- a reaction to a crisis or setback or frustration; "he is still on the rebound from his wifes death"
- the act of securing possession of the rebounding basketball after a missed shot
- involuntary movements of the eyeballs; its presence or absence is used to diagnose a variety of neurological and visual disorders
- (…から)〈物体が〉はね返る《+『from』+『名』》 / (自分に)〈したこと[の報]が〉はね返る《『on』(『upon』)one『self』》 / はね返り
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English Journal
- Visual Processing in Infantile Nystagmus Is Not Slow.
- Dunn MJ, Margrain TH, Woodhouse JM, Erichsen JT.
- Investigative ophthalmology & visual science.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.2015 Aug;56(9):5094-101. doi: 10.1167/iovs.15-16977.
- PURPOSE: Treatments for infantile nystagmus (IN) sometimes elicit subjective reports of improved visual function, yet quantifiable improvements in visual acuity, if any, are often negligible. One possibility is that these subjective "improvements" may relate to temporal, rather than spatial, visual
- PMID 26241396
- Head-Jolting Nystagmus: Occlusion of the Horizontal Semicircular Canal Induced by Vigorous Head Shaking.
- Bronstein AM1, Kaski D1, Cutfield N2, Buckwell D3, Banga R4, Ray J5, Chavda S4, Irving R4.
- JAMA otolaryngology-- head & neck surgery.JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.2015 Aug;141(8):757-60. doi: 10.1001/jamaoto.2015.0711.
- IMPORTANCE: We report a new syndrome, which we are calling head-jolting nystagmus, that expands the differential diagnosis of head movement-induced paroxysmal vertigo.OBSERVATIONS: Two male patients (65 and 58 years old) described rotational vertigo after violent and brief (1- to 2-second) oscillati
- PMID 25996844
- A new method for evaluating lateral semicircular canal cupulopathy.
- Kim CH1, Shin JE1, Kim YW1.
- The Laryngoscope.Laryngoscope.2015 Aug;125(8):1921-5. doi: 10.1002/lary.25181. Epub 2015 Jan 30.
- OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: Persistent direction-changing positional nystagmus (DCPN) during the supine head-roll test is a typical finding of cupulopathy. The aim of this study was to introduce a simple method of evaluating patients with cupulopathy (light cupula and heavy cupula), which is performed in
- PMID 25640211
Japanese Journal
- 頭位性めまいを主訴とし方向交代性下向性眼振を示した中枢性めまいの2症例
- 井上 亜希,尾関 英徳,岩崎 真一,室伏 利久
- Otology Japan 20(2), 86-90, 2010-05-25
- … 症例2は36歳男性、注視方向性眼振、rebound nystagmus、visual suppressionの減弱、saccadic pursuit、ocular hypometria、視運動性眼振の解発不良をみとめ、最終的にSCA6と診断された。 …
- NAID 10026708778
- めまい発作に伴い左右側方注視眼振が周期性に変化した特異な1症例
- 西池 季隆,北原 糺,依藤 史郎,武田 憲昭
- Equilibrium research 64(3), 157-163, 2005-06-01
- … We report on a case with periodic nystagmus on lateral gaze during vertigo attack. … During remission, she had continuous nystagmus on lateral gaze with a large amplitude. … During vertigo attack, she had periodic nystagmus with a small amplitude on lateral gaze with null periods of 8s. … Periodic nystagmus during vertigo attack may be induced by the depression of higher neural control which was indicated by lesions in the cerebellar vermis shown on MRI. …
- NAID 10017269304
- Periodic alternating nystagmus and rebound nystagmus in spinocerebellar ataxia type 6
Related Links
- Supplemental material on the site DVD: Video of rebound nystagmus. Supplemental material on the site DVD: Video of rebound nystagmus in patient with SCA-6, courtesy of Dr. Dario Yacovino. Rebound after gaze holding for ...
- Rebound is nearly always pathological, and is related to brain stem or cerebellar disease. Accordingly, if an unusually large gaze-evoked nystagmus is observed, one should automatically look for rebound ...
Related Pictures

- 関
- conjugate nystagmus、convergence nystagmus、horizontal nystagmus、jerk nystagmus、nystagmus、pendular nystagmus、rebound nystagmus、retraction nystagmus、rotary nystagmus、vertical nystagmus
- 関
- conjugate nystagmus、convergence nystagmus、horizontal nystagmus、jerk nystagmus、pathologic nystagmus、pendular nystagmus、rebound nystagmus、retraction nystagmus、rotatory nystagmus、vertical nystagmus
- 関
- conjugate nystagmus、convergence nystagmus、horizontal nystagmus、pathologic nystagmus、pendular nystagmus、rebound nystagmus、retraction nystagmus、rotary nystagmus、vertical nystagmus
- 関
- convergence nystagmus、horizontal nystagmus、jerk nystagmus、pathologic nystagmus、pendular nystagmus、rebound nystagmus、retraction nystagmus、rotary nystagmus、vertical nystagmus
- 関
- conjugate nystagmus、convergence nystagmus、horizontal nystagmus、jerk nystagmus、pathologic nystagmus、pendular nystagmus、rebound nystagmus、rotary nystagmus、vertical nystagmus
- 関
- recoil