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- psychophysiological、psychophysiologically
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English Journal
- Mapping repetition suppression of the P50 evoked response to the human cerebral cortex.
- Boutros NN, Gjini K, Eickhoff SB, Urbach H, Pflieger ME.SourceWayne State University, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences, Detroit, MI, USA. nboutros@med.wayne.edu
- Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology.Clin Neurophysiol.2013 Apr;124(4):675-85. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2012.10.007. Epub 2012 Nov 4.
- OBJECTIVE: The cerebral network subserving repetition suppression (RS) of the P50 auditory evoked response as observed using paired-identical-stimulus (S1-S2) paradigms is not well-described.METHODS: We analyzed S1-S2 data from electrodes placed on the cortices of 64 epilepsy patients. We identified
- PMID 23131383
- Heightened beta EEG activity during nonrapid eye movement sleep in primary insomnia patients with reports of childhood maltreatment.
- Bader K, Schäfer V, Nissen L, Schenkel M.SourceCBT Unit, Center for Specific Psychotherapy, Psychiatric Clinics of the University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland. klaus.bader@upkbs.ch
- Journal of clinical neurophysiology : official publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society.J Clin Neurophysiol.2013 Apr;30(2):188-98. doi: 10.1097/WNP.0b013e3182767c4a.
- The present study explores the relationship between childhood maltreatment experiences and spectral power in high-frequency EEG activity during sleep in a sample of adults experiencing primary insomnia. Forty-five nontreated patients with primary insomnia spent three consecutive nights in the sleep
- PMID 23545770
- Emotion regulation and mental representation of attachment in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a study using the Adult Attachment Interview.
- Barbasio C, Granieri A.SourceDepartment of Psychology, University of Turin, Turin, Italy. chiarapaola.barbasio@unito.it
- The Journal of nervous and mental disease.J Nerv Ment Dis.2013 Apr;201(4):304-10. doi: 10.1097/NMD.0b013e318288e215.
- Mental representations of attachment and emotion regulation influence individual patterns of stress response and vulnerability to illness. The present study investigates the adult attachment states of mind of 40 women with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) using the Adult Attachment Interview. We a
- PMID 23538975
Japanese Journal
- Effects of a single bout of walking on psychophysiologic responses and executive function in elderly adults: a pilot study
- Hatta Arihiro,Nishihira Yoshiaki,Higashiura Takuro,西平 賀昭
- Clinical interventions in aging 8, 945-952, 2013-07-00
- … Background: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a single bout of walking on mood, psychophysiologic responses, and executive function in elderly adults.Methods: Twenty healthy, elderly adults (10 women and 10 men; …
- NAID 120005316258
- 皮弁作成による喉頭気管分離術の新しい術式 : 腕頭動脈瘻の予防を目指して
- 福本 弘二,漆原 直人,福澤 宏明 [他],杉山 彰英,長江 秀樹,渡辺 健太郎,光永 眞貴,赤澤 聡,長谷川 史郎
- 日本小児外科学会雑誌 46(6), 930-934, 2010-10-20
- 【目的】喉頭気管分離術は,重症心身障害児の難治性誤嚥に対して,近年数多く施行されている.しかし重篤な術後合併症として気管腕頭動脈瘻がみられ,対処法が求められる.我々は気管腕頭動脈瘻の発生頻度を減少させる目的で,新しい喉頭気管分離術の術式を考案した.【手術】手術はH型の皮膚切開で皮弁を作成し,気管を前方に持ち上げることなく皮弁を落とし込んで気管切開部と縫合し喉頭気管分離術を行った.【結果】これまでに …
- NAID 110007817465
- 動作空間の違いによる観察者の精神生理学的影響について
- 永井 夕起子
- 人間文化研究科年報 26, 225-232, 2010-03-31
- … The purpose of this study was to effective psychophysiologic responses to presentation of movement that uses different space. …
- NAID 110008668344
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