- inflammation of one or both parotid glands
- 再発する;繰り返し起こる
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English Journal
- The Role of Parotidectomy in Sjögren's Syndrome.
- Madero-Visbal R, Milas Z.Author information MD Anderson Cancer Center, Orlando, 1400 S Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32806, USA.AbstractSjögren's syndrome, a chronic and progressive autoimmune disorder mainly characterized by xerophthalmia, xerostomia, and parotid enlargement, is primarily managed medically, but some patients will require surgical management. Patients with Sjögren's syndrome have an increased risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Superficial parotidectomy is indicated for diagnostic purposes and can be therapeutic in limited circumstances. Surgical indications for parotidectomy in Sjögren's syndrome include recurrent parotitis refractory to medical management; salivary gland malignancy; and severe, refractory pain. Surgical complications include transient or permanent facial nerve injury, post-operative pain, persistent inflammation of remnant parotid tissue, Frey syndrome, and facial scarring.
- Oral and maxillofacial surgery clinics of North America.Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am.2014 Feb;26(1):83-90. doi: 10.1016/j.coms.2013.09.007.
- Sjögren's syndrome, a chronic and progressive autoimmune disorder mainly characterized by xerophthalmia, xerostomia, and parotid enlargement, is primarily managed medically, but some patients will require surgical management. Patients with Sjögren's syndrome have an increased risk of non-Hodgkin l
- PMID 24287196
- Juvenile recurrent parotitis: A retrospective comparison of sialendoscopy versus conservative therapy.
- Schneider H, Koch M, Künzel J, Gillespie MB, Grundtner P, Iro H, Zenk J.Author information Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Medical School, Erlangen, Germany.AbstractOBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: There are several therapeutic approaches to treat juvenile recurrent parotitis. The aim of this study was to compare sialendoscopy, including prophylactic cortisone irrigation, with observation and a conservative approach of antibiotic therapy alone.
- The Laryngoscope.Laryngoscope.2013 Jul 1. doi: 10.1002/lary.24291. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: There are several therapeutic approaches to treat juvenile recurrent parotitis. The aim of this study was to compare sialendoscopy, including prophylactic cortisone irrigation, with observation and a conservative approach of antibiotic therapy alone.STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective
- PMID 23818258
Japanese Journal
- A Case of Juvenile Sjögren's Syndrome with Interstitial Nephritis
- Igarashi Toru,Itoh Yasuhiko,Shimizu Akira,Igarashi Tsutomu,Yoshizaki Kaoru,Fukunaga Yoshitaka
- Journal of Nippon Medical School 79(4), 286-290, 2012
- … The patient had a history of recurrent parotitis from 5 years of age, with episodes recurring 5 to 6 times a year and resolving within 3 days each time. …
- NAID 130004147180
- 下腿の紫斑を契機に発見され骨髄でgrape cellを認めたシェーグレン症候群の1例
- 加藤 亜依子,太田 茂,加藤 博文,鈴木 淳史,多賀 崇,竹内 義博
- 日本小児血液学会雑誌 20(3), 171-174, 2006
- 小児のシェーグレン症候群においては, 唾液腺や涙腺などの乾燥症状を示すことはまれである.通常, 反復性耳下腺腫脹や無症状の高ガンマグロブリン血症などを呈する.われわれの報告する症例は14歳女児で, 反復する下肢の紫斑.丘疹状皮疹を呈していた.血清IgGが3,724mg/dlで, 抗SS-A, SS-B抗体が陽性であった.口唇腺の生検により典型的な多数のリンパ球浸潤を認めシェーグレン症候群と確定診断 …
- NAID 130004345912
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- [Show abstract] [Hide abstract] ABSTRACT: Recurrent parotitis is a non-obstructive, non-suppurative inflammatory disease which is characterized by unilateral or bilateral parotid gland swelling attacks. It is also known as juvenile ...
- Recurrent parotitis is defined as recurrent parotid inflammation, generally associated with non-obstructive sialectasis of the parotid gland.1 Also known as juvenile recurrent parotitis,2 3 this disease is characterised ...
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- 関
- iterative、recurrence、recurrently、regression、relapsing、repetitive