- 関
- putrefactive
- becoming putrid; "a trail lined by putrescent carcasses"
- causing or promoting bacterial putrefaction (同)putrefacient
- 腐敗の,腐りかかった
- 腐敗の,腐敗しやすい;化膿させる
English Journal
- A case of local advanced penile cancer treated with multimodality therapy.
- Kato M1, Soga N, Arima K, Sugimura Y.Author information 1Division of Nephro-Urologic Surgery and Andrology, Department of Reparative and Regenerative Medicine, Institute of Medical Life Science, Mie University Graduate School of Medicine, 2-174 Edobashi, Mie, Tsu, 514-8507, Japan. katou.manabu@orchid.plala.or.jpAbstractA 61-year-old man presented to our institution complaining of a putrescent left inguinal ulcerated tumor. Our diagnosis was penile cancer with bilateral inguinal lymph node metastasis and clinical staging T4N3M0. Here we report a case of local advanced penile cancer experimentally treated with a multimodal approach.
- International journal of clinical oncology.Int J Clin Oncol.2010 Oct;15(5):523-7. doi: 10.1007/s10147-010-0078-1. Epub 2010 Apr 16.
- A 61-year-old man presented to our institution complaining of a putrescent left inguinal ulcerated tumor. Our diagnosis was penile cancer with bilateral inguinal lymph node metastasis and clinical staging T4N3M0. Here we report a case of local advanced penile cancer experimentally treated with a mul
- PMID 20396925
- [The use of fluorescent microscopy for the detection of blood effusion in putrescent material].
- Fedulova MV.AbstractThe present article was designed to demonstrate the efficiency of application of fluorescent microscopy for histological studies of preparations of putrescent material suspected to contain effused blood. This method makes it possible to detect haematoporphirin, a product of haemoglobin degradation, the presence of which gives reliable evidence of the presence of effused blood in the study material.
- Sudebno-meditsinskaia ekspertiza.Sud Med Ekspert.2010 Sep-Oct;53(5):34-5.
- The present article was designed to demonstrate the efficiency of application of fluorescent microscopy for histological studies of preparations of putrescent material suspected to contain effused blood. This method makes it possible to detect haematoporphirin, a product of haemoglobin degradation,
- PMID 21265182
- "Ni-struvite" - a new biomineral formed by a nickel resistant Streptomyces acidiscabies.
- Haferburg G1, Kloess G, Schmitz W, Kothe E.Author information 1Institute of Microbiology, Friedrich-Schiller-University, Neugasse 25, 07743 Jena, Germany. goetz.haferburg@uni-jena.deAbstractBiomineralization dependent on bacterial activity has been described for struvite which is formed in soils, guano, putrescent matter and sediments. A new biomineral containing nickel instead of magnesium, Ni(NH4)(PO4) . 6H2O, has been identified. It was formed by nickel resistant Streptomyces acidiscabies E13, and putatively named nickel struvite. The mineral formation is dependent on biological activity since non-viable bacterial cells are not capable to induce formation of Ni-struvite under identical conditions. Formation of Ni-struvite was observed on colony surfaces upon prolonged incubation of solid minimal or complex media containing elevated concentrations of 8-15mM NiCl2. The formation of magnesium containing crystals was not observed although Mg2+ is present in the medium. However, the process was not depending on desiccation since small crystals attached to the mycelial biomass of the bacteria were observed microscopically also in liquid cultures of nickel supplemented minimal and complex media after two weeks of incubation. The capacity to induce biomineralization of a nickel containing mineral is postulated to constitute a resistance factor, allowing the soil bacterium to withstand high nickel concentrations. The strain shows nickel resistance as an adaption to its habitat, since this bacterium was isolated from a former uranium mining site in Eastern Thuringia, Germany, where nickel concentrations of up to 2000ppm (translating to appr. 30mM) occur as a result of former mining activities.
- Chemosphere.Chemosphere.2008 Jun;72(3):517-23. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2008.02.050. Epub 2008 Apr 14.
- Biomineralization dependent on bacterial activity has been described for struvite which is formed in soils, guano, putrescent matter and sediments. A new biomineral containing nickel instead of magnesium, Ni(NH4)(PO4) . 6H2O, has been identified. It was formed by nickel resistant Streptomyces acidis
- PMID 18410951
Japanese Journal
- 直腸とのろう孔形成が疑われた孤立性感染性内腸骨動脈りゅうの1手術治験例
- 藤井 弘史,中尾 佳永,徳田 貴則,岡田 隆之,北澤 康秀
- 日本血管外科学会雑誌 15(1), 39-42, 2006
- 症例は65歳の男性. 下血を主訴に近医に救急搬送された. 内腸骨動脈瘤直腸瘻を疑われ当センターに紹介, 緊急手術を施行した. 動脈瘤は手拳大まで拡大. 剥離による損傷が懸念された直腸との癒着部以外の瘤壁は全て切除した. Bacteroides fragilis, Provotella melaninogenica, Peptostreptococcus sppの3種類の嫌気性菌が瘤壁の培養で検出さ …
- NAID 130004490140
- 天 泰宏
- 九州齒科學會雜誌 : Kyushu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi 24(6), 793-810, 1971-03-31
- … The present study was undertaken to furnish some of more detailed informations about this problem by inoculating cells of a pathogenic strain of staphylococcus that were freshly isolated from the putrescent lesions of the mouth into the lower 1st molars of a total of 26 dogs as experimental material. …
- NAID 110003006882
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- 関
- decompose、decomposition、putrefaction、putrescent、rot
- 英
- putrefactive、putrescent
- 関
- 腐敗