- provide with rails; "The yard was railed"
- a horizontal bar (usually of wood or metal)
- any of numerous widely distributed small wading birds of the family Rallidae having short wings and very long toes for running on soft mud
- short for railway; "he traveled by rail"; "he was concerned with rail safety"
- complain bitterly (同)inveigh
- enclose with rails; "rail in the old graves" (同)rail in
- separate with a railing; "rail off the crowds from the Presidential palace" (同)rail off
- convey (goods etc.) by rails; "fresh fruit are railed from Italy to Belgium"
- fish with a handline over the rails of a boat; "They are railing for fresh fish"
- lay with rails; "hundreds of miles were railed out here"
- hang down so as to drag along the ground; "The brides veiled trailed along the ground"
- a path or track roughly blazed through wild or hilly country
- a track or mark left by something that has passed; "there as a trail of blood"; "a tear left its trail on her cheek"
- move, proceed, or walk draggingly or slowly; "John trailed behind his class mates"; "The Mercedes trailed behind the horse cart" (同)shack
- drag loosely along a surface; allow to sweep the ground; "The toddler was trailing his pants"; "She trained her long scarf behind her" (同)train
- French educator who lost his sight at the age of three and who invented a system of writing and printing for sightless people (1809-1852) (同)Louis Braille
- railway for steep mountains; a cogwheel on the locomotive engages cogs on a center rail to provide traction (同)rack_railway
- a horizontal bar a few inches from a wall for holding towels (同)towel bar
- the railing surrounding the mast of a sailing vessel
- a barrier consisting of a horizontal bar and supports (同)rail
- material for making rails or rails collectively
- 〈C〉(かきね・柵(さく)などの)『横棒』,横木;手すり,らんかん,《複数形で》柵,かき / 〈C〉(鉄道の)『レール』 / 〈U〉(輸送機関としての)『鉄道』 / 〈C〉(物を掛けたりするための)横木,横棒 / …‘を'横木(手すり)で囲む,‘に'柵を付ける《+『in(off)』+『名』》
- (…を)ののしる,(…に)毒づく《+『at(against)』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- クイナ[の類](沢に住む短い翼と長い脚の小鳥)
- …‘の'『後について行く』(follow) / …‘を'『引きずる』,引きずって行く / 〈人・動物〉の跡をつける,追跡する(pursue) / 〈衣服のすそなどが〉引きずる《+along(behind)》;(…の後を)引きずる《+behind+名》 / 〈人が〉のろのろと(足を引きずるようにして)歩く《+along(behind)》;(…の後を)のろのろと歩く《+『behind』+『名』》 / 〈植物が〉(地面・かきなどを)はう / (試合・競走などで)負けている / 〈雲・煙などが〉たなびく / (動いているものが)後に残したもの(煙・ほこりなど),(長く続く人・車などの)流れ / (人・動物などの)足跡,跡に残したにおい,臭跡 / (荒野などに自然にできた)小道,(踏みなされた)道
- 〈娩〉《しばしば複数形で》柵(さく);手すり;ガードレール / 〈U〉《集合的に》レール;レールの材料
- (…に)がみがみ言うこと《+『against(at)』+『名』》
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/01/09 17:11:48」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
この項目では、New Cinema 蜥蜴のアルバムについて記述しています。その他の用法については「レール (曖昧さ回避)」をご覧ください。 |
『Rail』 |
New Cinema 蜥蜴 の スタジオ・アルバム |
リリース |
1999年10月6日 |
録音 |
- |
ジャンル |
レーベル |
GIZA studio |
プロデュース |
New Cinema 蜥蜴 |
チャート最高順位 |
New Cinema 蜥蜴 年表 |
Smashing the bad!
(1999年) |
(1999年) |
Many Elements
(2001年) |
『Rail』(レール)はNew Cinema 蜥蜴の1枚目のアルバム。
「eighteen」はナムコから発売されたプレイステーション用ゲームソフト「テイルズ オブ エターニア」のエンディングテーマ(PSP版ではオープニングテーマを担当したGARNET CROWの「flying」のBGMに差し替えられた)。後に、車谷啓介、岩井勇一郎が所属したバンド、三枝夕夏 IN dbとして「飛び立てない私にあなたが翼をくれた」のカップリングとしてセルフカバーされた。
- @
- Rail
- CaNDY LiFe
- eighteen
- Drive Me Evil
- Ghost Mind
- Believe myself
- Silence
- Talkin' Talkin' Talkin'
- Smashing the good! Smashing the bad!
