- 関
- plexiform、reticular、reticularis
- form a net or a network
- resembling or forming a network; "the reticulate veins of a leaf"; "a reticulated highway system" (同)reticular
- distribute by a network, as of water or electricity
- divide so as to form a network
- of southeast Asia and East Indies; the largest snake in the world (同)Python reticulatus
- not resembling or forming a network
- 網状の,網目でおおわれた
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English Journal
- Molecular evidence for hybridization and introgression in the neotropical coastal desert-endemic Palaua (Malveae, Malvaceae).
- Schneider JV, Schulte K, Aguilar JF, Huertas ML.SourceSpezielle Botanik und Funktionelle Biodiversitatsforschung, Biologie I, Universitat Leipzig, Johannisallee 21-23, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany; Botanik and Molekulare Evolutionsforschung, Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg and Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat, Senckenberganlage 25, D-60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
- Molecular phylogenetics and evolution.Mol Phylogenet Evol.2011 Sep;60(3):373-84. Epub 2011 May 20.
- Recent years have seen an increasing awareness of the importance of hybridization and introgression in plant evolution. Both processes were also invoked to have had a strong impact in the evolution of Palaua, based on morphological intermediacy. Here, we used nuclear ITS and cellulose synthase DNA s
- PMID 21621620
- Co-expression of four baculovirus proteins, IE1, LEF3, P143, and PP31, elicits a cellular chromatin-containing reticulate structure in the nuclei of uninfected cells.
- Nagamine T, Abe A, Suzuki T, Dohmae N, Matsumoto S.SourceRIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Wako-shi, Saitama, Japan.
- Virology.Virology.2011 Aug 15;417(1):188-95. Epub 2011 Jun 24.
- Baculovirus DNA replication, transcription, and nucleocapsid assembly occur within a subnuclear structure called the virogenic stroma (VS) that consists of two subcompartments. Specific components of the VS sub-compartments have not been identified except for PP31, a DNA-binding protein that localiz
- PMID 21704351
- Flow cytometry confirms reticulate evolution and reveals triploidy in Central European Diphasiastrum taxa (Lycopodiaceae, Lycophyta).
- Bennert HW, Horn K, Kauth M, Fuchs J, Bisgaard Jakobsen IS, Ollgaard B, Schnittler M, Steinberg M, Viane R.SourceLehrstuhl fur Evolution und Biodiversitat der Pflanzen, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, D-44780 Bochum, Germany.
- Annals of botany.Ann Bot.2011 Aug 10. [Epub ahead of print]
- Background and Aims Interspecific Diphasiastrum hybrids have been assumed to be homoploid and to produce well-formed spores serving sexual reproduction. If this were the case, forms intermediate between hybrids and parents or hybrid swarms should be expected. The purpose of this study was: (1) to ch
- PMID 21835817
Japanese Journal
- レーザスキャナと移動ロボットを用いた被災空間の密な3次元計測
- 大野 和則,竹内 栄二郎,永谷 圭司,田所 諭,小柳 栄次,吉田 智章
- 情報処理学会研究報告. CVIM, [コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア] 2011-CVIM-176(19), 1-8, 2011-03-10
- … 地図構築と,最近の研究動向に関して説明する.サブクローラを有するクローラロボットを用いることで階段や瓦礫を踏破しつつ探査を行うことができる.ロボットの全周囲の均一で密な3次元形状を計測できるReticulate方式のレーザスキャナを開発し,クローラロボットに搭載した.開発したレーザスキャナは止まった状態でも周囲の詳細な3次元形状を計測することができる.また,ジャイロベースドオドメトリを用いて移動中 …
- NAID 110008584008
- 中国雲南省中央部の常緑広葉樹二次林におけるトウツバキ稚幼樹の生育状態と光環境
- 中国雲南省永平県宝台山に野生するトウツバキの花形の多様性
Related Links
- re・tic・u・late (r -t k y -l t, -l t ). adj. Resembling or forming a net or network: reticulate veins of a leaf. v. (-l t ) re・tic・u・lat・ed, re・tic・u・lat・ ing, re・tic・u・lates. v.tr. 1. To make a net or network of. ...
- re・tic・u・late (r -t k y -l t, -l t ). adj. Resembling or forming a net or ...
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- 関
- plexiform、reticular、reticulate
- 英
- reticular、plexiform、reticulate、reticularis
- 関
- 細網、叢状、網様
- 関
- reticular、reticularis、reticulate
- 関
- reticular、reticulata、reticulum