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- procambium
English Journal
- Auxin-mediated lamina growth in tomato leaves is restricted by two parallel mechanisms.
- Ben-Gera H1, Dafna A1, Alvarez JP2,3, Bar M1, Mauerer M1, Ori N1.
- The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology.Plant J.2016 Apr 28. doi: 10.1111/tpj.13188. [Epub ahead of print]
- In developing tomato compound leaves, local auxin maxima points, separated by expression of the Aux/IAA protein SlIAA9/ENTIRE (E), direct the formation of discrete leaflets along the leaf margin. The local auxin maxima promote leaflet initiation, while E acts between leaflets to inhibit auxin signal
- PMID 27121172
- Genetic and hormonal control of vascular tissue proliferation.
- Smet W1, De Rybel B2.
- Current opinion in plant biology.Curr Opin Plant Biol.2016 Feb;29:50-6. doi: 10.1016/j.pbi.2015.11.004. Epub 2015 Dec 24.
- The plant vascular system develops from a handful of provascular initial cells in the early embryo into a whole range of different cell types in the mature plant. In order to account for such proliferation and to generate this kind of diversity, vascular tissue development relies on a large number o
- PMID 26724501
- Adipose-Derived Stem Cell-Seeded Hydrogels Increase Endogenous Progenitor Cell Recruitment and Neovascularization in Wounds.
- Kosaraju R1, Rennert RC1, Maan ZN1, Duscher D1, Barrera J1, Whittam AJ1, Januszyk M1,2, Rajadas J3, Rodrigues M1, Gurtner GC1.
- Tissue engineering. Part A.Tissue Eng Part A.2016 Feb;22(3-4):295-305. doi: 10.1089/ten.tea.2015.0277.
- Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs) are appealing for cell-based wound therapies because of their accessibility and ease of harvest, but their utility is limited by poor cell survival within the harsh wound microenvironment. In prior work, our laboratory has demonstrated that seeding ASCs
- PMID 26871860
Japanese Journal
- Arabidopsis thickvein mutation affects vein thickness and organ vascularization, and resides in a provascular cell-specific spermine synthase involved in vein definition and in polar auxin transport
- リョクトウ( Vigna radiate (L.) Wilczek)子葉培養におけるカルス形成の組織学的観察
- NARCISO Josefina O.,服部 一三,和田 富吉
- 日本作物學會紀事 65(4), 663-671, 1996-12-05
- リョクトウ子葉培養におけるカルスの起源, 形成部位および発育を明らかにするため組織学的観察を行った その結果, リョクトウにおいてはカルス形成は以下のような3つの部位から生ずることが明らかとなった. すなわち, 1) 内部に形成されるカルスの起源と考えられる維管束前形成層の周縁部, 2) 外部に向かって形成される1次カルスが発達する子葉の切断端, および3) 1次カルスが出現する表皮の裂け目の部位 …
- NAID 110001734710
- The expression of the Athb-8 homeobox gene is restricted to provascular cells in Arabidopsis thaliana
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- procambium、provascular