- move back and forth or sideways; "the ship was rocking"; "the tall building swayed"; "She rocked back and forth on her feet" (同)sway, shake
- material consisting of the aggregate of minerals like those making up the Earths crust; "that mountain is solid rock"; "stone is abundant in New England and there are many quarries" (同)stone
- pitching dangerously to one side (同)careen, sway, tilt
- a lump or mass of hard consolidated mineral matter; "he threw a rock at me" (同)stone
- (figurative) someone who is strong and stable and dependable; "he was her rock during the crisis"; "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church"--Gospel According to Matthew
- cause to move back and forth; "rock the cradle"; "rock the baby"; "the wind swayed the trees gently" (同)sway
- the second half of an inning; while the home team is at bat (同)bottom of the inning
- the lowest rank; "bottom member of the class"
- a cargo ship; "they did much of their overseas trade in foreign bottoms" (同)freighter, merchantman, merchant_ship
- the lower side of anything (同)underside, undersurface
- the lowest part of anything; "they started at the bottom of the hill"
- provide with a bottom or a seat; "bottom the chairs"
- situated at the bottom or lowest position; "the bottom drawer"
- strike the ground, as with a ships bottom
- mythical bird of prey having enormous size and strength
- United States gynecologist and devout Catholic who conducted the first clinical trials of the oral contraceptive pill (1890-1984) (同)John Rock
- having a bottom of a specified character
- どん底の,最低の
- 〈U〉〈C〉『岩』,岩石;『岩壁』;《しばしば複数形で》岩礁 / 〈C〉『岩片』;《米話》『石』,小石 / 〈C〉岩のように強固(堅固)なもの,しっかりして頼りになるもの
- (リズムをつけて)…‘を'『前後に』(『左右に』)『そっと揺り動かす』 / …‘を'『震動させる』,振動させる / 《話》…‘の'気を転倒させる,‘に'ショックを与える / 『前後に』(『左右に』)『そっと揺れ動く』 / 『震動する』,激しく揺れる / 揺れ / 動揺 / =rock'n'roll
- (物の)『底』《+『of』+『名』》 / (海・川・湖・井戸などの)底《+『of』+『名』》 / (…の)『下部』,『底部』,根元《+『of』+『名』》 / (…の)根底,基礎;(…の)心底,奥底《+『of』+『名』》 / 船底,船腹;(一般に)船,船舶 / 《話》しり(posterior) / 《複数形で》川沿いの低地(低い牧草地) / 最低の;最後の / 底の;根底の
- ロック(アラビア神話の巨大な怪鳥でひな鳥を育てるのに象をえさにしたという)
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English Journal
- [Investigating the toxicity characteristics of Nassarius Sp. in Ningbo City].
- Xu J, Xu G, Ye L, Qin P, Hu D, Yan P, Jin C, Yu M.Author information Ningbo Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Ningbo 315010, China. xujy@nbcdc.org.cnAbstractOBJECTIVE: To study the type, distribution, the growth and decline of toxins in Nassarius Sp. and the source of toxins to acquire the basis for the control of Nassarius Sp. poisonings.
- Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research.Wei Sheng Yan Jiu.2010 Jul;39(4):494-7.
- OBJECTIVE: To study the type, distribution, the growth and decline of toxins in Nassarius Sp. and the source of toxins to acquire the basis for the control of Nassarius Sp. poisonings.METHODS: The toxicity of Nassarius Sp. was detected by mouse bioassay. The saxitoxin (STX), gonyau toxin (GTX), and
- PMID 20726247
- My cholesterol was on the high end of normal, and my doctor put me on a statin. My cholesterol is now rock-bottom low! But the last blood test said my liver enzymes were elevated. She wants me to get another test in a couple of months. I'm worried these pills are damaging my liver. Is there anything I can do to protect it so I can continue taking them?
- [No authors listed]
- Heart advisor / the Cleveland Clinic.Heart Advis.2010 Apr;13(4):D.
- PMID 23038825
- The fork in the road: HIV as a potential positive turning point and the role of spirituality.
- Kremer H, Ironson G, Kaplan L.Author information Department of Psychology, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, USA. H.Kremer@miami.eduAbstractWe interviewed 147 HIV-positive people regarding their key life-changing experiences - involving profound changes in attitudes, behaviors, beliefs (including spiritual beliefs), or self-views - to determine the prominence of HIV as the key positive/negative turning point. HIV was the key turning point, for 37% (26% positive, 11% negative), whereas for 63% of our sample it was not. Characteristics associated with perceiving HIV as the most positive turning point included having a near-death experience from HIV, increasing spirituality after HIV diagnosis, and feeling chosen by a Higher Powerto have HIV. Notably, perceived antecedents of viewing HIV as the key positive turning point were hitting rock bottom and calling on a Higher Power. Conversely, viewing HIV as the most negative turning point was associated with declining spirituality after diagnosis. Spirituality can both negatively and positively affect coping with HIV. Promoting positive spiritual coping may offer new counseling approaches. Further, for the majority of the participants, HIV is not the key turning point, which may be an indicator of the normalization of HIV with the advent of effective treatment.
- AIDS care.AIDS Care.2009 Mar;21(3):368-77. doi: 10.1080/09540120802183479.
- We interviewed 147 HIV-positive people regarding their key life-changing experiences - involving profound changes in attitudes, behaviors, beliefs (including spiritual beliefs), or self-views - to determine the prominence of HIV as the key positive/negative turning point. HIV was the key turning poi
- PMID 19280412
Japanese Journal
- Measurement of Interference Structures of Ship-Radiated Noise in Shallow Water with Rock and Sand Bottom
- Hahn Jooyoung
- Jpn J Appl Phys 50(7), 07HG03-07HG03-2, 2011-07-25
- … In this study, the interference structures in the frequency domain are measured in the propagation of broadband acoustic waves in shallow water, which are composed of rock and sand bottom. … The result shows that the interference cycle on the rock bottom is 312 Hz shorter than that on the sand bottom. … This result will be useful in the estimation of bottom properties in shallow water environments. …
- NAID 150000057691
- Rock-bottom Spread--社債スプレッドの定量的分析の枠組み (特集 クレジット・リスク(2))
Related Links
- 13 Sep 2006 ... MSG Rock Bottom live in Hamburg. The band features the original line up of Michael Schenker, Gary Barden, Paul Raymond, Cozy Powell and Chris Glen.
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- bottom aspect
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- Rho-associated kinase