- Flash Back
- 車輪
- 全作詞:舩木基有(#1はinstrumental、#5、9は車谷啓介)、全作曲:岩井勇一郎(#6、9は川越英樹)、全編曲:New Cinema 蜥蜴(#11は岩井勇一郎)
New Cinema 蜥蜴 |
舩木基有 - 岩井勇一郎 - 脇田啓行 - 車谷啓介
元メンバー:川越英樹 |
シングル |
360°(インディーズ) - PUMPKIN HEAD(インディーズ) - 1.Smashing the good! Smashing the bad! - 2.CaNDY LiFe - 3.Believe myself - 4.Ghost Mind - 5.Messenger - 6.mystery world - 7.Lovely Generation〜goes&fights〜 - 8.Green Love - 9.Free Bird - 10.Breathe on me - 11.Run
オリジナルアルバム |
Smashing the bad!(インディーズ) - 1.Rail - 2.Many Elements
関連項目 |
Being - GIZA studio
[Wiki en表示]
- 1 Railway transportation
- 2 Science, technology, biology, and medicine
- 3 Other uses
- 4 See also
Rail or rails may refer to:
Railway transportation[edit]
- A generic term for railroads, railways, rail transport, and related matters
- Rail tracks, or railway lines, the running surface of a railway
- Rail profile, the cross sectional shape of a railway rail
- Third rail (or conductor rail), a method of providing electric power to a railway train
Science, technology, biology, and medicine[edit]
- Picatinny rail, a bracket used on some firearms in order to provide a standardized mounting platform for telescopic sights and other accessories
- Rails or Rallidae, a family of birds which includes crakes, coots, and gallinules
- Railing, a slang term for insufflation (medicine), whereby a substance, such as cocaine, is inhaled for recreational effects
- Structural
- Guard rail, for protective separation of persons (including those in vehicles) from dangerous places or situations
- Hand rail, for physical support, such as on stairways and steps
- Theatre rail, see batten (theater), from which lighting fixtures, theatrical scenery, tabs or curtains may be hung
- Curtain rail, see curtain, from which curtains are hung
- Door rails, see frame and panel, a horizontal outside member on a door or in a frame and panel construction
- Electrical engineering
- Power supply rail or voltage rail, a single voltage provided by a power supply unit
Other uses[edit]
- Crayon Rails, the generic term for a board game which recreates the building of railroads via the use of crayons
- Rail (1967 short film), made by Geoffrey Jones for British Transport Films
- An archaic term for sexual intercourse[citation needed]
- Ruby on Rails, often shortened to "Rails" or "RoR", is an open source web application framework for the Ruby programming language
See also[edit]
- RAIL (disambiguation)
- Railway (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Predicting and communicating flood risk of transport infrastructure based on watershed characteristics.
- Michielsen A1, Kalantari Z2, Lyon SW3, Liljegren E4.
- Journal of environmental management.J Environ Manage.2016 Nov 1;182:505-18. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.07.051. Epub 2016 Aug 13.
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- Ragettli MS1,2,3,4, Goudreau S2, Plante C2, Fournier M2, Hatzopoulou M5, Perron S2, Smargiassi A1,6,7.
- Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology.J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol.2016 Nov;26(6):597-605. doi: 10.1038/jes.2015.82. Epub 2016 Jan 6.
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- Wunderli JM1, Pieren R1, Habermacher M2, Vienneau D3,4, Cajochen C5, Probst-Hensch N3,4, Röösli M3,4, Brink M6.
- Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology.J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol.2016 Nov;26(6):575-585. doi: 10.1038/jes.2015.56. Epub 2015 Sep 9.
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Japanese Journal
- 野生下におけるヤンバルクイナGallirallus okinawaeの営巣行動の一例
- 短いき裂の発生・進展と摩耗の競合を考慮したレール損傷評価 (特集 鉄道力学)
- 海外文献 LRTおよび高速鉄道橋におけるフルスパンプレキャスト化施工
- プレストレストコンクリート = Journal of prestressed concrete, Japan 58(1), 71-77, 2016-01
- NAID 40020729321
- 日本貨物鉄道 経営改革仕上げ鉄道輸送を復権 : "経営自立化"を目指して "石田改革"ラストスパートへ (特集 2016年のロジスティクス)
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- rail/レイル (亀山/カフェ)の店舗情報は食べログでチェック!口コミや評価、写真など、ユーザーによるリアルな情報が満載です!地図や料理メニューなどの詳細情報も充実。
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