- 関
- first birth、multiparity、nulliparity、parity、primipara、primiparous
- (obstetrics) the number of liveborn children a woman has delivered; "the parity of the mother must be considered"; "a bipara is a woman who has given birth to two children" (同)para
- (mathematics) a relation between a pair of integers: if both integers are odd or both are even they have the same parity; if one is odd and the other is even they have different parity; "parity is often used to check the integrity of transmitted data"
- functional equality
- (physics) parity is conserved in a universe in which the laws of physics are the same in a right-handed system of coordinates as in a left-handed system (同)conservation of parity, space-reflection symmetry, mirror symmetry
- (obstetrics) woman who has been delivered of a child for the first time (同)para I
- of or relating to a woman who has given birth only once
- 同等,均等,類似 / (他国通貨との)等価,平価
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English Journal
- Factors associated with bone mineral density in healthy African women.
- Mgodi NM1, Kelly C, Gati B, Greenspan S, Dai JY, Bragg V, Livant E, Piper JM, Nakabiito C, Magure T, Marrazzo JM, Chirenje ZM, Riddler SA; MTN-003B Protocol Team.
- Archives of osteoporosis.Arch Osteoporos.2015 Dec;10(1):206. doi: 10.1007/s11657-015-0206-7. Epub 2015 Feb 14.
- There is a paucity of normative bone mineral density (BMD) data in healthy African women. Baseline total hip and lumbar spine BMD was measured in premenopausal women. BMD distribution was comparable to that of a reference population and was impacted by several factors including contraception and dur
- PMID 25680424
- A comparison between type 3 excision of the transformation zone by straight wire excision of the transformation zone (SWETZ) and large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ): a randomized study.
- Russomano F1, Tristao MA, Côrtes R, de Camargo MJ.
- BMC women's health.BMC Womens Health.2015 Dec;15(1):174. doi: 10.1186/s12905-015-0174-5. Epub 2015 Feb 18.
- BACKGROUND: The management of preinvasive cervical lesions has the objective to ensure the absence of invasive lesions and to prevent progression to cancer. Excisional procedures have been preferred to treat these lesions as they report the presence of unsuspected invasive lesions and the status of
- PMID 25783647
- Sexual experiences of married HIV positive women in Osogbo, southwest Nigeria: role of inappropriate status disclosure.
- Adekanle DA1, Olowookere SA, Adewole AD, Adeleke NA, Abioye-Kuteyi EA, Ijadunola MY.
- BMC women's health.BMC Womens Health.2015 Dec;15(1):164. doi: 10.1186/s12905-015-0164-7. Epub 2015 Feb 7.
- BACKGROUND: Worldwide heterosexual sex is the most common mode of HIV transmission, with the marital heterosexual route becoming a major contributor in sub-Sahara Africa. This study examined the role of inappropriate HIV status disclosure, after diagnosis, on marital sexual experiences of HIV positi
- PMID 25783638
Japanese Journal
- 人口動態統計からみた長期的な出生時体重の変化と要因について
- 吉田 穂波,加藤 則子,横山 徹爾
- 保健医療科学 63(1), 2-16, 2014-02
- 近年,我が国においては低出生体重児(LBW)割合の増加がみられている.例えば,1980年の平均出生体重は3200グラムであったのが,2010年には3000グラムへと減少している.ほかの先進諸国において医療技術の進歩や体格向上に伴い出生体重が漸増を続けているのとは対照的である.周産期医療の発達に伴い,早産児や未熟児を救命できることになったこと,高齢出産や不妊治療,ハイリスク妊娠の増加に伴う帝王切開の …
- NAID 110009808449
- 三次周産期医療機関の助産録分析による妊娠成立様式別の周産期リスクの比較-ART妊娠のリスクを中心に-
- 上澤 悦子/遊佐 浩子/若狭 晶子/平林 奈苗/井上 喜美子,遊佐 浩子,若狭 晶子 [他]
- 福井大学医学部研究雑誌 14(1), 41-54, 2014-01
- … Primiparity ratio was 47.0%, 60.2%and 64.6%, respectively, and the prevalence rate of gynecological problems such as uterine fibroids was 13.5%, 23.8%and 33.5%, respectively. … According to the logisticretrospective analysis, the risk factors of cesarean section were multiple pregnancy, primiparity, preeclampsia, anduterine diseases. … The high ratio of cesarean section in the ART group was also influenced by high age, primiparity,multiple pregnancy and uterine diseases. …
- NAID 110009675803
- 経腟分娩後に会陰・腟壁血腫を形成した症例についての臨床的検討
- 草開 恵里子,山出 一郎,眞田 佐知子 [他],須戸 龍男,須藤 慎介,矢野 樹理,井上 卓也,畑山 博
- 産婦人科の進歩 66(1), 1-5, 2014
- 会陰・腟壁血腫は弛緩出血とともに分娩時大量出血の重要な原因とされており,時に後腹膜腔へ進展し止血困難となるなどその取り扱いに苦慮する場合がある.当院で最近2年間に経験した会陰・腟壁血腫について臨床的検討を行った.平成22年1月から平成23年12月までの2年間に,当院で妊娠37週以降に経腟分娩となった2215例のうち,会陰・腟壁血腫を形成したのは19例(0.8%)であった.そのうち6例(0.2%)が …
- NAID 130003391458
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- 英
- primiparity、primipara、first birth、primiparous
- 関
- パリティ、初産婦、未産、複産、第一子出産
- 関
- multiparity、nulliparity、primiparity
- 関
- birth order、primipara、primiparity、primiparous
- 関
- first birth、primipara、primiparity
- 関
- multiparity、nulliparous、parity、primiparity