English Journal
- Geological emission of methane from the Yakela condensed oil/gas field in Talimu Basin, Xinjiang, China.
- Tang J1, Bao Z, Xiang W, Gou Q.
- Journal of environmental sciences (China).J Environ Sci (China).2008;20(9):1055-62.
- A static flux chamber method was applied to study natural emissions of methane into the atmosphere in the Yakela condensed oil/gas field in Talimu Basin, Xinjiang, China. Using an online method, which couples a gas chromatography/high-temperature conversion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC/C/MS)
- PMID 19143311
Japanese Journal
- Pyrogenetic Behavior of SiC Refractories under Microwave Irradiation
- 高分子化合物の高温熱化学反応における生成物(8)分子構造中の酸素原子と塩素原子の影響
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- 英
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