- a person suffering with rheumatism
- inflammation of the heart
- リューマチの / リューマチにかがった / リューマチ患者
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English Journal
- Outcomes of tricuspid annuloplasty with and without prosthetic rings: a retrospective follow-up study.
- Ren WJ1, Zhang BG2, Liu JS3, Qian YJ4, Guo YQ5.
- Journal of cardiothoracic surgery.J Cardiothorac Surg.2015 Jun 6;10(1):81. doi: 10.1186/s13019-015-0281-2.
- BACKGROUND: The efficacies of tricuspid valve repair, risk factors for treatment failure and postoperative quality of life have not been thoroughly evaluated in patients with tricuspid insufficiency associated with rheumatic heart disease (RHD). We therefore reviewed our experience with ring and non
- PMID 26047936
- Effect of distance to health facility on the maintenance of INR therapeutic ranges in rheumatic heart disease patients from Cape Town: no evidence for an association.
- Barth DD1, Zühlke LJ1,2, Joachim A1, Hoegger T3, Mayosi BM1, Engel ME4.
- BMC health services research.BMC Health Serv Res.2015 Jun 5;15:219. doi: 10.1186/s12913-015-0890-4.
- BACKGROUND: Lack of adherence to international normalised ratio (INR) monitoring in rheumatic heart disease (RHD) patients is a contributor to cardio-embolic complications. This population-based observational study investigated whether the distance between home and an INR clinic affects the maintena
- PMID 26041470
Japanese Journal
- 新規に生じた心雑音により心炎の合併を同定し得た高齢発症リウマチ熱の1例
- 有沼 良幸,菊地 弘敏,荒巻 芸,高山 真希,浅子 来未,廣畑 俊成
- 日本臨床免疫学会会誌 = Japanese journal of clinical immunology 35(3), 194-198, 2012-06-30
- 62歳女性.2006年1月咽頭痛,発熱のため近医受診.感冒の診断にて処方受けるも次第に肩関節,肘関節および手指,足趾関節に疼痛・発赤・腫張が出現,結節性の皮疹も四肢に出現したため当院受診.炎症反応陽性および抗ストレプトリジン-O抗体(ASO) 411 U/mlと高値であり非ステロイド性解熱消炎鎮痛薬(NSAID)にて経過を見るも改善なく10日後,外来再度受診.炎症反応の増悪およびASO 230 …
- NAID 10030832745
- Adult-onset Acute Rheumatic Fever
- Nakashima Dainari,Ueda Kohei,Tsukuda Kyozo,Utsu Noriaki,Kohki Shimazu,Fushimi Hiroaki,Miyakoshi Kazuho
- Internal Medicine 51(19), 2805-2808, 2012
- … A 62-year-old man was hospitalized for acute rheumatic fever. … He had previously suffered from rheumatic fever at 15 years of age. … The rheumatic fever was complicated by carditis, which caused valve disease that required surgical treatment. … The incidence of rheumatic fever has decreased in most developed countries with improvements in sanitary conditions. …
- NAID 130002062022
- Assessment of myocardial involvement using cardiac troponin-I and echocardiography in rheumatic carditis in Izmir, Turkey
- TAVLI Vedide,CANBAL Abdullah,SAYLAN Berna,SARITAS Turkay,MESE Timur,ATLIHAN Fusun
- Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society 50(1), 62-64, 2008-02-01
- NAID 10024152683
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- 英
- rheumatic carditis
- 同
- リウマチ性心臓炎
- 関
- rheumatica、rheumatism、rheumatoid
- 関
- myocarditis