上が望まれている.性能向上手法として提案されており,従来のDEよりも収束速度が速い特徴をもつ滑降シンプレックス法を取り入れたDE(DS …
- NAID 110009593012
- 局所的降下方向と差分変異個体の混合による Differential Evolution の改良
- 芦田 高志,ターウォンマット ラック
- 電子情報通信学会論文誌. D, 情報・システム = The IEICE transactions on information and systems (Japanese edition) 96(3), 432-440, 2013-03-01
- NAID 10031179546
Related Links
- http://maruoka-ruck.sakura.ne.jp ...
- RUCK(リュック)は、フリーランスのデザイン事務所です。東京でホームページ・グラフィックデザインを行っています。 ... Designer Profile しばたちあき 2004年に武蔵野美術大学デザイン情報学科を卒業後、Web制作会社に入社。 2年半 ...
- H25,11,03 update Believe! 自分を信じて!仲間を信じて! 私たちは、福井県坂井市丸岡町を拠点に活動している丸岡ラックガールズです。チーム名の'Ruck'は『がらくた』を意味します。チーム内にスター選手はいませんが、一人一人が仲間を ...
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