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- redistill
English Journal
- Mutagenicity and contents of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in used and recycled motor oils.
- Clonfero E, Nardini B, Marchioro M, Bordin A, Gabbani G.SourceIstituto di Medicina del Lavoro della Università di Padova, Italy. clonfero@ipunidx.unipd.it
- Mutation research.Mutat Res.1996 Jul 5;368(3-4):283-91.
- Thirteen samples of used motor oil and 33 recycled fractions, obtained in the laboratory by means of a recovery process similar to that currently used in Italy (vacuum distillation followed by thermal clay treatment) were examined. The Ames test (standard and modified version according to Blackburn)
- PMID 8692234
- Identification of the more complex triacylglycerols in bovine milk fat by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using polar capillary columns.
- Myher JJ, Kuksis A, Marai L, Sandra P.SourceBanting and Best Department of Medical Research, University of Toronto, Canada.
- Journal of chromatography.J Chromatogr.1988 Oct 28;452:93-118.
- The fourth most volatile 2.5% molecular distillate of butteroil obtained by redistillation of the most volatile 10% cut was examined by gas chromatography on a polar capillary column (RSL-300) with electron impact and chemical ionization mass spectrometry. For this purpose the distillate was first f
- PMID 3243860
- Oxidation product(s) in acetaldehyde reacts with NAD(P)H and interferes with assay of alcohol dehydrogenase.
- Yan RT, Zhu CX, Chen JS.SourceDepartment of Anaerobic Microbiology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg 24061.
- Analytical biochemistry.Anal Biochem.1987 Aug 1;164(2):362-6.
- A decrease in absorbance at 340 nm, at rates similar to those obtained with alcohol dehydrogenases in routine assays, occurred when NADH or NADPH was mixed with acetaldehyde that had been exposed to air for various durations. NAD(P)H was apparently oxidized by interfering substance(s) present in ace
- PMID 3674384
Japanese Journal
- 二缶式回分蒸留機による焼酎醪蒸留における留出成分の制御
- 佐無田 隆,園田 直,西 祐馬
- 日本醸造協会誌 = Journal of the Brewing Society of Japan 105(4), 245-257, 2010-04-15
- 回分式蒸留機の蒸発缶に醪を張り込んで加熱する時,蒸発缶から発生する蒸気の一部が蒸留機内で凝縮して生じる分縮液を蒸発缶には流入させず,別に設けた再留缶に流入させ,蒸発缶液のアルコール濃度が予め定めた濃度以下となった時,蒸発缶の加熱を停止し,以後は再留缶に溜まった分縮液を加熱して蒸留する方法について検討した。1. 16.0vol%エタノール水溶液を原料として蒸留し二缶式蒸留機の基本的な機能を検討した。 …
- NAID 10026296373
- 松本 哲一 [他],平尾 良光,岩崎 公俊,福田 悦子,花見 英俊,奈良 志伸,木村 幹
- 分析化学 35(7), 590-597, 1986-07-05
- 各種環境試料中の微量鉛を迅速,正確に定量する方法を確立した.硝酸-過塩素酸-フッ化水素酸による試料の湿式分解,臭化水素酸系陰イオン交換法による鉛の分離精製及び炭素炉原子吸光法による鉛の定量という各段階を一つずつ吟味した.鉛の精製・濃縮における臭化水素酸系陰イオン交換法は,従来のジチゾン抽出などに比べて短時間に多数の試料を処理でき,しかも鉛のみを極めて選択的に分離できるため炭素炉原子吸光法におけるバ …
- NAID 110002909400
- メチルイソブチルケトンを用いる溶媒抽出ポーラログラフィー
- 北川 豊吉 [他],市村 彰男
- 分析化学 22(1), 120-121, 1973
- … Methylisobutylketone (MIBK) containing small amounts of tetraethylammonium hydroxide was distilled using a column packed with helipack and then the distillate at 116°C was further purified by redistillation. …
- NAID 130000943042
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